

英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。


A Sake Guide


I've been trying to create a web page for my sake tour over the past few weeks.

Since I restarted my sake tour last summer, I've been using a platform called airbnb to attract customers.
(去年の夏に日本酒ツアーを再開してから、集客するために airbnb と言うプラットフォームを使ってきました)

I've always known that there are pros and cons to this platform.
(airbnb を使うのはメリットもあれば、デメリットもあるといつも感じてきました)

For pros, it's obvious.

Everybody knows airbnb.
(airbnb は誰もが知っています)

Because it's known by a lot of people around the world, and especially their service is used by lots of travellers, I think there's a higher chance that my service is recognized than using other platforms out there.
(世界中の人に知られていて、また特に、多くの旅行者の方にそのサービスが利用されているので、airbnb を使うことで、私のサービスも認知される確率がより高くなると思います)
In addtion to that, what I think is great about this platform is that they've created such a user-friendly system.
(加えて、airbnb の凄いと思う所は、使う側にとって、とっても簡単なシステムになっているところです)

Once your tour has passed their requirements, you will be able to provide your own service whenever you want to.
(一度 airbnb の必要条件にパスすれば、いつでも好きな時に自分のサービスを提供することができます)
Just by clicking buttons, you can easily schedule and cancel your service.
Also, you can change general settings such as duration, price and group size at any given times.

Behind all those merits, there are some cons too.

For one, having my service on their platform is not for free.

Every time I get a new booking, I need to pay a 20-percent commission to them, which means what I actually get is 80% of the price shown on the page.
(毎回予約が入るたびに、airbnb に20%の手数料を払わないといけないので、ページで表示されている価格の80%が私に入ってきます)

For two, what I can do is limited.

I've been giving a sake hopping experience so far using the airbnb.
(これまでは飲み歩きツアーを airbnb でやってきました)

It's been a lot of fun, but over the past few months, I've felt like I want to do something new to expand the service.

Actually, I've come up with another three ideas about my sake related service.

One is providing a walking tour in Nada and visiting lots of sake breweries.

Another is making a day trip to Tamba and exploring the area together.

And the other is giving a sake seminar to those who want to deepen their knowledge about sake.

For now, the system airbnb has doesn't allow me to add any service to my page, which means if I only keep using airbnb from now on, I cannot let my future guests know those new three experiences.
(今のところ、airbnb のシステムでは、どんなサービスも追加することができません。つまり、もしこれから airbnb だけを使い続けたら、未来のゲストの方たちに、新しく考えた3つのサービスをしってもらうことができないということです)

That's why I decided to create my own page.

There's no such thing as a limit when it comes to doing everything by myself.
As I mentioned above, it's been several weeks since I started working on it and last night, I finally got it done!
I know some changes will still have to be made, but I feel relieved for now.

Having my own page doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to stop using Airbnb.
(自分のページを作ったからといって、airbnb を使うのをやめるということではありません)

I hope my sake service is getting recognized by more and more people and get bookings more constantly by using both of them.
・the page I've just created

・the airbnb page 
(airbnb のページ)

That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人

大学卒業後、営業職を1年目で挫折。その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。そこから、
英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年


- 実績 -

〇 英語学習に長い間悩んできた方へ向けたセミナー



〇 日本酒 in English



〇 海外からの旅行者向けの日本酒サービス


