
Remnants of Postwar Japan: Autonomy from the Postwar Regime

#Annual_Reform_Request #Privatization_of_Postal_Service #Postwar_Regime_Dependence

The Koizumi/Takenaka fake traitor globalist cabinet continues to spread human suffering worldwide, and the war economy-dependent U.S. military complex, commonly known as the neo-cons, is diverting Japan's national interests.

The Prime Minister's Office has been exposed for what it is: the unilateral imposition of the national ego of the U.S. on Japanese policy in the form of the #AnnualReformNotice , and the Prime Minister's Office is obediently following the letter.

The Japan-U.S. Security Council and the Japan-U.S. Joint Council, based on the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, following the script outlined in the annual reform request received from the U.S., remain stuck in the postwar regime addiction, unable to escape the nuclear umbrella theory...

The Japan-U.S. Security Council has been associated with the security of Japan and the U.S. and has been disciplined to the ordinary policy goals written in the Annual Reform Requests,
The scope of the policy has effectively extended to economic security as well...

Furthermore, the current state of national politics is,
It turns out that the ruling party in power and the ruling party in custody, which relies on the vote collection of the cult religion called Nippon Council or Unification Church ... which is under the control of the CIA, has been completely taken over by the cult, so clearly, just like in Ukraine, the ruling party in power, which has been under the control of the CIA and neo-conservative, and which has been in power since the cabinet of Shinzo Abe, has been in power since the cabinet of Shinzo Abe. What they have been doing...

The dismantling of Japan's democracy through the puppet LDP constitutional amendment and the subsequent war in Ukraine using the puppet Zelensky to weaken Russia, as planned by the neocons.

The plot has already been revealed to drag the Self-Defense Forces under the U.S. military in place of the U.S. military to fight China by inciting a Taiwan contingency and a Senkaku contingency to weaken China...

The Japanese youth, domesticated by postwar education, will likely be given an economic conscription system, spread cognitive bias, and an igniter to promote constitutional revision by fomenting an emergency.

The bureaucrats are being undermined by Kazu Kazu's preferential treatment of the scum of the earth by wielding their authority over personnel affairs using the Cabinet Personnel Bureau...

The CIA has set up a puppet government in Japan as an anti-communist stronghold, using a religious cult to gather votes.

It has set up a contingency plan to undermine China and make it fight. The activities of the CIA have been exposed to the public through social networking sites and YouTube.

The Japanese people do not have sovereignty, and Japan is a complete pseudo-democracy,

As a postwar political issue, we must express the original eternal neutrality of the Peace Constitution, get out of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, and demand that U.S. military bases in Japan be limited to U.N. peacekeeping operations by U.S. forces on a neutral footing.

The wars and conflicts still raging in the buffer zones worldwide are caused by ego conflicts between the puppets of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, so we should not support one military alliance over the other.

Still, instead, we should take a neutral stance and demand that the U.S. military be allowed to use its bases only for U.N. peacekeeping operations.

We need to work from a neutral standpoint toward a peaceful resolution of the problem.

We should shift our focus from a neutral position to contributing to U.N. peacekeeping operations, which is also a neutral position, and work together with all U.N. member states to express to the international community our commitment to "coexistence and co-prosperity of diversity," which is the inevitable evolution of human society, and ask for its support.

In this sense, it would be a good idea to make the next election, not only national but also all local and municipal elections, a point of contention to ask the Japanese people at all levels whether they agree with the need to establish the following Axis of Wisdom (geo axis) and to sift out candidates for the candidates in nonpartisan elections.

The lack of this Axis has been the biggest problem of postwar Japan.

☮️ Wisdom Axis = Planet Axis 👉 Eliminate human-made disasters and prepare for natural disasters (human-made disasters) 👉 Clean up the mess of human-made and natural disasters 👉 Break away from the postwar regime.

Postwar Japan has left unfinished obligations.

The only way to achieve this is to ask the international community to reject hegemony and the importance of declaring Japan a neutral country and to spread this to all U.N. member states.

This is the role that Japan should play in the international community and the significance of its existence that all humanity has been waiting for.

As a researcher of the Japanese disease, I would like to express my opinion that war is the ultimate human-made disaster.

For the international community to move toward "coexistence and co-prosperity of diversity" as a necessity in the evolution of human society from the reflection of war in the 20th century, it is necessary to move toward the wisdom axis = planet axis 👉eliminate human-made disasters and prepare for natural disasters 👉clean up the trash of human-made and natural disasters 👉use all records of human-made and natural disasters effectively along the wisdom axis.

So, the need for this Axis is the biggest problem of postwar Japan.

The Japanese people's mistakes in heading for the deep state under the surface as a vassal state of the U.S. are all revealed and the problem is concentrated in this lack of wisdom axis.
First of all, the meaning of Article 9 is to declare permanent neutrality,

It denies hegemony through the use of military force,
Why is it that after 78 years, Japan is still an enemy of the U.N.'s "#Enemy Clause"?

The victorious powers intended to have Japan declare by its Peace Constitution that it would not become an armed hegemonic power again, as it could someday become a powerful enemy if allowed to have its own armed forces.

Postwar Japan must seriously question its position as a party to a war in which it is both the aggressor and the victim, a position it has occupied throughout human history and must not be allowed to become the aggressor again.

War is the ultimate violation of human rights and a human-made disaster, so we should not take the passive view that Japan was forced to abide by the Peace Constitution and Article 9 by the victorious nation as a defeated nation,

As a country that promotes peace, Japan is a permanently neutral country that rejects hegemony through force, which is the original meaning of Article 9.

Since all nations are guaranteed the right to protect the human rights of their citizens under the UN Charter, Japan has the right to "defend exclusively" the people of Japan with the Self Defense Forces.

If we understand the unique position Japan is in today and where the Showa generation will end up after this barren 30-year extension,

The Japanese people's mistakes in heading for the deep state underwater as a vassal state of the U.S. are all revealed, and it is Japan's addiction to the postwar regime that has led it to this point,

Japan's dependence on the postwar regime has been negatively oriented toward the "deep state," which is in contradiction to the upward vector toward "coexistence and co-prosperity of diversity" that the postwar international community has reached, and is undermining the national interest by triggering the crisis of war between hegemonic powers in the buffer zone in the Far East.

The cause is the lack of effective utilization of all records of human-made and natural disasters by the wisdom axis = geo-axis 👉eliminating human-made disasters and preparing for natural disasters 👉cleaning up the trash of human-made and natural disasters and 👉recording all records of human-made and natural disasters,

As a positive role of Japan in the international community that Japan is carrying after the war,
Japan must declare to the international community its rejection of hegemony and neutralization, which is the original meaning of Article 9 of the Peace Constitution,

It is self-evident that steady diplomatic negotiations that lead to wise decisions at the top level of each country are essential as a deterrent to war.

Even now, in the buffer zone between nuclear-armed hegemonic powers, national egos seeking to expand their interests, use puppets to brandish weapons, fomenting mutual distrust and igniting a war, causing endless human-made chaos, and the mechanism of war has already been exposed to the public eye,

The cause is the lack of effective utilization of all records of human-made and natural disasters by the wisdom Axis = earth axis 👉eliminate human-made disasters and prepare for natural disasters 👉clean up the trash of human-made and natural disasters and 👉record all records of human-made and natural disasters.

#年次改革要望書 #郵政民営化 #戦後レジーム依存症
何時迄も世界に人災をばら撒いている戦争経済依存症のアメリカの国益と言う、アメリカの国家エゴの一方的な日本の政策への押し付けが #年次改革要望書 という名の命令書で送られて総理官邸は実質上ひたすら従順に従っているだけであることが白日の下に晒されています。
アメリカから受け取った年次改革要望書に掲げられた筋書きに沿って #日米安全保障理事会#日米地位協定 に基づく #日米合同会議 によって、未だに核の傘理論から抜け出せずに戦後レジーム依存症に陥ったまま・・・
戦後教育で家畜化された日本の若者を #経済徴兵制#認知バイアス をばら撒き緊急事態を煽って憲法改正を進めあらゆる着火剤が仕込まれていたりしそうです。
#内閣人事局 を用いた官僚の人事権を振り翳してカズカズのカス優遇によって骨抜きされていて・・・


国際社会は戦争の20世紀のへの反省から人類社会の進化における必然として「多様性の共存共栄」に向かう為には 叡智軸=地軸👉人災を無くし天災に備える👉人災と天災のゴミの後片付けと👉人災と天災の全ての記録の叡智軸に沿った有効利用 に向かう必要が有り、この軸の欠落が戦後の日本の最大の問題です。
その原因は、明らかに「多様性の共存共栄」に向かう 叡智軸=地軸
人災と天災の全ての記録の叡智軸に沿った有効利用 の欠落なのですから、
明らかに「多様性の共存共栄」に向かう 叡智軸=地軸👉人災を無くし天災に備える👉人災と天災のゴミの後片付けと👉人災と天災の全ての記録の叡智軸に沿った有効利用 の欠落なのです。
