
Referendum!?? - held by a COMPANY calling themselves ‘Government’

OK, as I’ve been telling you for years, all our so-called ‘government’ and everything under it are all Traitorous, Fraudulent, Criminal COMPANIES.

Do they have any authority to conduct a ‘referendum”?

Obviously, NO.
So in short, you should never need to go to ‘vote’ cause if you do, it means you recognized their authority that they don't have. And yet, just for the sake of it, I guess this time, it's probably better that you go and vote "NO".

Because, when these shocking criminals ever want to change something, that’s in order to suit their evil agenda.

In the meantime, someone sent me a link to a video:

Jacinta Price: The Voice and Victimhood

After that, I ran into an aboriginal woman friend/sister I came to know in town, so I asked her about this FAKE politician, and as I expected, she said something like, “She’s not telling the truth” or so.

Of course, she is in the rotten system herself, therefore she is just performing her roll so that she can help maintain this fraudulent system called ‘Government’.

Either way, use anything and tell others to simply DISOBEY the TRAITORS!!

They hate it the most.

And tell everyone about their #GOVisCO fraud.

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

And tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and tell us.

Also, have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do!!

So many told me they LOVE this sign. ;o)

And say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And keep using cash!! while they’re getting rid of ATMs in order to spy on our every move, before introducing Digital ID to control all.
