
RUSSIA-Mt, Himalaya Dalai, Questions? WhenPeopleBirth 5-GOT conception?THE GLORY DAY 2020 A. C, Jesus & Allah & Hawe for-India society Vajrayana Buddhism from Russia with LOVE:

Mahayana Buddhism(One-Hand Buddhism) 


Tibet major school has  Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, Gelug,4)                              but it The "Jonang" is a smaller school, and the Rimé movement is a recent nonsectarian movement which is a blend of the different schools.                  The native Tibetan term for Buddhism is "DHARMA of the insiders"                  ( nang chos ) or "The Buddha Dharma of the insiders"                                         ( nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos ).                     Another term, " Vajrayāna " (Tibetan: dorje tegpa ) is occasionally used mistakenly for Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan behaviour study, 

Brilliant dialogue Lama "Dalai",                                                                    Today, Tibetan Buddhism is ad-hered to widely in the Tibetan Plateau, Mongolia of 1part, northern Nepal,                                                           Kalmykia (on the north-west shore of the Caspian),                                  Siberia ( Tuva and Buryatia ), the Russian Far East and northeast China.        Dr Geoffrey Samuel: says                                                                                         The 14th Dalai Lama is the leader of the Tibetan government in exile which was initially dominated by the Gelug school, 


■ The Dharamsala administration under the Dalai Lama has nevertheless managed, over time, to create a relatively inclusive and democratic structure that has received broad support across the Tibetan communities in exile. Senior figures from the three "non-Gelukpa Buddhist schools" and from the "Bonpo" have been included in the religious administration, and relations between the different Lamas and schools are now on the whole very positive. This is a considerable achievement, since the relations between these groups were often competitive and conflict-ridden in Tibet before 1959, and mutual distrust was initially widespread.                                                                     The Dalai Lama's government at Dharamsala has also continued under difficult circumstances to argue for a negotiated settlement rather MORE THAN arms-military struggle with China.

■ Samuel says sees, WEST US-UK-EU line of Tibet Buddhism region-face is it? ...that of a national or international network, generally centred around the teachings of a single individual Dalai Lama. Among the larger amounts is the FPMT, I have already mentioned, now headed by Lama Zopa and the child-reincarnation of Lama Yeshe;                                                                          The New Kadampa, in origin a break-away from the                            FPMT(Foundation Preservation Mahayana Tradition)        the Shambhala network, deriving from Chögyam Trungpa 's organization and now headed by his son;                                                                                                              and the networks associated with Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche (the Dzogchen Community) and Sogyal Rinpoche (Rigpa).

Tibet-Paper HERE


Buddha birthday: Thailand 2,663 years ago pass,                                            BBC documentary 3,500 years ago Mt Himalaya 4 part LIVES to stay in,      

China proverb                                                                                                      "China 4,000 years ago made-way Soybean spicy"                                               BUT East Asia A. C. 500-1,500 years ago past when the ChinGisu Quan(Kan-Han) HAN=漢 it means ALL make a Quan made,

This is the Glory day                                                                                        YES THIS is our glory day                                                                                 This is the Glory day

White troll brass appearance-ing                                                                     MY Home a-way MY-HearT so quickly                                                        "COOL North-windows" was somedays                                                         "Warm-hearts" if I as remember to                                                             Touch them a-like broke it just                                                                        Small-LOVE We are(Lama-me) Please SAFE together,                                   GOD birth it is in Today                                                                                      Today it is a miracle So, everyone call 

So get up on this special day                                                                      Please sing-sang there Vibration HearTs                                                        This is the Glory day                                                                                          It's a-time all over the world                                                                          We'd HERE Praying                                                                                              We pray always-be                                                                                        Happiness-smile yours -be                                                                           HOLY night HOLY day PEACE For ALL on this                                                Our glory Day

This is the Glory day                                                                                        YES THIS is our glory day                                                                                 This is the Glory day

There are so big territory world Mt & Ground & Ocean's                                  There are so many colours make the Day on Day,                                            Drop tears as, So Hold-hug warm each-other                                               They AstroSoyuce appointment one-star                                                       We don't know that it a baby name?                                                             That is baby if smile even                                                                              That baby takes "Joy" and "Grace"                                                                       We wish should be the limb of TREE

So get up on this special day                                                                      Please sing-sang LOVE at open ARMS                                                           This is the Glory day                                                                                          It's a-time all over the world                                                                          We'd HERE Praying                                                                                              We pray always-be                                                                                        Happiness-smile yours -be            

So get up on this special day                                                                      Please sing-sang there Vibration HearTs                                                        This is the Glory day                                                                                          It's a-time all over the world                                                                          We'd HERE Praying                                                                                              We pray always-be                                                                                        Happiness-smile yours -be                                                                           HOLY night HOLY day PEACE For ALL on this                                                Our glory Day


HOLY night HOLY day PEACE For ALL on this                                                 Our glory Day
