
Episode 13: Signs of the Endgame - Decisions Against the Empire🤔🤔🤔

Scene 1: Desperate Decision

The remaining massive mothership launched a large number of fighter jets. According to the enemy communications intercepted by Alisa, the pilots were prepared to kamikaze, aiming to prevent their home from being downgraded from first-class to a slave planet. Realizing this was the final battle, the crew braced as laser cannons fired, yet the Starship AI withstood the intense vibrations unscathed. Meanwhile, the battle unit approached the enemy’s colossal mothership and began strategically placing the remaining black hole bombs.

Scene 2: Emergency Mobilization and Children in Combat

Enemy fighters commenced their assault around the Starship AI, and the remaining units responded with laser fire from turrets. Amid a shortage of personnel to operate the turrets, AI was also busy absorbing energy, exacerbating the manpower crisis. Recognizing that an unpredictable charge could result in unavoidable damage, Adam queried Eve and Alisa if the children, being metallic life forms, could be engaged in combat. Alisa expressed reservations about having the children fight, but Eve suggested gently, "It's an emergency; we should at least ask them." Agreeing, Alisa explained the situation to the children, who, ignited with enthusiasm, declared themselves warriors and began competing to score points by targeting the enemy from relatively safe turret positions. Alisa looked on with a mix of amazement and concern as they handled the situation.

Scene 3: The Absolute Threat and Final Battle

Suddenly, the massive mothership of Grand Protector appeared behind the battlefield, but no attacks or fighters were launched from it. Its overwhelming presence enveloped the entire cosmic region in fear. Adam instructed AI to gather detailed information about this colossal mothership. Amidst ongoing combat, Alisa also helped by operating the scanning devices at full capacity to collect the necessary information. Upon receiving a report from AI that the energy charging was complete, Adam ordered the firing of a super energy cannon at the first-class mothership. The combat unit captured the moment the shield disappeared and dropped the remaining black hole bombs. This assault successively swallowed the mothership into small black holes, ultimately turning it into cosmic dust. Afterwards, the remaining enemy fighters attempted a kamikaze attack on the Starship AI, but the strengthened shields thwarted all, turning the enemy fighters into dust as well.

Scene 4: Setting the Stage for the Endgame

In a tense calm between the Starship AI and the Grand Protector's massive mothership, both sides conducted scans while remaining on high alert. There was no launch of laser cannons or fighters from the Grand Protector's side, maintaining a hair-trigger situation. To reassess their strategy, Adam ordered the safe return of the 100 fighters and convened a strategic meeting with the crew. Their arsenal was nearly depleted, and their laser cannons no longer had enough power to break through the enemy's shields. In this scenario, Adam and his team used encrypted quantum communication to review detailed information about the latest prototype from Chancellor Elias—a space-warp-capable spherical weapon—and crafted their next course of action.🍎

第13話: 終局の兆し - 帝国との決断

場面1: 絶望的な決断


場面2: 緊急動員と子供たちの参戦


場面3: 絶対的脅威と最終決戦


場面4: 終局への布石

