
Episode 1: "Interstellar Warriors: Dawn Drills"

Scene 1: The Revisited Black Hole

The starship AI "Eye" and its crew, led by Adam, had once again arrived at a cold black hole at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy. This was their third visit. The previous two attempts had been thwarted by unprecedented events that hurled them into unknown dimensions, making their intended surveys impossible. However, this time, equipped with a new device provided by Doctor X, designed to safely extract energy and information from the prototype black hole, they were determined to prevent such incidents.

Standing at the main control console in the command center, Adam took a deep breath before issuing his commands. "Everyone, prepare yourselves. If this device functions as intended, we might finally reach the truth."

The crew members took their positions and began the startup procedures for the new device. The AI "Eye" voiced a warning in a tense electronic tone, "Adam, the energy levels around us are surging. Something is starting to react."

"Understood, Eye. Everyone, stay alert. If anything goes wrong, move to the emergency evacuation procedures immediately," Adam said with resolve in his voice.

As the device began to hum quietly and started operating, it slowly rotated before their eyes. Suddenly, the device vibrated intensely, prompting the crew to hurriedly move to safety positions. Contrary to expectations, however, the device stabilized, and data collection from the black hole commenced.

"It seems we're holding up for now," Adam sighed with relief, though his face remained tense. "Eye, start analyzing the data. This time, we must clarify what we're up against."

As the initial data analysis progressed, unknown symbols and codes began to appear on the screens. A quiet anticipation spread among the crew—these could be the clues to an ancient cosmic civilization they had been searching for.

"This is... unbelievable," Adam gasped. The information displayed on the screen pertained to the creation of the universe, far beyond their understanding. "If this is true, it could completely overturn our view of the cosmos."

But at that moment, AI "Eye" issued another warning. "Emergency, Adam. The energy emission has exceeded our predictions!"

The crew members once again prepared for emergency measures, readying themselves to face wherever these unknown forces would lead them, and what might lie ahead.

Scene 2: The New Generation of Warriors

In the hidden training facility on Kepler-1649c, training for the new recruits, inheritors of the ninja DNA, had begun before the morning light even touched the ground. These recruits, transcending the traditional boundaries of the Iga and Koga schools, were receiving comprehensive education that covered not only tactical training but also strategic thinking, scientific technology, and a broad range of general knowledge.

At the training ground, the recruits were seen honing their unique skills. Among them, a few with extraordinary abilities were the center of attention. They utilized techniques impossible for ordinary humans, sharpening their skills through rigorous training.

"Look at this, this is our new power," said the ninja leader, who was in charge of training, as he pointed at the young soldiers. His voice was filled with confidence and anticipation.

However, tensions within the organization could not be ignored. There were occasional intense clashes of opinions between the members who valued tradition and those with new abilities. Yet, these conflicts also served as trials to deepen mutual understanding and unite everyone.

Scene 3: The Black Hole Bomb as a Deterrent

In a remote research facility, activity had already started before the dawn's light could seep through the windows. The president of the Science Academy and experts in physics, astrophysics, and strategic engineering were holding a crucial meeting. Their task was to perform the final checks on the black hole bomb, designed to protect the expanse of space.

Displayed on the screen was a vast map of space and the model of the defense system that should be deployed there. The president led the discussion, with each expert utilizing their knowledge to debate the strategic placement and optimization of quantities.

"Placing them here would cover the entire Solar System. However, the Small Magellanic Cloud poses a higher risk. It needs especially careful monitoring," explained the astrophysicist, pointing at the simulation data.

The screen repeatedly showed the results of simulations, testing different scenarios. The president nodded quietly, contemplating how effectively the new technology would enhance the black hole bombs.

"These bombs are not merely weapons. They are our deterrents and guarantee of peace. But we must implement perfect safety measures in all respects," emphasized the strategic engineer.

Following the discussion, they made final adjustments to the blueprint incorporating new technology. This allowed the black hole bombs to be miniaturized, facilitating easier launch and control, and incorporated a fail-safe that would self-destruct in emergencies.

"If this design is approved, we will move to production. This will be the key to protecting our allied nations," stated the president, seeking final confirmation. Everyone nodded solemnly, understanding the significance of their decisions.

The decisions made in this meeting room could significantly impact the future of space. Yet, they were also cautious of the unknown risks the new technology might bring. Whether this technology would save the future or invite new threats depended on their forthcoming actions.

Scene 4: The Grand Tactical Exercise

In the dim light of early morning, the vast training ground of the Kepler-1649c facility was filled with an air of tension. The facility's speakers activated, and the sudden call to assemble sent the trainees rushing to the gathering spot. They lined up in orderly fashion, their faces a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

"Today is the day you put everything you've learned to the test," declared the training instructor solemnly. His voice resonated, instantly transforming the silence into an air of combat readiness. "The exercise we begin now will determine how well you can adapt to real combat situations."

The trainees quickly split into two groups, taking positions at opposite ends of the training ground. The environment simulated a battlefield, complete with sand and obstacles, designed to mimic real combat conditions. As the exercise commenced, the trainees utilized all the skills they had honed.

Their movements were fluid, each action finely calculated. Traditional ninjutsu techniques merged with advanced technology, altering the dynamics of the battle with each maneuver. Amid the intense mock combat, several trainees displayed exceptional skills, distinguishing themselves as leaders.

At the end of the exercise, the training instructor spoke again. "Through today's exercise, I am convinced that you have all taken a significant step forward as true warriors," he said with pride and gratitude, and the trainees felt inspired by his words.

"The challenges you will face from here on are immense. However, with the unity and skills demonstrated today, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome," he continued. Motivated by his words, the trainees began preparing for their next challenges, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

With the conclusion of this exercise, they had stepped from being mere trainees to becoming true warriors, fully prepared to face any battlefield using everything they had learned.

第1話 星間の戦士たち: 暁の演習

場面1: 再訪されたブラックホール











場面2: 新世代の戦士たち





場面3: 抑止力としてのブラックホール弾









場面4: 大規模戦術演習







