
【洋酒遍歴】フリップマーロウ グラスの美学


The Big Sleep : Champagne Brandy cocktail

1. The Big Sleep (大いなる眠り)
Brandy, Norris. How How do you like your brandy, sir? Any way at all. I used to like mine with champangne. The champagne as cold as Vally Forge and about  a third of a glass of brandy beneath it. (P7)

The Big Sleep


Farewell My Lovery : Dry Martini

2. Farewell My Lovery (さらば愛しき人よ)
I sought out a restaurant that didn't frying grease and found a purple neon sign and a cocktil bar behind a reed curtain. I gobbled a dry martini and hurried back through the reed curtain to the dinning-room. (P251)

Farewell My Lovely

ドライマティーニ :ジンとベルモットを使ったカクテルの王様

The High Window :  Old Tayor

3. The High Window (高い窓)
I got a half-bottle of Old Tayor out of the deep drawer of the desk ad drank a short drink, rolling it around on my tongue.

The HIgh Window

バーボン:オールドタイラー 禁酒時代にも薬用酒として製造を認められていたというバニラとスパイシーなアロマがまろやかな逸品。

The High Window : Four Roses

I got a bottle of Four Roses out of kitchen closet and three glasses and ginger-ale from the ice-box and mixed three highballs and carried them in on a tray down on the cocktail table in front of the davenport. (P177)

The HIgh Window

ロサンゼルス市警から殺人事件を聞きつけて訪れた警部補 BreezeとSpanglerの二人にバーボン:フォアローゼスを振る舞うマーロウ

The Lady in the Lake : Bacardi

4. The Lady In the Lake (湖中の女)
A wizened waiter with evil eyes and a face like a gnawed bone e put a napkin with printed peacock on it down on the table in front of me and gave me a bacardi cocktail. I sipped it and looked at the amber face of the bar clock. It was just past one-fifteen. (P210)

The Lady in the Lake

サンタモニカがモデルとされるベイシティのバー(Peacock Lounge)、しわがれたウエイターからバカルディのカクテルをサーブされるマーロウ 

The Little Sister : Old Forester

5. The Little Sister (かわいい女)
I took the cock out of the bottle of Old Forester and gave a stiff at it. I shuddered. The settled it. Any time I couldn't smell whisky without shuddering I was through. (P272)

The Little Sister


The Long Good-bye : Old Grand-dad

6. The Long Good-bye (長いお別れ)
I got a bottle of Old Grand-dad off the shelf and poured him a shot in a big glass. I knew he would need a big glass. Even he had to use both hands to get it to his mouth. (P30)

The Long Good-bye


Old Grand-dad 114 (1796年誕生 本格派バーボン)

Playback : Gibson

7. Playback (過去のある女)
The captain shoved me in a corner and lit my candle for me. I said I would have a double Gibson. A waiter came up and started to remove the place setting on the far side of the table. I told him to leave it, a friend might join me. (P110)


