
[Study English] SUIT S5 - E10

I understood GPT today more than yesterday. When GPT describe unreal situation where a man and a girl friend were arrested when they went out from an elevator in a company, faces and expression would be unnatural, I believe. 
This episode is big turning point in SUIT. Mike decided to resign the law firm and stop lying himself and live with Rachel in the future. Harvey accepted his resignation and he also decided to leave the firm because of the agreement with someone. But Mike was arrested when he was leaving the office. Who was betrayer? Not sure…

Words I learned were below.

  • weaselly :  コソコソした
    You are hiding weaselly in the office. You must regret what you did.

  • tempt : 誘惑する
    The devil tempted me to worship the idol.

  • contrition : 懺悔
    I came to a church to do contrition in front of the God.

  • vanity : 自惚れ
    His vanity led him to buy the most expensive car in the showroom, just to impress his colleagues.



