
BE:FIRST SHUNTO in UVERworld Room - 7/1/2023

Encountering with UVERworld

Hasegawa: Do you remember when you first met UVERworld?

SHUNTO: It was at a rock festival last year.

TAKUYA: Yeah, that's right.

SHUNTO: I was sooo happy to meet at the first time.

Awsomeness of UVERworld

SHUNTO: The MC by UVERworld is great.

Narrator: One of the things fans look forward to at UVERworld concerts is  

[ Concert Movie ]
TAKUYA: "We want to live a cool life, don't we!"

Narrator: TAKUYA's MC which he expresses his passionate thoughts in between songs. One of the most amazing things SHUNTO found was TAKUYA's MS at the 2015 concert celebrating the 15th anniversary of the formation and the 10th anniversary of their major label debut.

[ Concert Movie ]
TAKUYA: "Nineteen years old. I wrote a diary. In it I wrote this, 'If I work hard for one more year and nothing changes, I will die.' I was 19 years old and writing  even though I had no intention of dying at all. Nothing changed for a year since then. When I turned 20, I still didn't give up and live straight, and 6 months later I met UVERworld. I've been happy every day since then. There are dreams in music and bandman. It's wonderful. Music lives are really fun. I will tell you those. Being a musician is truly a dream job. If you want to play music, let's get serious. If you want to be an actor, let's get serious. Let's be serious about what you want to do. We are born only once and die only once. So I think we should do what we want to do and live to the fullest. That's what we're feeling right now. That's "Nanokame no Ketsui (decision on the 7th day)" we're feeling right now." Thank you very much.

「7日目の決意 Nanokame no Ketsui」from UVERworld Official YouTube Channel

Narrator: SHUNTO, who sees himself in these words, says that he learned from TAKUYA the importance of seriously challenging the dreams.

SHUNTO: It inspired me to serioucetly give it another challenge. If I could get so much pushed, there must be that many more people who could get more pushed than me. It is amazing to be able to push the back of other people's lives with the words. 

The Song that Saved SHUNTO

SHUNTO: It is a royal song "Arubeki Katachi (the way it should be)" which I really love. I lost my mother when I was in middle school. The lyrics were so linked to my feelings at that time that the song pushed me to take the next step forward. The song really saved me.

Hasegawa: It is no exaggeration to say that you are here because of this song, isn't it?

SHUNTO: That's right.

「在るべき形 Arubeki Katachi」from Spotify

「在るべき形 Arubeki Katachi」Lyrics from Musicwatch (In Japanese and English)

TAKUYA: I would cry if I pictured Shunto when he was in middle school.

SHUNTO: The lyrics fit my situation so well right from the start.

(They got tearly-eyed.)

TAKUYA: I've listened to the song in many different ways, but today was the best.

Hasegawa: Hearing that story, are't you deeply moved that such a boy is here in the same music field with your song pushing him?

TAKUYA: I went to his live concert, and the singing, performance, and sexiness of the show was 88 times greater than I had imagined.

SHUNTO: I am sooo happy…

Hasegawa: You're lucky coming here today.

SHUNTO: I am very glad I came.

TAKUYA: He is so great. I just couldn't resist asking him to create music together. I would like to do music with him.

Hasegawa: Something might be happened in the future?

TAKUYA: Yes, it might. 
