

Today, I supposed to attend the performance as a member of Drama class. But last night, a student became sick that was caused by food poisoning. We needed to discuss the solution from early morning.

I suggested “Divide the roll for acting and dialogue” that means one person will act the roll without dialogue, and another person will speak the dialogue without acting. Actually I have an experience to try this solution in the period of COVID-19. This solution has some problems. The biggest problem is actors and audiences can’t see the figure of the roll. They have to imagine the figure in their minds.

When I thought some solutions,  new idea was coming in my mind. “Even if I can use only voices(dialogues and musics), I will be able to design the world of script.” Audiences realize the almost situations with dialogues and tone of voices and direction of voices. Someday I would try to direct Shakespeare’s work with this idea.

Anyway, we discussed many solutions,after all we couldn’t perform it.
It was so sad for us.But we could do some acting exercises.Especially Acting exercise with our original language was so interesting for me. Even if we don’t have common language, we will be able to escape from prison? We exercised in this situation. I felt we could see faces each other than before when we have talked in English.

This experience will be strongly memorable in my mind.
