
What we need is MASS REFUSAL!!

I went to the city yesterday to hand out my flyer, started around 6:15pm and finished around 9:50pm.

Quite a few knew this shocking fraud,

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

and some are eager to learn how I’ve been successfully refusing to pay rate, water bills, and various FAKE fines.

I learned a lot from Scott Bartle who made the documentary (in above article) and used his method with some alteration.

I also learned a lot from FAKE Governments’ agents namely, Peter Gargan, Darryl O’Brien who seems popular among the followers of Agents’ den like ’Know Your Rights’. Should include Kelvin Granger and Derek Balogh the liars too.

It was a great shame the criminals deleted my previous (first) blog last July when I wrote that Dr. David Martin who seemed to be our hero, is actually a Freemason’s shill.  See images here: https://ameblo.jp/aus911truth/entry-12688478790.html

Anyway, I put all that HOW-TO there on my previous blog, but now, all gone, so I’ve gotta write more here.

Anyway, once I learned that fraud of theirs, which we can use the other way around to destroy them, I’ve figured out that the system called ‘government’ itself is a fraud., where they steal our political power & responsibility via election which has been rigged anyway. That's why they become SO POWERFUL and commit whatever crime upon us one after another.

Therefore, we seriously need to destroy it for our future, and the step towards it is to wake up more and make a lot of people REFUSE TO VOTE

cause AEC itself is a COMPANY.

Therefore, they are NOT entitled to charge you any fine at all!!
So, if they ever come after you for not voting, show them above and demand them to present you some verifiable and sufficient COUNTER evidence that they are genuinely Constitutional and lawful authority. They have none.

That’s basically how I’ve been fighting, but if anyone needs my help, send me a mail. My address, that I gave out to some yesterday, is this blog’s name (not the URL but the writer’s name, with some letters and 3 numbers) plus “at” and either “7th alphabet” mail or another webmail called XXX mail, and that XXX is quite often mentioned along with words like “electron” “neutron”.

I check the former all the time, but the latter might take time before I see it though it could be more reliable than the other. That said, I have to add that the latter was created by some scientists at that notorious CERN, so no guarantee.

Either way, I will definitely reply to any mail mentioning that you wrote seeing this article, or you met me. So if you don’t get any reply, please think that they didn’t let me receive your mail.

At any rate, we’ve got to topple this entire rotten world and put upside up!!

Oh, one more thing.
I talked about Noam Chomsky being a Gate Keeper / Criminals’ agent.
He was on CIA's pay check list.
Here’s what you who trust him have got to watch and listen carefully.

Noam Chomsky Debunks 911 and JFK Murder

Please make sure to wake up fully, train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/plants among us (there are tons of them), and share this with others far and wide.

Keep doing your bits not only on the net but in real life. Have some sign on your car like I do! And say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
