善良なサマリア人の姿が今の時代にも必要だ(The image of a good Samaritan is also needed in our time)

イエスが答えて行けと言ったが、ある人がエルサレムからヨリゴに降りていく途中、強盗に会って毎強盗たちがその服を脱がせて殴り、ほとんど死んだものを捨てていった。 ちょうどある祭司がその道を下りて彼を見て避けて通り、またこのようにレビ族の人もそこに来て彼を避けて通りかかったが、あるサマリア人は旅行中にそこに至って彼を見て可哀想に思い、近くに行って油とワインをその傷に注いで包んで自分の動物に乗せて酒幕に連れて行って世話をした。

律法師がイエス様を試すために永生を得る方法を尋ねます。 イエスは法にはどのように書かれているのか尋ね、あなたの隣人を愛するように言います。 律法師が隣人は誰ですか、もう一度質問すると、上記の聖書の言葉を言って社会指導層を批判します。
イスラエルでは律法師、祭司長、レウィ人はいわば社会指導層です。 一方、サマリア人は異邦人としてイスラエルで冷遇されていた種族です。
しかしイエス様は被害者、弱者の立場から見ます。 弱者を助け、弱者の側で考えなければならないことを強調します。
イエス様はいつも弱者の味方でした。 本人が直接そのように行動して暮らしました。 エルサレムに入城する時も馬が引く豪華な馬車ではなくロバに乗って自分を低く謙遜に行動しました。
キリスト教の四旬節の期間です。 イエス様の迫害を記憶し、復活を待つ時期です。 ヨーロッパではイースターを大いに記念しています。 それだけ人々の心の中には復活の意味を付与しています。
復活の本当の意味を感じられる人は、金持ちでも権力者でも法律家でもありません。 身分、出身を離れて困っている人を助ける隣人です。
Nuke Gospel Chapter 10 : 30-34 of the Bible
Jesus answered, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he met a robber, and the robbers took off his clothes and beat him and abandoned the half dead." Then a priest went down the road and saw him and passed by, and a Levite came there and passed by, but a Samaritan saw him there and took him near, poured oil and wine on the wound, wrapped him up, and took him to the inn to take care of him.

The scribe asks how to obtain eternal life to test Jesus. Jesus asks how the law says, "Love your neighbor." When the scribe asks again who his neighbor is, he criticizes the social leadership with the Nuke words above.
In Israel, the teachers of the law, the priests, the Levites are, so to speak, social leaders. The Samaritans, on the other hand, are a race that was treated as a foreigner in Israel.
The scribes, the chief priests, and the Levites mistake the law for themselves, and for those who do the priests for God, are those who will have eternal life to live according to God's word.
But Jesus sees it from the perspective of the victim and the weak. Emphasize the need to help the weak and think on the side of the weak.
On the victim's side, the Samaritan who helped the wick will be considered a neighbor.
Jesus was always on the weak side. He acted like that himself and lived like that. When he entered Jerusalem, he lowered himself and acted humbly in a donkey, not in a luxurious horse-drawn carriage.
It's the Lent of Christianity. It is a time to remember Jesus' persecutions and wait for his resurrection. In Europe, Easter is celebrated greatly. That's how much it gives people the meaning of resurrection.
It's not the rich, not the powerful, not the lawyers who can feel the real meaning of the resurrection. It is a neighbor who helps people in need regardless of their status or origin.
It is a pity that the recent issue of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery compensation in Korea is not in the position of the victim or victim.
In addition, considering the conflicts that are taking place around the world, the victims are overlooked and the situation is progressing as a power struggle only for those in power.
Shouldn't we be like good Samaritans, who are considered true neighbors by Jesus?(Q's hope)
