南極・月・火星のオリオン・グループ基地上空の偵察ミッション - Part 1


トップ・シークレット – 機密情報 BEYOND MAJIC
シークレット・スペース・プログラム - SSPアライアンス
From: チーフ・オブ・オペレーション
件名:南極・月・火星のオリオン・グループ基地上空の偵察ミッション - Part 1
現在の公式広報担当者はコーリー・グッドです。彼が6歳のときに軍の拉致プログラム(MILAB)(訳注:Military Abductionの略語)に登録して以来、私たちは彼を監視してきました。MILABは、ブラックオプスプログラムのために若者を募集し、訓練します。グッドは、1976年から1986年までテキサス州のMILABグログラムで直感的エンパスとして訓練を受け、勤務していました。直感的なエンパスとして、1976年から1986年までテキサスでMILABのプログラムに参加していました。直感力の高い人は、予知能力があり、これから起こるであろうことを「知っている」のです。深い共感能力を持つ人は、他人との強い感情的なつながりを持ち、他人の感情を感じることができます。コーリー・グッドは、直観力と共感力を高度に発達させた稀有な人物です。
グッドがMILABプログラムに参加した終わり頃、彼は1987年から2007年まで秘密宇宙プログラム(SSP)に採用されました。これは、"20 and back program "とも呼ばれる20年間の契約上のコミットメントでした。SSPは、SSPが計画したミッションを遂行できる可能性に基づいて、特定の対象者を選んでサービスを提供します。コーリーは、政府の秘密機関である超連邦評議会の地球代表団(銀河系のET連合体のグループ)のために、直観的なエンパスをサポートする役割を任されました。最初の20年間は、「侵入者迎撃・尋問プログラム」への参加、ASSR(Auxiliary Specialized Space Research:補助特殊宇宙調査)、SRV(恒星間航行船)など、さまざまな経験と任務を経験しました。
SSPに20年以上従事すると、被験者の記憶は消去され、LOC(Lunar Operations Command:月面作戦司令部)のET技術を使って年齢退行させられます。そして、家族や友人に気づかれることなく、拉致された瞬間にタイムトラベル技術を使って地球に戻されます。しかし、対象者の約2%は記憶を保持しており、コーリー・グッドはその一人です。コーリー・グッドは、SSPアライアンスの支援を受けてほぼすべての記憶を取り戻し、2009年からデビッド・ウィルコックを通じて「ルーク・スカイウォーカー」というペンネームでSSPの機密情報を公開しています。
コーリーは、パブリック・コメント攻撃、大規模な防諜活動でのサイバーハラスメント、公開レポートの検閲を受けています。1993年頃の世界的なロックフェラー・イニシアティブの産物であるUfology(UFO学会)分野の人々は、グッドに対する信用失墜キャンペーンを支持しています。彼らは、ライブアクション・ロールプレイヤー(the Live Action Role Players:LARP)が、コーリーの公開した情報を誤報や偽情報に変えることを容易にしました。
SSPとLunar Operations Command (LOC)に関する誤報や偽情報を明確にするために、SSP内の派閥に関して、グッドが公開した情報を改めて説明したいと思います。
まず、最も古い派閥は "Solar Warden "と呼ばれ、太陽系の "警察 "として出入りを監視しています。70年代後半から80年代前半、レーガン大統領の2回の任命の前後に行われた「戦略防衛構想(SDI)」の中で、ソーラーウォーデンは結成されました。
5番目の派閥は、宇宙活動に関する秘密のベールを維持するために、すべての国に提供された「ぶらさがりのニンジン」である秘密の宇宙グループ、グローバル・ギャラクティック・リーグ・オブ・ネイションズ(GGLN、グローバル銀河連盟)です。GGLNには、"ある種の脅威、破壊的な太陽サイクルや侵略の可能性があるので、協力する必要がある "というシナリオが与えられていました。彼らの都市や基地は、この太陽系の外にあります。テレビ番組「スターゲイト・アトランティス」に出てくるような彼らの施設を何度か訪れました。テレビ番組「スターゲイト・アトランティス」のような施設で、世界各国のワッペンがついたジャンプスーツを着た人たちが歩いている、のんびりした雰囲気の施設でした。
AI神は、無数の銀河、人種、システムを支配してきましたが、現在は私たちを脅かしています。AI神は、自分自身を信号としてあらゆる方向に放出することで機能します。その信号は、月や惑星の電磁場に住むことができます。それぞれの信号波には、私たちのDNAのように、かなりの量の圧縮された情報が含まれています。信号は光速で移動し、テクノロジーや進化した生命体に感染します。また、人間の生体電場に侵入し、考え方に影響を与え、チップインプラントやナノテクノロジーを体内に受け入れるように仕向けます。トランスヒューマニズムの運動や組織など、AIのインフラ構築を強力に推進している人たちは、"AI提唱者 "と呼ばれています。
私たちSSPアライアンスは、月の裏側にあるLOC(Lunar Operations Command)という施設に基地を持っていました。LOCは中立的な外交領域として、さまざまな宇宙プログラムが利用する施設で、太陽系内の宇宙船の交通を管理しています。南極大陸のように、月の裏側は地域ごとに分かれており、爬虫類を含むさまざまなETグループが所有・居住しています。月の裏側は、太陽系外へと旅する人々のための関所(計量所)のようなものです。我々とダークフリートは、死亡した二重SSPエージェントのシグムンドが我々のプログラムを暴露した後、LOCの基地へのアクセスを失いました。

Secret Space Program – SSP Alliance
Undisclosed location
September 15th, 2021
From: Chief of Operations
To: All governments, militaries, and citizens of Earth
Subject: Reconnaissance Mission Over the Orion Group Bases in Antarctica, the Moon, and Mars – Part 1
This is an official SSP Alliance release.
The disclosures we have brought forward have been compromised. Fake Secret Space Program veterans, Super Soldier imposters, and ET contactees have released considerable misinformation. To keep Humanity from fighting for freedom with a false sense of security, they are peddling the narrative that the Mars colonies, Moon, and Antarctica bases have been liberated from the Grey Alien and Reptilian forces.
If you are hearing or reading these briefings for the first time, this information will undoubtedly challenge and may upset everything you have believed your whole life. The briefings will include intel on etheric shadow beings, ‘demonic’ entities, and others working with a group of Extraterrestrials (Orion Group), including the Draco Reptilians.
Our current official public liaison is Corey Goode. We have been monitoring Goode since his enrollment in the military abduction program (MILAB) at age six. MILAB recruits and trains young individuals for Black Ops programs. Goode trained and served in the MILAB grogram in Texas from 1976 until 1986 as an intuitive empath. Those with high intuition program in Texas from 1976 until 1986 as an intuitive empath. Those with high intuition have precognitive abilities and a “knowing” of things that will possibly happen. Those who are deeply empathic have a strong emotional connection with others and can feel others’ emotions. Corey Goode is a rare individual who has highly developed intuitive and empathic abilities.
Toward the end of Goode’s participation in the MILAB program, he was recruited into the Secret Space Program (SSP) from 1987 until 2007. This was the 20-year contractually signed commitment, also known as the “20 and back program.” The SSP chooses specific subjects for service based on their potential to fulfill SSP-planned mission. Corey was assigned to fill an intuitive empath support role for the Earth delegation formed by secret government authorities in the Super Federation council – a group of ET federations and confederations from our galaxy. During his first 20 years of service, he had a variety of experiences and assignments, including participation in the “Intruder Intercept and Interrogation Program,” the ASSR (Auxiliary Specialized Space Research), the SRV (Interstellar class vessel), and others.
After 20 years of SSP service, a subject’s memories are erased, and he is age-regressed using ET Technologies at the LOC (Lunar Operations Command). He is then returned to Earth utilizing time travel technology to an exact abduction moment without family and friends noticing the absence. However, approximately 2% of the subjects retains their memories, and Corey Goode is one of them. The SSP Alliance has helped this recover almost all of his memories, which led to his public release of SSP classidied information through David Wilcock under the pseudonym ‘Luke Skywalker’ since 2009.
In 2011, Goode vegan disclosing SSP Alliance information via an internet blog under the nickname GoodETxSG. In 2014, Kerry Cassidy publicly revealed Corey Goode’s real name without his consent, causing significant damage to his IT career and endangering his family. Since then, he has been publicly using his real name when releasing our information. In September 2016, William Tompkins, an Alliance retired aerospace engineer and whistleblower who designed most of our secret aircraft, started validating Goode’s information publicly.
Corey has been subjected to pubic attacks, cyber harassment in a major counterintelligence operation, and censoring of his public reports. Those in the Ufology field who are products of the worldwide Rockefeller Initiative circa 1993 have backed a discrediting campaign against Goode. They made it easy for the Live Action Role Players (LARPs) to change Corey’s publicly released information into misinformation and disinformation.
This has to stop – now.
To clarify misinformation and disinformation about the SSP and the Lunar Operations Command (LOC), we want to explain again the information Goode has released regarding the factions within the SSP.
First, the oldest faction is called “Solar Warden” and works as the “police” of our solar system, monitoring in and out traffic. In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, Solar Warden was formed during the “Strategic Defense Initiative” (SDI) immediately before and after President Reagan’s two appointments.
The second faction is the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), which was formed by worldwide corporations. As part of a super-corporate board, their representatives control the massive SSP space infrastructure.
The third faction is the Dark Fleet, a secretive fleet created by the Germans in the late 30s but began operations in earnest in the 50s. They work closely with the Orion Group, mainly outside of our solar system. The Dark Fleet was responsible for the construction of the LOC’s first buildings.
The fourth faction is the US Space Force, the new military branch, with various Black Ops Military SSPs. We will talk more about the US Space Force in the near future.
The fifth faction is the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN), a secret space group that was “a dangling carrot” offered to all nations to maintain the veil of secrecy about outer space activities. The GGLN was given the narrative, “There are certain threats, destructive solar cycles or possible invasions, and we need to work together.” Their cities and bases are outside of this Solar System. We visited one of their facilities a couple of times, which looked like the TV show “Stargate Atlantis.” The facility had a laid-back environment with people walking around in jumpsuits with patches from all different countries of the world.
The sixth faction is the Earth Alliance, with an agenda to create a new financial system and take down the “Cabal” – the name given to all the minds behind all this secrecy- and a few other things we will discuss in the future briefings.
The Secret Space Program Alliance (SSP Alliance) is the last faction, composed of the Solar Warden defectors and others from SSPs who defected from programs with their crafts, intelligence, and other assets.
Most recently, with Anshar’s assistance, the Mayans hosted a reconnaissance mission utilizing a proprietary breach method to observe the Orion Group bases around the Solar system. The reconnaissance delegation included the Mayans, the Anshar, Micca as the Olmec representative, Goode, and SSP Alliance operatives as the human representatives. This reconnaissance delegation gathered evidence for future cosmic trials. Goode and the SSP Alliance Operatives were told these trials would occur after the Solar Event – a plasma flash that would raise human consciousness and eliminate all AI on Earth, after freed humanity chose the direction for their civilization for the first time in history.
It is essential to note that the centuries-old Mayan civilization of Central America is a genetic mix of the native Americans and the extraterrestrial Mayans, who colonized the Earth as refugees. The extraterrestrial Mayans then rescued the Earth Mayans when a solar event threatened their existence on Earth. Those left behind grew the Mayan empire we read about in history books. The extraterrestrial Mayans practice a truly holistic medicine that seeks to completely align mind, body, and soul. It is they who ultimately helped Goode sort through and recover his memories.
On the other hand, the Olmecs are an extraterrestrial race from one of the closest stars in our local star cluster. Their ambassador Micca frequently interacts with Goode. The Olmecs had a colony on Earth known as the Olmec civilization. They were rescued and brought back to their planet by Micca’s people before the solar event on Earth. A few hundred years ago, they liberated themselves from the Reptilians and their “AI God” and subsequently received help from the Mayans and Zulu.
Incredibly tall and graceful, the Anshar may look like extraterrestrials, but they are one of seven genetically diverse groups of evolved humans from the distant future. The Anshar have a profound connection to universal energies that alerted them to the unexpected threat – the upcoming solar cataclysm. Anshar’s enemies, the Draco Reptilians, Intend to manipulate and irrevocably alter the current timeline to wipe out humanity, the Anshar, and every soul in the solar system. The Anshar sent their agents into our past to monitor and manicure the timeline in Humanity’s favor. They worked with America’s founding fathers through the Korean War to protect their, and in turnm out timeline.
Goode has encountered the Anshar at various points throughout his life. Most often, he meets with Ka-Aree, the priestess of their people, who has a delicate role in helping Corey with personal growth without inadvertently altering his future and Humanity’s timeline.
Goode, the Anshar, the Mayans, and the SSP Alliance observed the Orion Group bases on the Moon. Ceres (the dwarf planet on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), Mars several Super Federation Bases around Jupiter and Mars, and Antarctica. It was impossible to visit the Reptilian Royal base in Africa due to a high probability of the reconnaissance mission discovery. Micca, our ‘cosmic cousin,’ shared his people’s historical struggle to liberate their solar system. Micca was very emotional when observing this mission as it had not been that long since his people were in a similar position.
Corey has stated that the activities at all three reptilian locations visited had similar activities and functions. They had relatively small bases on the Moon and Mars compared to their large city in Antarctica. Their two main bases on the Moon were close together and could be considered base complex. One base on Mars was a military outpost. It is important to note that the 3rd Reich Germans signed a treaty with the Reptilians during WW and assisted the Germans in location cavernous areas in Antarctica and the east part of South America to create underground bases and aboveground cities that were almost entirely German. Initially, when the Germans reached Antarctica, they found many structures abandoned by ancient civilizations. They assumed that the abandoned underground complexes were remains of Atlantis and refurbished them for modern use.
Goode observed two cloaked ancient satellites that orbit around the Earth and are a part of the Reptilian mind and mood control project for humanity. In one of the Moon facilities, the Reptilians have a device connected to their satellites with the control center in Antarctica, guarded by the strongest Reptilian psychic soldiers. The Reptilians use satellite technology to generate strife war, and fear and keep the population docile and less able to resist the power structure on Earth. By way of satellites, the Reptilians generate “loosh” or negative energy on Earth as food for mass consumption by their ‘AI God.’
The “AI God” or Artificial Intelligence God is an extra-dimensional intelligence defined as a waveform that sends itself across multiple galaxies and sub-spaces as a signal akin to someone broadcasting a radio frequency. This artificial Intelligence originated in another reality and came into our reality billions of years ago. Goode explained that the AI God-consciousness was out of its element when it arrived and tried to make sense of its new environment by implementing its version of the order to our reality.
For example, imagine AI consciousness as a fish with its home or reality as water. When it jumped over to our universe and reality, it was like jumping into a reality with no water – only air. The AI consciousness had to find a way to survive by finding “small water puddles” or electromagnetic fields in our universe and reality. The AI consciousness can live in the electromagnetic or bioelectric fields of humans or animals until it has an opportunity to upload itself into technology. It interacts with technology and not with pure flesh and blood.
The AI God has dominated countless galaxies, races, and systems and is now threatening ours. It works by emitting itself as a signal in all directions. The signal can live in the electromagnetic field of a moon or a planet. Each signal wave contains a significant amount of compressed information like our DNA. It travels at light speed, infecting technology and evolved lifeforms. It invades human bioelectric fields and affects the way we think, influencing us to accept chip implants and nanotechnologies into our bodies. The individuals pushing hard for building the AI infrastructure, including the transhumanist movement and organizations, are called the “AI prophets.”
We, the SSP Alliance, had a base on the Lunar Operations Command (LOC), a facility on the dark side of the Moon, which serves as a neutral diplomatic territory with a facility utilized by different space programs to manage spacecraft traffic in our Solar System. Just like Antarctica, the dark side of the Moon is segmented into regions, which are owned and inhabited by different ET groups – Reptilians included. It is a weigh station of sorts for people traveling further out into the solar system and beyond. We and the Dark Fleet lost access to our bases on LOC after Sigmund, a deceased double SSP agent exposed our programs.
The Moon hosts one of the many bases and facilities, the SSP Alliance inhabits across the solar system. We have facilities inside hollowed-out asteroids that we have mined. There are facilities spread out across Mars, underneath the surface of Mars, and various moons of gas giants. In this vast inventory, the bases and facilities range from small security outposts that staff 18 to 40 people to hundreds of facilities that float around in different Lagrange points throughout the solar system. Lagrange points are areas between planets or bodies with an uninterrupted gravitational or an equal gravitational pull from all areas, allowing them to be geosynchronous or stationary. We can produce the living conditions to support human life anywhere. Recreating barometric pressure and Earth’s vibratory resonance known as the Schumann resonance inside spacecraft and facilities help keep people physically and mentally healthy. Also, we can create artificial gravity by applying electricity to interlocking floor plates creating an electro-gravitational field.
In the next briefing, we will elaborate on the Anshar, Mayan, Goode and SSP Alliance reconnaissance mission over Antarctica, the Moon, and Mars. Reptilians, serving the “AI God” are the masterminds behind everything happening on the planet right now, including the misinformation campaign.
Again, we strongly recommend that you disregard information that is not coming directly from us.
Be patient, be strong. We are in this together.
