














































| English Expression                                                                      | Explanation                                                                                                     | Example Sentence                                                  |
| Thank you for sending your explanation.                                                 | A polite expression of gratitude for providing details or clarifications.                                       |                                                                   |
| Unfortunately, I was unable to apply for this position as I currently live in the UK.  | Expressing regret for not being able to take an opportunity due to geographical constraints.                    |                                                                   |
| I hope to see you again next time.                                                      | Expressing a wish to meet or encounter someone again in the future.                                             |                                                                   |
| Is this meant to be some kind of joke or something?
                                    | Questioning whether something said or done is intended as humor due to its perceived absurdity or unlikelihood. |                                                                   |
| There's no way on earth I’m paying you 4€!                                              | Strongly refusing to pay an amount, emphasizing that it's unreasonable or unacceptable.                          |                                                                   |
| Oh, come on! You'll have to do a lot better than that.                                  | Exhorting someone to improve their effort or offer because the current one is insufficient.                     |                                                                   |
| Frankly, I think we're wasting each other’s time here.                                  | Openly stating that continuing in the current manner is unproductive for both parties.                           |                                                                   |











| English Expression                                              | Explanation                                                                                      | Example Sentence                                                           |
| I want to eat leftover rice.                                    | Expressing a desire to eat rice that has been cooked previously and stored.                       |                                                                            |
| Rest rice                                                       | Incorrect phrase, likely meant to say "leftover rice" or "the rest of the rice."                  | "Could you put the rest of the rice in the fridge?"                        |
| A colorful array                                                | Describing a visually appealing and diverse group or collection of items.                        | "She presented a colorful array of flowers at the show."                   |
| A colorful array of ingredients                                 | Referring to a variety of ingredients that are visually appealing and diverse.                    |                                                                            |
| Align with our wellness mission.                                | To correspond or match a set of health-focused goals or values.                                  | "This program perfectly aligns with our wellness mission."                 |
| Delicious and nutritious                                        | Describing food that is both tasty and healthy.                                                  | "This smoothie is both delicious and nutritious."                          |
| The cost implications of using specialty grains.                | Discussing the financial impact or considerations related to using unusual or rare types of grain. |                                                                            |
| The flavor meets our standards.                                 | Confirming that the taste of a product is acceptable according to a set criteria.                 |                                                                            |
| Immerse yourself in English                                     | To deeply involve oneself in learning or using the English language.                              | "If you want to improve quickly, you should immerse yourself in English."  |
| We need something that sets us apart                            | Expressing the need for a distinctive feature or element that differentiates us from others.      |                                                                            |
| Let's focus on flavors and textures                             | Suggesting that attention should be given to the taste and feel of food.                          | "For this dish, let's focus on enhancing its flavors and textures."        |
| Promising concepts                                              | Ideas or plans that show potential for success.                                                   | "The team reviewed several promising concepts for the new product line."   |
| In 3 minutes                                                    | Incorrectly spelled as "minuite," should be "minute"; referring to something happening soon.      | "The meeting will start in 3 minutes."                                     |
| By 3 minutes                                                    | Incorrect context for time expression, should likely be "by 3 minutes past the hour" or similar.  |                                                                            |
| Unfold                                                          | To open or spread out something; metaphorically, to reveal or disclose details.                   | "The plot begins to unfold in the second chapter."                         |
| Inquiring if                                                    | Asking to confirm or obtain information.                                                          | "I am inquiring if the package I sent has arrived yet."                    |
| These pants are fancy, right?                                   | Seeking agreement or confirmation that the pants are stylish or elaborate.                        |                                                                            |
| Someone please speak English with me!                           | Requesting someone to converse in English for practice or necessity.                              |                                                                            |
| In areas of no interest                                         | Referring to topics or subjects that one does not find appealing or engaging.                     | "I tend to skip lectures in areas of no interest to me."                   |
| Calm down                                                       | A common expression used to tell someone to relax and not be upset or agitated.                   | "Calm down, everything will be okay."                                      |
| The running water is cold                                       | Describing the temperature of water that is currently flowing from a tap or similar source.       |                                                                            |
| I will definitely be able to speak English!                     | Expressing strong confidence in one's future ability to use the English language.                 |                                                                            |
| He scored three goals yesterday.                                | Statement that describes the achievement in a sporting context, specifically in soccer.            |                                                                            |




I mistakenly wore my teeshirt backwards.








パーティーやバス停で会った時のシチュエーションをイメージし、先週取り組んだ「small talk」(雑談や世間話的なもの)を実践する。


自分が間違えたのは、「Yesterday was nice weather.」という表現。

Yesterday was nice weather. → Yesterday the weather was nice.
Yesterday was nice weather. → It was nice weather yesterday.

主語と補語の位置が逆になっています。「Yesterday」は副詞で、主語にはなれません。主語は「the weather」または「it」とするのが適切です。

「weather」は不可算名詞なので、通常は冠詞をつけず単数扱いします。したがって、「nice weather」とするのが自然です。

主語と動詞の語順が不自然です。「主語 + 動詞 + 補語」の語順が一般的です。

以上の点を修正することで、文法的に正しい文になります。過去の天気について述べる場合は、「Yesterday the weather was nice.」または「It was nice weather yesterday.」のように表現するのが適切です。










| English Expression                                           | Explanation                                                                                         | Example Sentence                                                                      |
| People are people. I am me.                                  | A statement emphasizing individual uniqueness in contrast to general assumptions about people.      |                                                                                        |
| I mistakenly wore my t-shirt backwards.                      | Expressing that one accidentally wore a t-shirt the wrong way around.                               |                                                                                        |
| I'm always daydreaming on the bus.                           | Describing a frequent state of being lost in thoughts while riding the bus.                         |                                                                                        |
| Hey guys                                                     | A casual greeting directed at a group of people, typically informal.                                | "Hey guys, what's the plan for today?"                                                |
| Fostering a proactive attitude                               | Encouraging a forward-thinking and initiative-taking approach in oneself or others.                 |                                                                                        |
| Proficiency                                                  | The state of being skilled or competent in a particular activity or field.                          | "Her proficiency in Spanish is remarkable, given she started learning it last year."  |
| Exasperate                                                   | To irritate intensely; infuriate.                                                                  | "The continuous noise from the construction site began to exasperate the residents."  |
| Go viral                                                     | To become very popular quickly in a short time, especially through the internet.                    | "The video went viral overnight with millions of views."                              |
| Grow in popularity                                           | To become more liked or favored by more people over time.                                           |                                                                                        |
| Hilarious                                                    | Extremely funny, causing great amusement.                                                          | "The comedian's joke was so hilarious that everyone in the room couldn't stop laughing." |
| Sam begged her to take some time off                         | Explanation only needed.                                                                           |                                                                                        |
| Diagram                                                      | A simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something.                   | "The manual includes a diagram to help users assemble the furniture."                  |
| To sum up                                                    | To give a brief summary or conclusion.                                                             | "To sum up, the project was successful despite some minor setbacks."                   |
| Are you catching a cold?                                     | Asking someone if they are showing symptoms of a cold.                                              |                                                                                        |
| Wings have withered.                                         | Metaphorically suggesting something has lost its strength or vitality.                             |                                                                                        |
| Asserting oneself vehemently                                 | Strongly stating one's opinions or claims, typically in a forceful manner.                         | "She found herself asserting herself vehemently in meetings to be heard."              |
| As this map showing                                          | Likely incomplete, should be "as this map shows" indicating demonstration or illustration via a map.|                                                                                        |
| No other planet is as beautiful as this one.                 | A comparative statement highlighting the unique beauty of one particular planet.                    |                                                                                        |
| This World Heritage Site reminds us of that.                 | Explanation only needed.                                                                           |                                                                                        |
| Prosecutor                                                   | A legal officer who conducts criminal proceedings against someone accused of a crime.               | "The prosecutor argued that the evidence was conclusive."                             |
| I work for a French company.                                 | Stating one's employment at a company based in France or of French origin.                          |                                                                                        |
| So the base is a verb.                                       | Clarifying that the foundation or main part of a sentence structure involves a verb.                |                                                                                        |
| Digression                                                   | A temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing.                                   | "Let's return to the main topic after that brief digression."                         |
| I know                                                       | Expressing acknowledgment or assurance of information.                                              | "I know, I should have called earlier."                                                |
| I'm on my way                                                | Informing someone that one has already started heading towards a particular location.               |                                                                                        |
| Once                                                         | Referring to a time when something happened in the past or when a condition was met.                | "Once I get the results, I'll let you know."                                          |
| Last time                                                    | Referring to the most recent occasion something occurred.                                           | "Last time we met, you mentioned moving to a new city."                               |
| I want to get a haircut, but I don't know where to go.       | Expressing a desire to have a haircut but uncertainty about which place to choose.                  |                                                                                        |
| You got your hair cut last week, right? Was that barber good?| Asking for confirmation and evaluation of a recent haircut to make a decision.                      |                                                                                        |
| Thanks! I'll look into it!                                   | Expressing gratitude and indicating that one will consider or investigate the suggestion.           |                                                                                        |
| Plans to see!                                                | Likely a mistyped expression, possibly intended to be "Plans to see it!"                            |                                                                                        |
| I'm going to see it!                                         | Stating intention to watch or attend something.                                                     | "I'm going to see the new movie this weekend."                                         |
| Haven't seen you in ages!                                    | An informal way of saying it has been a very long time since seeing someone.                        |                                                                                        |
| Dying to try                                                 | Expressing a strong desire or eagerness to experience something.                                    | "I'm dying to try the new restaurant in town."                                         |
| Gotta run. Catch you later, mate!                            | Informal way of saying one needs to leave quickly but plans to see the other person again soon.     |                                                                                        |
| Next time for sure!                                          | A promise or strong suggestion that something will definitely happen on the next occasion.          |                                                                                        |
| Definitely!                                                  | Used to express agreement or confirmation without any doubt.                                        | "Are you coming to the game?" "Definitely!"                                            |
| And then                                                     | Used to introduce the next item or step in a sequence.                                              | "First we'll go to the store, and then we'll see the movie."                           |
| Excuse                                                       | A reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.                        | "He had a valid excuse for missing the meeting."                                       |







未来を表す代表的な表現として、will、be going to、likely toがあります。これらの使い分け方は以下の通りです。

例:I will help you with your homework.(宿題を手伝ってあげるよ)

例:It will be sunny tomorrow.(明日は晴れるだろう)


be going to
例:It's going to rain soon.(もうすぐ雨が降りそうだ)

例:I'm going to meet my friends tonight.(今夜は友達に会う予定だ)


be likely to
例:He is likely to be late for the meeting.(彼は会議に遅れそうだ)

例:Children from poor families are likely to have health problems.(貧しい家庭の子供は健康問題を抱えがちだ)

willとbe going toはどちらも確実性の高い未来を表すのに対し、be likely toは可能性が高いものの確実ではない未来を表します。

また、ifを使った条件文の中では、一般的にwillは使われず、be going toが用いられます。
例:If it's going to rain tomorrow, we'll cancel the picnic.(明日雨が降りそうなら、ピクニックは中止するよ)

以上のように、willは話者の意思や単純未来を、be going toは予測や予定を、be likely toは可能性の高い未来を表すのが一般的な使い分けです。





現在進行形(be動詞 + 動詞の-ing形)
例:I'm meeting my boss tomorrow.(明日、上司に会う予定だ)

例:She's leaving for New York next week.(彼女は来週ニューヨークに出発する)

例:The train is arriving in five minutes.(電車は5分後に到着します)

例:I will definitely finish the report by Friday.(金曜日までに必ず報告書を仕上げます)

例:He is definitely going to win the competition.(彼は間違いなくその競争に勝つでしょう)

be sure to / be certain to
例:She is sure to pass the exam.(彼女は試験に合格するに違いない)
例:He is certain to be elected as the new president.(彼が新しい社長に選ばれるのは確実だ)

be about to
例:The game is about to start.(試合は今にも始まろうとしている)
例:I'm about to leave the office.(もう少しで会社を出るところだ)

現在進行形は個人的な予定や手配済みの計画に、definitely は強い確信を伴う未来に、be sure to / be certain to は確実性の高い未来に、be about to は切迫した未来を表すのに用いられます。





Re-a-lly? (上昇調のイントネーション)
意味:本当に? / 本当かな? / そうなの? (驚きや疑いの気持ちを表す)[1][5]

Re-a-lly. (下降調のイントネーション)
意味:なるほど。 / そうなんだ。 (理解を示す)

Re-a-lly! (強めの発音)
意味:すごいね! / 本当だね! (感心や称賛の気持ちを表す)





Which do you think the future will be, heaven or hell?
These are my five predictions about the future.

First Prediction: Japanese Population
The Japanese population is going to decrease rapidly in the next 20 years. This fact indicates that a lack of workers is going to happen. It will also likely lead to an economic collapse.

Second Prediction: War
Currently, several wars are happening in this world. What do you think, will another war happen or not? In my opinion, another war will definitely happen because the history of the world is proof.

Third Prediction: AI
The development of AI is awesome. Some scientists also predict that the ability of AI will surpass that of humans in the next 5 years. The world will likely resemble a science fiction movie.

Fourth Prediction: Environmental Problems
The Earth is getting hotter as ice melts, and some countries will likely be underwater in the next 50 years.
So far, I have mentioned three pessimistic predictions. However, will our future really be like that?

Fifth Prediction: Technology
From now on, I will talk about the bright aspects of our future.
My last prediction is that technology will solve all of these problems. In Japan, AI or robots will help workers. New weapons will stop wars. AI will be a partner to humans. New clean energy created by science will reduce the use of fossil fuels, which cause global warming.

In conclusion, I believe in a brilliant future.
What do you think? Will our future be heaven or hell? You can choose both heaven and hell by your decisions and your behavior.
Stay curious and think carefully about our future.













| English Expression                                       | Explanation                                                                                         | Example Sentence                                                     |
| This city has a lot of buses.                            | Stating that there are many buses available in the city.                                            |                                                                      |
| Lots of buses running.                                   | Indicating that many buses are actively operating.                                                  |                                                                      |
| The only way to learn is to repeat it out loud.          | Suggesting that vocal repetition is the most effective method for learning something.                |                                                                      |
| The only way to learn is to repeat reading aloud         | Suggesting that reading aloud is the most effective method for learning.                             |                                                                      |
| That's all                                               | Used to indicate that there is nothing more to say or that the conversation or list is complete.     | "I've updated the files, and that's all for now."                     |
| My head is full of soccer.                               | Expressing that someone is preoccupied with thoughts of soccer.                                      |                                                                      |
| Questionnaire                                            | A set of printed or written questions used for collecting information in a survey.                   | "Please fill out this questionnaire about your shopping preferences." |
| Withdraw cash                                            | To take money out from a bank account.                                                              | "I need to withdraw cash from the ATM."                              |
| Arrangement                                              | The action, process, or result of arranging or being arranged.                                      | "We've made an arrangement to meet at five."                         |
| Intention                                                | A thing intended; an aim or plan.                                                                   | "His intention was to finish the project by Friday."                 |
| Enter!                                                   | A command to come in or join.                                                                       |                                                                      |
| Mix!                                                     | A command to combine two or more substances or elements.                                            | "Mix the flour and water to make the dough."                         |
| Shed light on                                            | To make something less confusing or more clearly comprehensible.                                    | "The research paper helped to shed light on the issue."              |
| Enlighten                                                | To give someone greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.                   | "Please enlighten me about the details of the plan."                 |
| Call it a day                                            | To decide or agree to stop doing something, usually an activity that has taken up a lot of time.    | "We've been working for hours, let's call it a day."                 |
| So far                                                   | Up to this point or up to the present time.                                                         | "So far, we have completed all the tasks without any issues."        |
| From now on                                              | Starting from the present and continuing into the future.                                           | "From now on, I'll be more careful with my spending."                |
| After all                                                | Used to add information that confirms or changes what has previously been said.                     | "He decided to go to the party after all."                           |
















| English Expression                                      | Explanation                                                                                   | Example Sentence                                                        |
| Get rid of miscellaneous thoughts in your head.         | Advising someone to clear their mind of random, distracting thoughts.                         |                                                                         |
| I don't know what to say.                               | Expressing uncertainty or confusion about how to respond in a conversation.                   |                                                                         |
| How do I say?                                           | Asking for the correct way to express something in words.                                     | "How do I say 'thank you' in Japanese?"                                 |
| How do you say?                                         | Asking for assistance in saying something in another language or more appropriately.          | "How do you say 'delicious' in Spanish?"                                |
| Conjunction                                             | A word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.        | "And, but, because, and although are examples of conjunctions."         |
| What do you think my weakness is?                       | Asking for someone else's perception of one's personal shortcomings.                          |                                                                         |
| What do you think my challenges are?                    | Asking someone what difficulties they believe the speaker might face.                         |                                                                         |
| Try to reserve one                                      | Suggesting to book or keep something in advance.                                              | "We should try to reserve one table at the restaurant."                 |
| To your horror                                          | Used to describe a reaction of shock or disgust.                                              | "To your horror, the vase shattered into a thousand pieces."            |
| You've hardly had a moment to spend with your family    | Highlighting the lack of quality time someone has been able to spend with their family.       |                                                                         |
| There's something kids are all going mad for this Christmas | Describing a popular or trendy item among children for the holiday season.                    |                                                                         |
| You fly out of the office and into a taxi               | Describing someone hurriedly leaving the office and catching a taxi.                          |                                                                         |
| But as you head for it                                  | Indicates action towards a goal or destination, but something unexpected may occur.            |                                                                         |
| Hold on                                                 | Used to ask someone to wait or pause for a moment.                                            | "Hold on while I check those details for you."                          |
| Contract                                                | A legally binding agreement between parties.                                                  | "We need to review the contract before we sign it."                     |
| Pay off                                                 | To result in success or a benefit after investment or effort.                                 | "All her hard work will pay off when the project is successful."        |
| Let’s have a look at                                    | Suggesting examining or considering something closely.                                        | "Let's have a look at the details before we decide."                    |
| Carry on                                                | To continue doing something.                                                                  | "Carry on with your work; don't mind the noise."                        |
| A one off deal                                          | Referring to something that is unique or will only happen once.                               | "This is a one-off deal, so think carefully before you pass it up."     |
| A head on conflict                                      | Direct and confrontational disagreement or clash.                                             | "They were involved in a head-on conflict over the business strategy."  |
| Thief                                                   | A person who steals something from another.                                                   | "The thief was caught on camera stealing the goods."                    |
| Manoeuvre                                               | A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.                                       | "The driver executed a tight manoeuvre to avoid the accident."          |
| Win at all cost                                         | To do whatever it takes to succeed, regardless of the consequences.                           |                                                                         |
| Worth the hassle                                        | Justifying the effort or difficulty involved in doing something because the outcome is good.  | "Getting up early to see the sunrise was definitely worth the hassle."  |
| Ended in deadlock                                       | A situation where no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.                      | "The negotiations ended in deadlock, with no sides willing to budge."   |
| Blackmail                                               | The act of getting money from people or forcing them to do something by threatening to reveal a secret of theirs or harm them in some way. | "He was guilty of blackmailing his coworker."          |
| Compromise                                              | An agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.      | "After long discussions, they reached a compromise."                    |
| Guilty                                                  | Responsible for a specified wrongdoing.                                                       | "The jury found him guilty of the crime."                              |
| Feel guilty                                             | To experience guilt over one's actions or thoughts.                                           | "I feel guilty for not attending the meeting."                         |
| Resort to emotional blackmail                           | To manipulate someone by playing with their emotions to gain something.                       |                                                                         |
| Go through                                              | To experience or endure a situation or condition.                                             | "She had to go through a lot of challenges to reach her goals."        |
| Counterproductive                                       | Having the opposite of the desired effect; hindering the achievement of a goal.               | "Arguing about who is to blame is counterproductive at this point."    |
| Pet peeve                                               | Something that a particular person finds especially annoying.                                 | "One of my biggest pet peeves is people talking loudly on their phones in public." |
| Snoring                                                 | The act of making a snorting or grunting sound while asleep.                                   | "His snoring kept me awake all night."                                 |
| Banging                                                 | Making a sudden loud, sharp noise, typically repeatedly.                                       | "Someone was banging on the door late at night."                       |
| Make sure                                               | To take action to guarantee something happens or is certain.                                   | "Make sure to lock the door when you leave."                           |
| Altered                                                 | Changed, often in a subtle or small way.                                                       | "The plan was slightly altered to accommodate new ideas."              |
| Come over                                               | To visit casually.                                                                             | "Why don't you come over this weekend?"                                |
| I don't suppose you                                      | A polite way of asking for something or suggesting.                                            | "I don't suppose you have a pen I could borrow?"                       |
| Sort it out                                              | To resolve a problem or dispute.                                                               | "We need to sort it out before it becomes a bigger issue."             |
| That's make sense                                       | Incorrect phrase, likely meant to be "That makes sense," meaning it is logical or understandable. |                                                                       |
| Good grief                                              | An exclamation used to express surprise, annoyance, or dismay.                                 | "Good grief, why is this happening now?"                               |
| Hold her up                                              | Likely a typo for "hold up," meaning to delay or impede.                                        | "I didn't mean to hold her up this morning with my questions."         |
| Declare                                                 | To make known formally or officially.                                                           | "The government will declare the results of the election tonight."     |
| Specify                                                 | To identify clearly and definitely.                                                             | "Please specify which ingredients should be avoided due to allergies." |
| Diagnosing                                              | Determining the nature of a problem or disease based on examination of the symptoms.            | "The doctor is diagnosing the cause of the patient's illness."         |
| A long shot                                             | Something that has a very low probability of happening.                                         | "Winning the lottery is a long shot."                                  |
| Slight hiccup                                           | A minor problem or setback.                                                                     | "We had a slight hiccup with the delivery, but it's been resolved now."|
| Quick fix                                               | A fast and easy solution that may not be the best or most thorough.                             | "Using tape is just a quick fix; you should really replace that part." |
| Sort of defect                                          | An imperfection or fault in something, often a product or component.                            | "The device has a sort of defect in its battery design."               |
| Sort of                                                 | Used to say that something is partially the case.                                               | "It's sort of like a cake, but more like a pie."                       |
| Critical                                                | Of great importance or essential.                                                               | "The witness's testimony is critical to the case."                     |
| Insignificant                                           | Lacking in size, importance, or impact.                                                         | "The amount of money lost was insignificant compared to the total budget."|





・「a」は子音で始まる単語の前に付ける(a book, a pen)
・「an」は母音(a, e, i, o, u)で始まる単語の前に付ける(an apple, an egg)

・特定のもの、前に出てきたものを指す時(I have a dog. The dog is cute.)
・一つしかないもの(the sun, the moon)
・世界に一つしかない川や山、建物など(the Amazon River, the Eiffel Tower)

・複数形の名詞(I like dogs.)
・固有名詞(人名、国名、都市名など)(Tom, Japan, Tokyo)
・言語・教科・スポーツなど(English, math, soccer)











| English Expression                   | Explanation                                                                                                 | Example Sentence                                                            |
| Irrelevant                           | Not connected with or relevant to something.                                                                | "Your argument is interesting, but it's irrelevant to the case at hand."    |
| Minor                                | Lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance.                                                         | "It's only a minor issue that can be fixed quickly."                        |
| Ongoing                              | Continuing; not yet finished.                                                                               | "We are dealing with ongoing investigations."                               |
| Persistent                           | Continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.                                                      | "She admired his persistent efforts to learn the language."                 |
| Severe                               | Very great; intense.                                                                                        | "The city faced severe weather conditions last night."                      |
| Trivial                              | Of little value or importance.                                                                              | "They often argue over trivial matters."                                    |
| Unimportant                          | Not important; lacking value or significance.                                                               | "The details are unimportant to the overall understanding of the novel."    |
| Urgent                               | Requiring immediate action or attention.                                                                    | "The patient was in urgent need of care."                                   |
| Get your head out of the clouds.     | Stop daydreaming or being unrealistic, and start focusing on what needs attention or is of practical concern.| "You need to get your head out of the clouds and focus on your studies."    |
| Be blasted                           | Used to express dismay or irritation, often humorously or lightly.                                           | "My plans were blasted when it started to rain unexpectedly."               |
| Altered                              | Changed, usually in a small but significant way.                                                            | "The plan was altered to accommodate the new circumstances."                |
| Rubbing                              | Applying pressure and moving over a surface, typically repeatedly.                                           | "He was rubbing his eyes from fatigue."                                     |
| Messiness                            | The state of being messy, disorderly, or untidy.                                                            | "The messiness of his room was astonishing."                                |
| Sneeze                               | To suddenly expel air from the nose and mouth in an involuntary reflex.                                      | "I couldn't stop sneezing during the spring allergy season."                |
| Examined                             | Inspected or looked at closely.                                                                             | "The doctor examined the patient thoroughly."                               |
| Expand on                            | To give more details or new information about something.                                                    | "Could you expand on your previous point?"                                  |
| Alter                                | To change something, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of something to change.               | "She had to alter her dress to fit perfectly."                              |
| Pave the way                         | To create a situation that makes easier for something to happen or be developed.                             | "The new research will pave the way for advanced cancer treatments."        |
| Plural form                          | The form of a word used to denote more than one.                                                            | "In English, the plural form of 'car' is 'cars'."                           |
| Article                              | A piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.                      | "She published an article on renewable energy in the science journal."      |
| Really extraordinary                 | Something that is very unusual or remarkable.                                                               | "The athlete's comeback was really extraordinary, given his age and injuries." |





会場に入ると既に何人かビジネスマンの方たちがおり、自然な形で「small talk」が始まる。

「おぉこれが本物のsmall talkか」と内心感心しながらも、ネイティブの方達の会話の速度に追いつくのに精一杯。













































| English Expression                                                 | Explanation                                                                                          | Example Sentence                                                                                     |
| Sophisticated surgical robots are transforming healthcare procedures. | This phrase indicates that advanced technology in the form of robots is significantly changing the way medical operations are performed. |                                                                                                      |
| Constantly evolving                                                | Continually changing or developing.                                                                  | "Technology is constantly evolving, making older models obsolete quickly."                           |
| Slight                                                             | Small in degree; not extensive or severe.                                                           | "There was a slight delay in the schedule, but nothing too disruptive."                             |
| Evolve                                                             | Develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.                                 | "The company's marketing strategies have evolved significantly over the past decade."               |
| Princess is here                                                   | A simple declaration that a person referred to as "Princess" is present.                             |                                                                                                      |
| I am fine without lunch on Saturdays and Sundays!                  | Expressing that the speaker does not need or desire lunch on weekends.                               |                                                                                                      |

















読んでくださり、ありがとうございます!記事がいいなと思ったら、よろしければサポートお願いします! いただいたサポートはクリエイターとしての活動費に使わせていただきます!