1 2024年マダガスカルに行く



Wow, it is great to hear from you! When did your friend come to Madagascar as my wife is NGO which facilitate researcher and filmmaker to work in Madagascar; She might know your friend; How is everyhting with you? Where are you now? I was in the US visiting my boss ( the same researcher) last year.

If you plan to come to Madagascar or know someone who would like to come to Madagascar then let me know as I am taking researcher or tourist on a tour of Madagascar when I am not doing research!

Great to hear from you!

Please keep in touch!


"2023年6月8日(木) 7:30

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Waouhh, this is a great surprise!!! I have been sending an email to you also but did not get any reply. Tiana is my wife so you had a good chance to send your email to MICET.

I will be very happy and excited that you are coming to Madagascar.\ and to help you for your stay and transportation. What exactly are you going to do, research or something else? Tiana knows more about staying longer in Madagascar as they are working with researchers if you would like to stay longer.

I have been working for Michael Irwin for years and now that the fund is over, I am working with researchers and tourists ( assisting them in the field, driving them around, ....) by myself.

If you are coming with a tourist visa, it is only for 3 months and you have to leave Madagascar and then come back again and get another 3 months. Please contact Tiana if you are interested in staying longer.

Hope these can help you to start, but do not hesitate to let me know if you need more info and clarifications or contact Tiana.

Do you have kids? I have three boys and one of them is very interested in Arts and Design!!!

Looking forward to hearing back from you , and seeing you in Madagascar.

Very nice to hear back from you!!

Best wishes,


ということで、私がアプローチしたMICET(Malagasy Institut pour la Conservation des Ecosystèmes Tropicauxマダガスカル熱帯生態系保全研究所)のメールを受け取った方はリナの奥さんだったのでした。







