


2023-08-12 2015/04 B

A laudable endeavor, as I'm sure you'll agree.

laudable endeavor 覚えたい。

I'll second that. Modern society has become a cacophony of unwanted, irritating noise. Peace and quiet are harder than ever to find.

全体的に気になる。society has become cacophony. っていう文章の構造、変じゃない?って感じるし。peace are harder to find. っていう構造もまたピンとこない。

I'm sure you have your work cut out for you.

work cut out for ~で課せられた仕事?身を粉にして働く仕事?

For product managers, "quiet" has a wider meaning than "silent."


I always have a funny feeling when I turn on the ignition in my new hybrid car. Instead of turning a key, I press a button. And then the engine starts quietly turning over, instead of coming to life with the kind of reassuring roar I'm used to.

turn overは回転するという意味だけど、エンジンがかかるっていう意味で使われるらしい。雰囲気はわかるが。come to life 活動的になる。reassuring 勇気づけるような、頼もしい。roar ライオンとかのうなる声。

I'm interested in finding out how the 'quiet car' concept is catching on with American commuter railways. How popular are they?
They seem to have gradually caught on since Amtrak introduced the concept on a trial basis in 2000.

on a trial basis 試験的に。これ使う機会多そうな言葉だなぁ。catch on 広まる、流行する。concept is catching on with -.


There are signs asking that passengers bring such matters to the attention of the conductor.
And I'm sure they do so unobtrusively - and quietly.

bring - to the attention of -. -に-の注意を引かせる。unobtrusively 目立たないように。

2023-07-24 2015/04 A (3)

It gives them an edge over the competition.


Whenever I speak English, I always have to make a conscious effort to watch my grammar, syntax and pronunciation. I still have a long way to go. It's a bit mentally tiring at times.




Awesome is what I call it.

2015/04 A (1)


I have my parents to thank for that.

2015/04 A (1)


They put their foot down about not speaking in a hybrid.

2015/04 A (2)

put foot down about 強固な姿勢を取る。

I must admit that Spanish speakers account for two-thirds of those people with limited English.

2015/04 A (2)

account forで割合を占めるは覚えないとなぁ。



Never seem wiser nor more learned, than the people you are with. Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket: and do not merely pull it out and strike it; merely to show that you have one.

Philip Dormer Stanhope

I like this sentence.


Aim at perfection in everything, though in most things it is unattainable. However, they who aim at it, and persevere, will come much nearer to it than those whose laziness and despondency make them give it up as unattainable.




Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.

Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer and author, 1709 - 84)

Man aloneは「人間だけが」って意味らしい。なるほど。一人で泣きながら生まれ、は変だもんな。一人じゃないし。笑。


Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.

Oscar Wilde (Irish poet, playwright and novelist, 1854 - 1900)



He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked.

Voltaire (French philosopher and writer, 1694 - 1778)



You know, although the middle years of your life are usually the time when you're earning the most money and are in peak mental form,, middle-aged adults are less equipped than you might think to assume midlife's new challenges and burdens. Few people are prepared for the kind of stress and strain that comes with an honest-to-goodness midlife crisis. It can be a real wake-up call.

ビジ英 2022/12A Midlife Crisis (2)

いろいろといい文章だなぁ。are less equippedとか、assume midlife's new challenges and burdensってのは仮定するではなく、引き受けるっていう意味のassumeだし、まあ実は似てるのかな。stress and strainのstrainはピンと張るという動詞で、重圧みたいな意味の名詞でもあるらしい。can be a real wake-up call. も使いたい表現。

Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. (from Lacon)

Charles Caleb Colton (English cleric, writer and art collector, 1780 - 1832)

formidable おそろしい、手強い。そんなに質問できるバカは逆に天才だよなぁ。どういう意味の文章かはわからないけど。Who doesn't be afraid to ask  at all and has many to ask is wise.

That can be a big blow to the old ego. But most of us eventually come to understand that that's OK, and get on with the business of enjoying life.

ビジ英 2022/12A Midlife Crisis (3)

blow 殴打。ego 自尊心的な?big blow to the old ego. 笑。get on with とうまくやっていく。ここのbusinessってちょっとなぞの表現だけど。事柄?business of enjoying life. もしくは人生を楽しむという仕事って考えてもしっくり来るかも。

I contrast to earlier generations, people who hit the midlife mark are less likely to feel they've missed out on having their share of fun.

ビジ英 2022/12A Midlife Crisis (3)

be less likely toってのもおもしろい表現だけども、miss out onでチャンスを逃す。get on with the business of enjoying life. miss out on having their share of fun.なかなか難しい表現だなぁ。

carpe diem.

Suit the action to the word, the word to the action. (from Hamlet)

William Shakespeare ( English dramatist and poet, 1564 - 1616)

行動を言葉に合わせ、言葉を行動に合わせよ。やばい。できてるかできてないかもよくわかってないという意味で、むちゃくちゃ考えさせられる。多分できてない。世の中は行動より大げさな言葉で溢れかえってる。Twitterのネット弁慶とか。基本言葉だけ独り歩きしている気がする。前者の方が難しいか。そこをなんとかしようともがくのは、自分を作り上げていく事になりそうだが。 Suit the action to the word. This is difficult thing for us. We tend to say bigger thing than the real action easily. It lead us to the imagination. But we often fail to achieve what we say. We may go farer when we struggle to suit the action to the word. This Shakespeare's word makes me rather introspective.

They may have issues that go all the way back to their childhood that they've never dealt with adequately and which suddenly rise to the surface.

ビジ英 2022/12A Midlife Crisis (4)


It's always difficult to come to terms with major life events like divorce or the death of a parent. When they happen at the same time as the transition to the middle stage of one's life, feelings of regret and loss can be quite overwhelming and bewildering.

ビジ英 2022/12A Midlife Crisis (4)

2文目はbewildering ひどく困惑させるを覚えるためだけに書いた。come to terms withは妥協する、折り合いをつけるという意味らしい。妥協というとcompromiseが思い浮かぶけど、ニュアンス違うのかも。ニュアンス違うかも、とただただ感じる。come to terms withは心のなかでなんとか折り合いをつけるみたいな意味なんじゃないかな。compromiseを使うシチュエーションがいまいち思い浮かばないな。

As we get older, our healthcare costs rise. That eats away at our savings and makes it harder to make ends meet. That's why I follow a strict exercise program. As you know, exercise helps people stay healthy and maintain the level of fitness you need to follow an active, independent life. Physical decline is not necessarily an inevitable consequence of reaching midlife.

ビジ英 2022/12A Midlife Crisis (4)

よく見るといい文章だなぁこれ。eat away atは、侵食する、食いつぶすみたいな意味。eats away at our savings. make ends meet. は帳尻を合わせる?的な?生活費をやりくりするという意味。fitnessは「体の健康」!level of fitness you need to follow an active, independent life. 

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (Roman stateman, orator and philosopher, 106 - 43 B.C.)

oratorって何?って思ったら演説者、雄弁家らしい。なかなか聞かない言葉だな。演説者っていう肩書。キケローって紀元前かよ。しかもこんなにすごい言葉残してるの信じられねぇ。アリストテレスといい。2000年以上の伝わってる言葉ってエグいわ。unbelievable that his words convey 2k years. abateは勢いなどを弱める。miseryは悲惨さ、困窮、苦悩。abates misery.

Consuming too much saturated fat can be harmful to our bodies because it raises our levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is often referred to as "bad" cholesterol. When we have high levels of LDL cholesterol, it can build up in our arteries and increase our risk of heart disease and stroke.
In addition, consuming a diet that is high in saturated fat can also lead to weight gain and obesity, which can increase the risk of developing other health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.
It's important to note that our bodies do need some saturated fat to function properly, but it's recommended that we consume it in moderation and balance it with other healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in foods like nuts, seeds, and fish.


saturated fatの害についてChatGPTに聞いてみた。

True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance. (from A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers)

Henry David Thoreau (U.S. naturalist and writer, 1817 - 62)

ヘンリー・デイヴィッド・ソローのコンコード川とメリマック川の1週間かぁ。なんか面白そうだなぁ。affordは「に対する余裕がある」。本当の友情に闇や無知は不要。なかなか難しい考え方。そこに嘘があれば、友情ではないって言ってるのかな。まあ大事だと思う。I am wondering whether I have such a friend. And I should call only such a person a friend of mine. I need bravery to do so. We should not compromise when it comes to the true friendship.


There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating --- people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing. (from The Picture of Dorian Gray)

Oscar Wilde (Irish poet, playwright and novelist, 1854 - 1900)

「ドリアン・グレイの肖像」ってなに?playwrightは脚本家。writeじゃないのすげー。I should be a person who knows absolutely nothing. Because it's impossible to know everything. Lol. But it may be really a good way to deal with this.

This helps to lower stress levels, not to mention serving as team-bonding activities. The right dose of fun can help break up the monotony of work, and do a lot to improve employees' engagement level.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (5)

lowerがストレスを下げるという動詞なの意外だろう。help to 動詞という使い方もあるのか。-に役立つという意味で。help 動詞が普通だと思うが。This helps us lower stress levels. では。

If people don't get at least some sense of enjoyment from their work, they won't be as satisfied and productive as they could be.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (5)

難しく感じるけど構造はしっかり見れる。get at least some sense of enjoyment. 最低限の楽しみを得る。 won't be as satisfied and productive as they could be. これで「できる限りの満足して生産的になる」っていう表現。いいね。特にas they could beってところ。

The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression.

Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer and author, 1709 - 84)

それな。って感じ。a general effect of pleasing impression.全体的な楽しかった印象。

I don't mean fun in a frivolous sense,. I suppose I mean "enjoyable".

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (4)

fun in a frivolous sens, ふざけた意味でのおもしろいではなく、楽しめるか?ですよ。

We'd ask this question to get a sense as to whether our employees feel like they're here to stay -- or if there are underlying issues that are making them look elsewhere for work.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (4)

as to whetherってよく出そう。かどうかって意味。

Ask them if they were to quit tomorrow, what their reason would be.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (4)

仮に明日辞めるなら、理由は何になるか?If they were to quit tomorrowっていう表現自然にいきたい。

The survey is a benchmark that helps us collect data that we can copare on a year-on-year basis.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (4)

compare on a year-on-year basis. 年単位で比較。

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled notre --- torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.

Henry Ward Beecher (U.S. Congregational clergyman, social reformer and speaker, 1813 - 87)

tear で引き裂く。tear in two 2つに引き裂く。tear in sunder バラバラに引き裂く。sunderはsunder自体が引き裂くっていう意味らしい。clergymanは聖職者、Congregationalは教会信者の会の?謎すぎる。

They see it as a professional dead end.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (3)

That's a sign of the times

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (3)

Younger workers are less inclined to feel a sense of loyalty to the company.

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (3)

don't tend to feel = be less inclined to = be less apt to?

Where do you see yourself in one year or two years from now?

2020/11B Employee Engagement Survey (3)

あなたはどこにいると思いますか?を、Where do you see yourself?と表現するの好き。

The worst thing that can happen to a man is to lose his money, the next worst his health, the next worst his reputation.

Samuel Butler (English author, 1835 - 1902)

Typically the most important thing for us is health, we think. So this sentence makes a different impression and give me a thought. It means the most important for us is money? May be so.

It is always safe to learn, even from our enemies; seldom safe to venture to instruct, even our friends.

Charles Caleb Colton (English cleric, writer and art collector, 1780 - 1832)



Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives.

Alexandre Dumas (French writer, 1802 - 70)

consists in -で、本質が-にある。コンシスツって発音しにくいな。

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

Abrahum Lincoln (16th U.S. president, 1809 - 65)

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

Aristotle (Greek philosopher, 384 - 322 B.C.)


Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

Woodrow Wilson (28th U.S. president, political scientist, and educator, 1856 - 1924)


Some people got to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends. (from The Waves)

Virginia Woolf (British writer, 1882 - 1941)

I fancied becoming a sports referee.
I'm sure you would have been great, Shota.

2020/10A Vanishing Professions(5)

fancy, 心に描く。きっといいレフェリーになれたと思いますよ。

One school of thought says this is a positive move, because it eliminates the chance of human error. But others point out that many rules are subjet to interpretation. Some even go so far as to say that the possibility of human error increases the excitement.

2020/10A Vanishing Professions(5)

この部分好きだなぁ。many rules are subject to interpretation. 多くのルールは解釈次第だし、go so far as to say - とまで言う人もいます。

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.

Friedrich Nietzsche (German philosopher, 1844 - 1900)

cease to be mind. 理性ではなくなる。変わることを拒む心は理性ではなくなる?ドキッとするわ。ニーチェかよ。cast its skin. 脱皮する。ceaseは古い言葉で、今は普通stopを使う。


ビジ英2020/08AのQuote Unquote。

He who hath many friends hath none.

Aristotle (Greek philosopher, 384 - 322 B.C.)

はい。B.C.! amazing philosoper! 'hath' is old 'has'?

He who knows best knows how little he knows.

Thomas Jefferson (Third U.S. president, 1743 - 1826)

はい。Absolutely! えらそうにすんなクズが。

Whatever possession we gain by our sword cannot be sure or lasting, but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable.

Alexander the Great (King of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon, 356 - 323 B.C.)

Macedonの読みはマスドン?古代マケドニア王国らしい。Aristotleと同じ時期かぁ。王がこれ言うってすげぇ。What a modest words for a king.

Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes. (from Don Quixote)

Miguel de Cervantes ( Spanish novelist and playwriter, 1547 - 1616)

Indeed. I can say nothing about it.

Friendship, like love, is destroyed by long absence, though it may be increased by short intermissions. (from The Idler)

Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer and author, 1709 - 84)

I can understand well. I experienced this situation in corona era. I experienced long absence and couldn't warm the suspended love.


ビジ英2020/06B、07AのQuote Unquoteより。やっぱQuote Unquoteはいいなぁ。

Persist and persevere and you will find most things that are attainable possible.

Philip Dormer Stanhope (Earl of Chesterfield, English statesman and author, 1694-1773)

encourageされる感じの言葉。Persist and persevere. だよねぇ。

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.

Henry Ward Beecher (U.S. Congregational clergyman, social reformer and speaker, 1813-87)

sense of humorとは???jolted by every pebble on the roadのpebble on the roadってA personにとって結構キツいやつなんだろうけど、ゴミなんだよな。ゴミをゴミと認識できるのはhumorであり強さであると言ってるのかもしれない。

Books, like friends, should be few and well-chosen.

Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer and author. 1709-84)

It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one.

Voltaire (French philosopher and writer. 1694-1778)


Our incomes should be like our shoes; if too small, they will gall and pinch us; but if too large, they will cause us to stumble and to trip.

Charles Caleb Colton (English cleric, writer and art collector, 1780-1832)

I cannot imagine the situation I stumble and trip with a too large amount of money. Lol. stumbleもtripもつまずくっていう意味だけど、tripって名詞だと旅行だけど、動詞でつまずくっていう意味になるんだなぁとちょっと発見。

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.

Mark Twain (U.S. writer, 1835-1910)

耳が痛い。読めるかどうかというと一応読めるけど、読む力を鍛えてはいないし。I lack the training to read good books and absorb essence from them.

I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.

Abraham Lincoln (16th U.S. president, 1809-65)

I don't have children, but me too, I am concerned to know what my grandson will be. Lol.

If you want work well done, select a busy man: the other kind has no time.

Elbert Hubbard (U.S. author, 1856-1915)

Hmmm. I cannot understand! Literally speaking, the meaning should be completely opposite. This is a difficult concept for me.

I quote others only in order the better to express myself. (from Essais)

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French philosopher and essayist, 1533-92)

in order the better to expressっていう語順。何これw

Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.

Samuel Smiles (Scottish author, 1812-1904)

replacedかぁ、自分で書いたらfulfilledとかcompensatedとかって書きそう。なくなったものに対してreplacedって言うんだなぁ。って感想。temperanceは、禁酒、節制、自制かぁ。temperance is important for me. I am losing too much time by working at a company. Working at a company of foolish nonsense people is the most time wasting behavior.


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

2017年のDarkest Hourっていう映画に出てきたWinston Churchillの言葉。いいじゃんと思った。


ビジ英2020 6月Aより。

To be prepared is half the victory.

So long as we are loved by others I should say that we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.


Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can… As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.


A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother's love endures through all.

inveterate enemiesで宿敵。inveterateは慢性的な、感情が凝り固まったというような意味らしい。desertで人を見捨てる、縁を断つ、という意味があるのか。

Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.




galvanize : 電気を通して刺激する。敵などを活気づける。
power vacuum : 権力の空白。
fertile : 肥えた、豊作をもたらす。
invert : ひっくり返す。When baking a cake, you should invert the pan onto a cooling rack to release the cake from the pan.
revert : 立ち戻る。
stray : コースからそれる。
caveat : 警告、注意事項、ただし書き。
forked : 分岐した。フォークの形が分岐してるからか。
intervention : 介入。user intervention : ユーザーの操作。
superfluous : 余分な、必要以上の。
clutter up my head with : ~で頭をいっぱいにする。
pristine : ピカピカの、手つかずの。
adhere : 規則や信念に忠実である。支持する。
adherent : 支持者、信奉者。
coherent : 理路整然と一貫していてわかりやすい。
alteration : 変更、修正。
scrutinize : 注意深く丹念に調べる。
plentiful : 豊富な、十分な。
novel : 奇抜な、今までにない。novel coronavirusか。あと小説。
canonical : 規範的な、標準的な、正当な。
outage : 停電。
aside from : とは別に。
extensive : 広範囲の。
authenticate : 本物であることを証明する。
authorize : 許可する、権限を与える。
takeaway : 話し合いなどの覚えておくべき点。
frivolous : 不真面目な。unserious.
synonymous : 同義の。
antonymous : 反意語の。
credential : 仕事、任務などの遂行に必要な資格。



Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; if you flatter only one or two, you offend the rest.

Jonathan Swift (Anglo-Irish satirist and churchman, 1667 - 1745)


Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.

Washington Irving (American short story writer, 1783 - 1859)

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, sir, should keep his friendship in a constant repair.

Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer and author, 1709 - 84)


We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies. It is the first law of nature.

Voltaire (French philosopher and writer, 1694 - 1778)


A friend is a gift you give yourself.

Robert Louis Stevenson (Scottish novelist, 1850 - 94)

It means, I can select the best?



Our hours in love have wings, in absence, crutches.

Miguel de Cervantes (Spanish novelist and playwriter, 1547 - 1616)

ミゲル・デ・セルバンテス。近世スペインの小説家で、『ドン・キホーテ・デ・ラ・マンチャ』(Don Quijote de la Mancha)の著者として著名。ドン・キホーテという名前に馴染みがあっても著者知らねー。We are familiar with the name Don Quijote, but not with Miguel de Cervantes. しかし、時間が羽を持ってるなんて、胸が締め付けられるようないい言葉だなぁ。逆に松葉杖って切ないし。400年以上前の時代からloveという概念が飛んでくるかのように感じる。

The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Aristotle (Greek philosopher, 384 - 322 B.C.)

紀元前のすげぇ言葉。例えば、バラバラの細胞を人間の体と同じだけ集めても人間にはならないみたいな感じの言葉。Amazing. For example, it's as if the same amount of cells to make a human is not equivalent to a human.

A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things but cannot receive great ones.

Philip Dormer Stanhope (Earl of Chesterfield, English stateman and author, 1694 - 1773)


Tears are the silent language of grief.

Voltaire (French philosopher and writer, 1694 - 1778)

Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it's set a rolling, it must increase.

Charles Caleb Colton (English cleric, writer and art collector, 1780-1832)

WikipediaでCharles Caleb Colton調べたら「well known for his eccentricities」って書いてあった。ギャンブラー?An illness required surgery, but Colton dreaded the operation. He eventually killed himself rather than undergo the procedure.


さりげなく再開。なんかQuote Unquote見てると自分のコメント書くのが憚られるな。2020年4月号Aより。Quote Unquoteは改めて見ると最高。Vignetteのひっかるような表現って10個くらいかなぁ。それくらいなら書き出してみるかなぁ。

And we should note that many studies have identified clear health benefits from having a pet.

2020/04 Lesson1(5)


Some animal rights activists make that very argument.

2020/04 Lesson1(4)


Strictly speaking, I wonder if it's appropriate to call pets like that "donors." I mean, it's not as if they can give their informed consent.

2020/04 Lesson1(4)

wonder ifは何度も見たから使えそうかなぁって感じ~。as ifはみたいな感じ~って意味らしいが身についてない。「ペットはインフォームド・コンセントができるような感じじゃないじゃない。」informed consentは情報を与えられた上での同意という意味なので、giveするのはペットの側なんだなぁ、と、これはinformed consentという言葉について。I feel like as if I can use the phrase "wonder if". これをGoogleで訳すと「「ワンダーイフ」という言葉がなんとなくわかるような気がします。」使い方合ってるかな?

As someone who flinches at the sight of a needle, I don't imagine pets take too kindly to having needles stuck into them.

2020/04 Lesson1(3)

何度聞いてもムズい表現。自分のことsomeoneって言ってるのとか。take kindly to ~ですんなり受け入れるって意味とか。He doesn't take kindly to criticism.という例文はわかりやすいかな。

Whatever you think about it, there's no denying that pet healthcare is a growth industry.



The problem is that there simply aren't enough pet blood banks to match demand. The supply of blood often falls short. As with human blood, it's by donation only.

2020/04 Lesson1(2)

I was surprised to learn that cats have three blood types and dogs have a lot more --- a dozen or so.

2020/04 Lesson1(2)


But generally speaking, the infrastracture for pet blood donation isn't nearly as developed and widespread as the human version.

2020/04 Lesson1(1)


Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer and author, 1709 - 84)

The wise are instracted by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 B.C.)


Get up tomorrow early in the morning, and earlier than you did today, and do the best that you can. Always stay near me, for tomorrow I will have much to do and more than I ever had, and tomorrow blood will leave my body above the breast.

Joan of Arc (French military leader, 1412 - 31)

Where there is charity and wisdom. there is neither fear nor ignorance. (from The Counsels of the Holy Father St. Francis)

Saint Francis of Assisi (1181 - 1226)


Brevity is the soul of wit. (from Hamlet)

William Shakespeare 1546 - 1616




Rain made an unwelcome appearance at the picnic.

ビジ英2020年12月号Working From Home (3)

unwelcome appearanceっていいな。


Will you get the kids out of my hair while I engage in a videoconference?

ビジ英2020年12月号Working From Home (3)

out of someone's hairで「邪魔をしないでいる」。get in [into] someone's hairで「邪魔をする」。have a bad hair dayは「髪の毛がうまくまとまらない」=「不愉快な日」。


Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.

ビジ英2020年12月号Working From Home (2)


The information age has brought with it a number of changes for the publishing industry.
The overall number of titles being put out hasn't changed that much. Nor has the process by which books are reviewed by professional editors.
But these days - and this change is not for the better - some books are not reviewed at all.
That wasn't so much the case in the past.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (6)

Listening Challenge 2よりいくつかの文章をピックアップ。この問題気になる表現が多いです。brought with it Xで「Xをもたらす」。Nor hasのところは前の文を受けて「- も - 変わってない」ということだろう。for the betterは「良い方向へ」という意味なので、not for the betterで「良くない方向」。was not so much the caseは「それほどではなかった」。頭に定着させたい表現です。


I suppose one weekend isn't long enough.
Not this time, at least.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (6)

Listening Challenge 1内の会話。返事は「少なくとも今回はそうね。」っていう意味でいいのかな。


Foods that are nutritious are nourishing and provide the substances needed for health. Things like "This vegetable soup is both delicious and nutritious."
A person who argues for a certain action or position is an advocate for that action or position. As in "She's always been an advocate for animal rights."

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (5)

Say What You Meanの2番と3番です。nourishingは「体を健康にする」「栄養価の高い」という意味で読み方はナリッシング。知らなかった。argue forで「賛成する」は出てこないなぁ。advocateは擁護者、支持者。


I couldn't agree more. I completely agree in other words. We also have the expression "couldn't care less" which means we don't care at all. If I say I couldn't care less whether he is angry. Then, that means it doesn't bother me at all I don't care at all that guy is angry. And oddly we also use the expression "could care less" in an exactly the same way. Even though technically this seams wrong doesn't it? But you can also say I could care less  whether he is angry.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (5)

引き続き、英語解説から書き取り。書き取ってから文法的に変だったら追加するみたいな時ありますね。書き取り大変です。couldn't care lessで全然気にしてないっていう意味だけど、could care lessでも同じ意味で使われるらしい。そういう言葉って日本語にもあるよなぁ多分。思い出せないけど。


That blog has been inactive for quite some time. I don't think the writer has posted anything new in two years. Or we are moving all this inactive equipment to the warehouse. It's just taking up the space.
Physical activity also provides protection against chronic diseases such as adult-onset diabetes. This is a diabetes that develops when a person is adult. As opposed to juvenile diavetes which develops when someone is a child. And gestational diabetes which develops in the womb before a child is born. We also have a term early-onset. When something happens earlier than typical. For example early-onset dementia. 

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (5)

その他の語句の英語解説より長めに書き取り。for quite some timeで「かなり長い間」。take up spaceで「場所を取る」。gestational diabetes「妊娠糖尿病」。womb「子宮」。demensia「認知症」。


A lot of the physical frailty we associate with aging is actually the result of inactivity.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (5)

physical frailtyは肉体の衰え。associate withって意外と出てこないかもと思った。


It's always difficult to come to terms with major life events like divorce or the death of a parent. If we come to terms with something, we become able to accept a difficult or painful situation. He struggled to come to terms with his son moving overseas, for example."Come to terms" can also mean reaching agreement. Company X and company Y have finally come to terms on the joint venture.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (4)

その他の語句の英語解説より、「受け入れる」「折り合いをつける」という意味の、come to termsの解説を書き取ってみた。come to terms with 名詞という言い方がよくありそう。


That's a very perceptive observation, Shota. A very insightful observation. Observant. Discerning.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (4)



They may have issues that go all the way back to their childhood that they've never dealt with adequately and which suddenly rise to the surface.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (4)



Middle-aged adults are less equipped than you might think to assume midlife's new challenges and burdens. Few people are prepared for the kind of stress and strain that comes with an honest-to-goodness midlife crisis.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (2)

assumeに「義務や責任を負う、引き受ける」という意味がある。honest-to-goodnessで「正真正銘の」。「正真正銘の」だとbona fideという言葉を思い出す。


You tend to become rather introspective when you're faced with the death of somebody your age that you knew really well.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (2)

become rather introspectiveで「少し内省的になる」。ratherは「かなり」っていう意味で覚えてたけど「少々」とか「いくぶん」という意味もあるのか。逆じゃん。英単語ってたまに全く逆の意味あるよね。


It's not unusual to feel unhappy and restless as we struggle with aging, mortality and looking for a sense of purpose in life.

ビジ英2020年12月号Midlife Crisis (1)

It's not unusualってのが引っかかります。It's usualではなく。mortalityは「死すべき運命」という意味。
