


「It's a wheat field.麦畑ですna(笑)」

Mother's Day. My children and I bought carnations at a local flower shop. I delivered it to my mother who lives in Saitama and visited my grandmother's grave. After that, I went to a hot spring and went to a few places where I could play with my kids. I'll work when I get home. Honestly, there are so many live shows and events I want to go to, but this is something I want to cherish in my life.

Pierre Nakano and his son take off their shoes in the same way (lol)

After that, it seems to have been fixed.


固い道端のようでとりつく島もないような心、ゴロゴロしていて渇いた石のような心、やせこけて成長が不足している心、その場の状況を見て、しっかりそれを受け入れることのできる心を持っている人々のことです。 それと共に、種を蒔く人(神さま、イエスさま)の生き方に視点が当てられています。2019/10/04

A heart that feels like a hard roadside with no island to cling to, a heart that is rumbling and dry like a stone, a heart that is emaciated and lacks growth, a heart that is able to look at the current situation and firmly accept it. It's about people who have a heart. At the same time, the focus is on the life of the sower (God, Jesus). 2019/10/04🌾🌾🌾


That's right,,,

Once again, I understood.

I guess you reap what you sow.

All in all, it might be rude to lump it all together.

