
















• ヘルベルト・フォン・カラヤン指揮ベルリン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団:カラヤンはマーラーの名手として知られており、この録音もその代表作です。ベルリン・フィルの豊かな音色とカラヤンの緻密な解釈が、この曲の悲しみと美しさを見事に表現しています。

• レナード・バーンスタイン指揮イスラエル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団:バーンスタインはマーラーの伝道師としても有名で、この録音もその情熱的な解釈が光ります。特に第4楽章ではマーラーへの深い敬愛と追悼の思いが感じられます。

• ラファエル・クーベリック指揮バイエルン放送交響楽団:クーベリックはマーラーの晩年の作品において優れた録音を残しており、この録音もその一つです。クーベリックの自然な感性とバイエルン放送響の透明感のある響きが、この曲の革新性と古典性を見事に調和させています。



Mahler's musical culmination, Symphony No. 9

Many people would argue that the greatest masterpieces in the history of Western music are Bach's St. Matthew Passion, Monteverdi's Evening Prayer of the Virgin Mary, and Beethoven's Missa Solemnis. With full knowledge, I would like to introduce you to a treasure of humanity.

It's Mahler's Symphony No. 9.

Mahler's music has an "open" structure, so it does not have the same necessity as Beethoven's.

However, the first movement is exceptional, and even the most surprising parts, such as the "sudden" death blow and the cadenza, are a new innovation in the old instrument of sonata form and tonal music.

When you finish listening to the movement, the ``squeaks'' that occur throughout the movement come to you with a persuasive force that makes you realize that it absolutely had to be this way.

The moving final movement of this piece also yields a step or two in terms of the coincidence of the unexpected and the inevitable, the seriousness of the content and the technical ingenuity.

This first movement must have been the product of a miraculous inspiration that any great composer could only be blessed with once in his life.

Even in the entire history of Western music, I personally know of no other music that has reached such heights.

Mahler's symphonies are a reflection of his own life and thoughts. No. 9 is the last work he completed, and it expresses his sadness and resignation over his own death and the misfortunes of his family.

Mahler's Ninth Symphony was the last symphony he composed in 1909. He died in 1911 without premiering the piece himself.

It consists of four movements and takes approximately 70 to 90 minutes to perform.

The first and fourth movements are slow-tempo music, and the second and third movements are fast-tempo music.

Despite having no title or lyrics, the themes of "farewell" and "death" run through all the songs.

This is thought to be because Mahler reflected his sadness and resignation over his own death and the misfortunes of his family in his music.

Mahler makes many quotations from his own and other works. These pieces heighten the mood of his past reminiscences and separation, as well as his attempts at new musical expressions.

It is both musically and technically difficult, and requires high performance skills from the orchestra and conductor.

It is also a work that deeply moves and impresses the audience.

Indeed, the Ninth Symphony is Mahler's musical culmination, conveying a deep message concerning human existence.

The following three masterpieces are recommended.

• Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Herbert von Karajan: Karajan is known as a master of Mahler, and this recording is a masterpiece. The rich tones of the Berlin Philharmonic and Karajan's detailed interpretation perfectly express the sadness and beauty of this piece.

•Israel Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Leonard Bernstein: Bernstein is also famous as a Mahler evangelist, and this recording shines with his passionate interpretation. Especially in the fourth movement, you can feel the deep respect and mourning for Mahler.

• Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rafael Kubelik: Kubelik left behind excellent recordings of Mahler's later works, and this recording is one of them. Kubelik's natural sensibility and the transparent sound of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra perfectly harmonize the innovation and classicity of this piece.

This is my explanation of Mahler's Symphony No. 9. We hope for your reference.


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