
Episode 14: The Design of the Final Battle - The End of Betrayal and Ingenuity🤔🤔🤔

Scene 1: Planning the New Weapon and Strategic Meeting

During a strategic meeting among the crew, Chancellor Elias informed them that about 100 prototypes of a new spherical device had been completed. These spheres have a diameter of about 9 meters, and Adam shared this information at the meeting. During the discussion, the leader of a combat unit, known for his distinctive attire, asked about the principle behind the enemy's shields. According to the Starship AI "Ai," although the enemy's shields are strong, it is possible to create a small opening.

Adam proposed a new tactic utilizing the enemy's shields. This involves using a 10-meter ring-shaped device that can absorb the enemy’s laser cannons and create small openings in the shields. When asked about the feasibility of manufacturing, Ai indicated that it is technically possible but warned that installation would be extremely dangerous. The leader of the unit, who made the proposal, showed courage in volunteering to install the device himself. Adam sought the crew’s approval before adopting this plan.

Scene 2: Device Manufacturing and Operation Details

After receiving approval from the crew, Adam immediately instructed Ai to begin manufacturing the device. He inquired about the weakest part of the enemy's shield or the most optimal position for attack, and Ai indicated that the area around the propulsion system of the enemy's supermassive mothership was the best location. Adam confirmed these coordinates and moved on to detailed planning.

Meanwhile, the leader of the conspicuously dressed special forces unit explained the details of the operation. This unit, though small with only five members, is distinct from conventional military units and known for its unconventional approach. Their unique thinking will be put to the test in carrying out this high-risk mission.

Scene 3: Start of the Covert Operation

After the device was manufactured and loaded onto a small spacecraft, the special forces team was deployed. Calculating the timing of the operation, Adam communicated the coordinates and timing of the plan to Chancellor Elias using encrypted quantum communication. He also requested that spherical devices be inserted through the holes made in the enemy's shield.

Scene 4: Execution of the Plan and Escape

The stealth mode small spacecraft deployed the special forces and the device under the enemy's shield, but the enemy was already observing the area. The leader quickly noticed and declared, "It's a diversion," expanding their presence a hundredfold. Taking advantage of the enemy's observation, the team efficiently installed the device and began its slow activation. During this, the five members pretended to enjoy a spacewalk while they actually used a transport device to return to their own ship. Like magic, they deceived the enemy's eyes and escaped. The moment a hole was opened in the shield, spherical devices began entering one after another.🍎

第14話: 決戦の設計 - 裏切りと機転の果てに

場面1: 新兵器の計画と戦略会議



場面2: 装置の製造と作戦の詳細



場面3: 機密任務の開始


場面4: 作戦実行と逃走

