
インターネット調査室:  「Brazil floods strike blow to powerful agriculture sector」  

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AFP:   11 May,2024

「Brazil floods strike blow to powerful agriculture sector」

Floodwaters in Brazil have swallowed up soybean fields and farming equipment, cutting off roads, livestock farms and warehouses in the latest extreme weather event to hit the agricultural giant.

The inundated state of Rio Grande do Sul is one of the biggest soy-producing regions in Brazil, as well as its main rice-growing area, and both crops are expected to suffer from the historic flooding.


The region had been counting on a record harvest of more than 22 million tons of soybeans this year, but extreme weather could affect up to five million tons of the harvest, said Luiz Fernando Gutierrez, an analyst at the Safras & Mercado agricultural consulting firm.


Brazil will retain its spot as the world's largest producer of soybeans, which are used in livestock feed, the flooding is expected to hit its results this season.



Experts link the historic floods and other recent extreme weather in Brazil to global warming, exacerbated by the El Nino climate phenomenon.



検索キー:   Brazil floods strike blow to powerful agriculture sector
