
Don’t tell mama -Cabaret (Musical)-


Thinks I’m living in a convert
A secluded little convent
In the southern part of France
Doesn’t even have an inkling
That I’m working in a nightclub
In a pair of lacy pants
Take your hand out of your pocket

Convert ≈ change/adopt
change the form/ character / function of something
from Latin vertere “turn”

not seen by many people from

a Christian community of nuns living together
*Convene (Verb) ≈ assemble/gather
come together for activity
from Latin venire“come”

Inkling ≈ idea
a slight knowledge/ a hint

Sir, where I can see them
If you run into my mama
Don’t reveal my indiscretions
Give a working girl a chance

= in+discret+ions = in discreet ions
behavior that is indiscreet a lack of good judgment
*discreet ≈careful
keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment

Hush up!
Don’t tell mama
Shash Up!
Don’t tell mama
Don’t tell mama
whatever you do

Hush ≈ silence /shut up
make be quiet/stop talking

a long piece of ribbon like a belt as a symbol of rank

If you had a secret
You bet I would keep it
I would never tell on you!

I’m breaking every promise that I gave her
So won’t you kindly do a girl a great, big favour

Favour (noun)
approval/support for someone
something an act of kindness beyond what is usual

And please my sweet patater
Keep this from the mater
Through my dance is not again for all
You can tell my papa
That’s alright
Because he comes in here every night
But don’t tell mama what you saw

Thinks I’m on a tour of Europe
With a couple of my school chums
and a lady chaperone
Doesn’t even have an inkling
That I left them all in Antwerp
And I’m touring on my own

a close friend

a person who accompanies and looks after another person

So, please sir
If you run into my mama
Don’t reveal my indiscretions
Just leave well enough, alone

Hush Up!
Don’t tell mama
Shash Up!
Don’t tell mama
Don’t tell mama whatever you do
If you had a secret
You bet I would keep it
I would never tell on you!

You wouldn’t want to get me in a pickle
And have her go and cut me off without a nickel
So let us one another
Keep this from my mother
Through I’m still pure as mountain snow

a relish consisting of vegetables preserved in vinegar
In a pickle(in formal)= a difficult situation

maintained in its original state

you can tell my uncle
here and now
Because he’s my agent anyhow
But Don’t tell mama what you know

You can tell my grandma
She’ll be fine just yesterday she joined the line
But Don’t tell mama what you know

You can tell my brother
That ain’t grim
Because if he squeals on me
I’ll squeal on him

very serious or gloomy

make a noise
inform on someone to the police or complain about something(informal)

But Don’t tell mama
Don’t tell mama
Please sir
Don’t tell mama what you know

If you see my mummy
Mum’s the word!

the Bible/Jesus Christ


We can see a lot of cynical perspectives on ethics and Jesus.

The cabaret is depicted as a secluded little convent that is isolated place with nuns in this song.

She sings “don’t tell mama”, but “you can tell papa, uncle, glandma and brother”.
Even through their work is not ethical. they have to do for earning money to live. However mother doesn’t allow it due to her mindsets similar to Jesus.

This song suggests us the big topic. “ Can capitalism and God coexist in this world?”. If you lived in Berlin around 1929-1930, could you believe the existence of God? Can you imagine that?

She sings cynically and she couldn’t have hope to the future.
