
Are they ‘generous’ to give us FIVE MINUTES MORE?? ’20-minute Neighborhood’ coming full swing.

While many people who seem to be awake are busy spreading some information provided by those FAKE Governments’ agents, like the ones I’ve been revealing over 1&1/2 years, the criminals are making progress.

First I thought they are giving us EXTRA FIVE MINUTES compared with that ’15 minutes city’ in the U.K., U.S. and so forth, I realized that ’20 minutes’ are for ROUND-TRIP!!

This 20-minute journey represents an 800 metre walk from home to a destination and back again or a 10-minute walk to your destination and 10 minutes back home.

No matter how hard they try to sell this, we’ve got to make other realize that they cannot have that grocery shopping they regularly do, by filling their trollies!! They have to carry everything they buy in their bicycle basket, or carry them all in their hands!! HOW STUPID THIS IS, I’m amazed. Point that out to everybody!!

And they even had a piece on SBS telling their readers that our take is yet another ‘conspiracy THEORY’, when it's our REALITY.

15-minute cities: How a plan to make your life more convenient became a full-blown conspiracy
The hottest conspiracy theory of 2023 comes from an unlikely pursuit: town planning.
Published 28 February 2023 at 5:23pm
By Michelle Elias
Source: SBS

it’s our Reality as many of you should know, that they are promoting this to make it our future JAIL. When all our so-called ‘Governments’ etc. are all Traitorous, Fraudulent, Criminal COMPANIES, WHY can we ever trust what they tell us???

And see the ’solution’ they mentioned in there?

“calling for a general election in the UK.”

That NEVER solves anything cause this fraudulent system called ‘Government’ is vital for their committing crimes one after another. We’ve got to get rid of it, using their GOVisCO FRAUD to kick them all in jail, as I always say.

Spread this ugly reality far and wide cause everyone should realize that our seeming 'authority' IS the criminals and THEY CONSTANTLY LIE!! along with TelLieVision.

Remember? they said that POISONOUS injection “is NOT compulsory” but if you work in this industry and that, or travel abroad, you had to have them. So they STOLE your rights and freedom of choice and poisoned so many.

Just like STEALING your RIGHT to have water, as the Section 100 of the Constitution of Australia clearly states!! it says no one can abridge that right, therefore, their FAKE law called 'Water Act' is NULL & VOID, cause it's a Breach of the Constitution to begin with!! You see, if you have to pay, that means your right which has been guaranteed by the Constitution has been ABRIDGED.

And when they tell us that the majority in Australia had the evil injections, the excess deaths is blown up. It’s a known they made various deaths from other causes ‘COVID-19 deaths’ and now, they’re doing the same. Calling deaths by injections, “died because of COVID-19”. People need to THINK HARD here.

Report shows Australia’s excess mortality rate has risen to levels not seen since World War II
A troubling new study released this week has shown Australia is experiencing its highest excess mortality rates in over 80 years.
Alex Blair
March 7, 2023 - 7:27PM

Anyway, check out more on their plan for this ’20 minutes neighborhood’ and warn others.

Someone already told me that they are pushing this in Monbulk or somewhere around there So don’t pretend it’s not going to happen to your area.

20-Minute Neighbourhoods

The Conversation
Academic rigour, journalistic flair
People love the idea of 20-minute neighbourhoods. So why isn’t it top of the agenda?
Published: February 20, 2020 6.01am AEDT

They write “People LOVE” so that many Brainless Zombies would believe it and decide to go along that flow. Even if some people love it, that’s ONLY BECAUSE the criminals never tell them their genuine MOTIVE behind it, to create this JAIL!!

Might as well, a couple of more I saw

The timeless appeal of the 15-minute city: How infrastructure planners can tackle the shift away from the CBD

The Parisian ‘15-minute city’ comes to Brisbane
November 15, 2022

Wonder if they’re going to change that to “20 minutes neighborhood”.
Either way, they’re using their LIE called ‘Global Warming’ SWINDLE to promote this, therefore it is important to wake up more on that issue.

Also very important, USE CASH!!
They are getting rid of ATMs here and there.

‘Cashless’ is the path to ABSOLUTE TYRANNY!!
And we've got to complain in order to stop this trend.

Central banks of Israel, Norway and Sweden model hub for digital currency payments
Bank of Israel shares results of joint cross-border central bank digital currency (CDBC) research project, which paves path for potential issuance of digital shekel
By Sharon Wrobel 6 Mar 2023, 5:06 pm

Don’t you ever think any of this doesn’t happen.
Remember you must have been AMAZED to see SO MANY simply OBEYING their evil orders.

At the same time, I’d say the criminals are HURRYING UP to finish their agenda. And that means they are AWARE that many, especially those who were FORCED to have the poisonous shots, have got a BIG “?” now, and they are on the verge of waking up. So now, it’s a race of them achieving their goal quick OR if we can wake up more/enough QUICK!!

Tell everyone about Global Warming LIE and GOVisCO fraud!!
And tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and tell us.

Do you really think this is natural to have ONLY a couple of crazily hot days though basically we have such cool to cold days!??

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

BTW, I saw this getting shared,

Blood serum from Ukrainian Bio Weapons Laboratories EXPOSED

I know he is popular, but I do NOT trust this guy, who came OUT OF NOWHERE and BECAME SO POPULAR IN NO TIME, and that’s one of the characteristics of FAKE GOV’s agents. That's why he got that document EASY. On top, He’s selling Trump the JESUIT!! Don’t trust him.

So, train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/spies among us (there are TONS of them), and share this article with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more and do it not only on the net but in real life.

Have some sign on your car like I do!!

Also say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.
