
[Study English] SUIT S5 - E12

Harvey and Mike were struggled to beat an attorney. To pressure Harvey, the attorney subpoenaed father of Donna that is weak point of Harvey.
Finally, her father was released, but Mike was under more pressure because Louis's girlfriend who is a professor in Harvard sent a mail that implies Mike was not in Harvard. Louis was disappointed by that she did not say him in the first place. And Mike and Harvey were in worse situation.

I tried using Google Gemini 1.5 Pro. It is awesome! I can get response very quickly and the content is good enough and as accurate as GPT-4. I love it.

Words I learned are below.

  • as happy as clam :  とても幸せ
    Do not worry. I am as happy as clam.

  • retract : 引っ込める
    She did not retract her mail she sent before.

  • look out for : 目配りする、面倒をみる
    She said she leaves her along, but I need to look out for her.

  • feel for : 同情する、〜を好きだと思う
    I really feel for her, having to work so many hours every week.

  • coerce : 強制して〜させる
    The company did not want to coerce its employees into accepting the new policy, but felt it had no other option.

  • tip off : こっそり情報を知らせる。
    Sorry. I published an article that could tip her off.





