養老孟司先生の「バカの壁」についての意見(An opinion about Mr. Takeshi Yoro's "The Wall of Fools")

最初に2~3回読んだ時は養老先生の文に全面的に同感した。 腐敗したキリスト教、特にプロテスタント教会に対する立場と米国とイスラム諸国の対立を見た時、一元論の問題点に全面的に共感した。
キリスト教のイエスを通さなければ救われないという固執と不通が、他の宗教や非宗教人と対立または不疏通を生んでいるという点に共感した。 特に、韓国キリスト教は世界のどのキリスト教よりも独善的で排他的だ。 そのため、さらに納得のいく内容だった。
一元論はもちろん、先生の主張どおり否定的な面を生んでいる点は事実だ。 しかし、一元論を通じて世界文明が発展した。 現代の米国、欧州社会が作られた背景が一元論だ。 一元論の寄与度を無視できないのも事実だ。 日本が韓国を支配できた力も欧州から早く受け入れたキリスト教を背景にした欧州の先進文物のおかげだ。
男女で人間が分かれたこともやはり先生は一元論と違うとし、世の中は多元性を持っていると主張した。 しかし、大きく見れば男女は人間という一つの姿に帰結し、多元性も結局大きく見れば一つの姿から分かれたのだと思う。
先生が主張したように多元性も確かに必要だ。 しかし、一元論もやはり多元性の一つの部分であり、多元性も結局一元論に向かう。
多様な理論を反映するように、一元論も多様な理論の中の一つとして受け入れなければならない。 前述したように、私たちがすでに生きている社会は否定的な面が存在するが、一元論的思考で発展を繰り返してきた。 キリスト教、イスラム教の貢献を無視できない。 また、現在も一部教会や指導者の問題点は存在するが、一元論的宗教の聖徒を通じた社会の発展貢献は莫大だ。
むしろ多元論的思考だけで固執している日本の姿に不安を感じる。 一元論的思考もバランスを取り、発展していかなければならないが、もっぱら日本的多様性だけを主張し、孤立を助長しているのも問題である。 世界的に広まったキリスト教の聖徒が、日本では1%も存在しない。 多様性を語り八百万の神を信じ、その中でオウム真理教や安倍首相殺人と関連した宗教などの問題点が露出している。 自民党の主要議員が韓国では異端で問題になっている宗教とつながっている。 古代エジプトは最高の文明国だったが、あふれる偶像と宗教で衰退を経験した。
多様な意見が常識だけでは結果が出ない場合が多い。 殺人をしてはいけない。 こんなごく常識的な面は養老先生の言うとおりに判断される。 しかし、保守と進歩の政策を見れば、常識的に判断しても意見が分かれる曖昧な状況があまりにも多く存在する。 成長が先なのか分配が先なのか時期を調整するのも常識では判断が難しい。
世の中には常識で判断が難しくて起きる葛藤があまりにも多い。 そのため選挙があり、戦争があり独裁者が出る。 養老先生のすべての人が共感する常識で判断するにはあまりにも広範囲で、すべてを満たすことができない。 そのため、神が必要だ。 死というのは多元性ではない 確かな一つの事実だ。 死は一元論だ。 死の前では誰もが公平だ。 このような事実があるのに、果たして誰が一元論を否定できるだろうか。 一部教会の牧師や一部一元論国家の独裁者の行動は非難されるかも知れないが、一元論的思考を持って生きていく一般市民は認められるべきではなく尊敬されるべき人々だ。(Qの希望)
When I read it for the first two or three times, I totally agreed with hia writing. When I saw the position of corrupt Christianity, especially the Protestant Church, and the confrontation between the United States and Islamic countries, I fully sympathized with the problem of monism.
I sympathized with the fact that the insistence and lack of communication with other religions and non-religious people is causing conflict or lack of communication. In particular, Korean Christianity is more self-righteous and exclusive than any other Christianity in the world. Therefore, Mr. Yoro’s contents was more convincing.
However, I wondered if there was no problem living in this world with common sense that the general public thought, insisting on pluralism rather than monism.
Mr. Yoro argued that the idea of a person who lives in monism is a wall of fools.
Japan, which is overflowing with various religions, seemed to think of it as a superior country with pluralism faithful to naturalism.
It is true that monism, of course, is creating a negative side as his claims. However, world civilization developed through monism. The background behind the creation of modern American and European societies is monolithic. It is also true that the contribution of monism cannot be ignored. Japan's power to dominate Korea was also attributed to advanced European cultural assets set in Christianity, which was quickly accepted from Europe.
The fact that humans are divided into men and women is also different from monism, and Mr. Yoro argued that the world has diversity. However, if you look at it in a large way, men and women end up as one form of human beings, and if you look at diversity in a large way, it seems that they have split from one form.
Although he argued that Protestant is a monolithic religious view and Catholicism is a pluralistic religious view, it may be so in myopic view, but in the end, it must be directed to one being, God, through one Bible.
As he argued, pluralism is definitely needed. However, monism is also a part of pluralism, and pluralism eventually leads to monism.
Just as it reflects various theories, I think monolithic should be accepted as one of the various theories. As mentioned earlier, the society in which we already live has negative aspects, but has continued to develop into monolithic thinking. The contribution of Christianity and Islam cannot be ignored. In addition, there are still problems with some churches and leaders, but the contribution to the development of society through monolithic religious saints is enormous.
Rather, I feel uneasy about Japan's insistence on pluralistic thinking only. Monistic thinking should also be needed in a balanced manner of Japan, but it only claims Japanese diversity and promotes isolation. Less than 1% of the world-wide Christian saints exist in Japan. It talks about diversity and believes in millions of gods, and problems such as Ohm Jinrigyo and religion related to Abe's murder are being exposed. Major members of the Liberal Democratic Party are linked to religion, which is a problem with heresy in Korea. In ancient times, Egypt was the best civilized country, but it experienced decline with overflowing idols and religions.
In the end, there is a situation in which various opinions cannot result only with common sense. You shouldn't kill. This extremely common sense aspect is judged as the teacher said. However, conservative and progressive policies have too many ambiguous situations in which opinions are divided even if they are judged by common sense. Common sense also makes it difficult to judge when growth comes first or distribution comes first.
There are so many conflicts in the world that are difficult to judge by common sense. Therefore, there are elections, wars, and dictators. It is too broad to make a judgment with common sense that everyone in the urinary tract can't fill everything. So We need God for that. Death is not pluralism. It's one fact for sure. Death is monism. Everyone is fair in the face of death. With this fact, who can deny monism? The behavior of pastors of some churches or dictators of some monolithic countries may be reprehensible, but ordinary citizens living with monistic thinking are people who should be recognized or respected.(Q's hope)
