とりあえずシュッと OpenAI DevDay の内容をまとめその1


OpenAI の DevDay をリアタイしたのでとりあえず内容を忘れないようにまとめておくのだ


今回はとりあえず新機能はおいておいて ChatGPT の新しいパラメーターを見ていくぞ☆

DevDay の発表内容を試すには openai パッケージもアプデしてね☆


GPT-4 Turbo with 128K context

We released the first version of GPT-4 in March and made GPT-4 generally available to all developers in July. Today we’re launching a preview of the next generation of this model, GPT-4 Turbo.

GPT-4 Turbo is more capable and has knowledge of world events up to April 2023. It has a 128k context window so it can fit the equivalent of more than 300 pages of text in a single prompt. We also optimized its performance so we are able to offer GPT-4 Turbo at a 3x cheaper price for input tokens and a 2x cheaper price for output tokens compared to GPT-4.

GPT-4 Turbo is available for all paying developers to try by passing gpt-4-1106-preview in the API and we plan to release the stable production-ready model in the coming weeks.



user = f"""

 私は、今宵、殺される。殺される為に走るのだ。身代りの友を救う為に走るのだ。王の奸佞かんねい邪智を打ち破る為に走るのだ。走らなければならぬ。そうして、私は殺される。若い時から名誉を守れ。さらば、ふるさと。若いメロスは、つらかった。幾度か、立ちどまりそうになった。えい、えいと大声挙げて自身を叱りながら走った。村を出て、野を横切り、森をくぐり抜け、隣村に着いた頃には、雨も止やみ、日は高く昇って、そろそろ暑くなって来た。メロスは額ひたいの汗をこぶしで払い、ここまで来れば大丈夫、もはや故郷への未練は無い。妹たちは、きっと佳い夫婦になるだろう。私には、いま、なんの気がかりも無い筈だ。まっすぐに王城に行き着けば、それでよいのだ。そんなに急ぐ必要も無い。ゆっくり歩こう、と持ちまえの呑気のんきさを取り返し、好きな小歌をいい声で歌い出した。ぶらぶら歩いて二里行き三里行き、そろそろ全里程の半ばに到達した頃、降って湧わいた災難、メロスの足は、はたと、とまった。見よ、前方の川を。きのうの豪雨で山の水源地は氾濫はんらんし、濁流滔々とうとうと下流に集り、猛勢一挙に橋を破壊し、どうどうと響きをあげる激流が、木葉微塵こっぱみじんに橋桁はしげたを跳ね飛ばしていた。彼は茫然と、立ちすくんだ。あちこちと眺めまわし、また、声を限りに呼びたててみたが、繋舟けいしゅうは残らず浪に浚さらわれて影なく、渡守りの姿も見えない。流れはいよいよ、ふくれ上り、海のようになっている。メロスは川岸にうずくまり、男泣きに泣きながらゼウスに手を挙げて哀願した。「ああ、鎮しずめたまえ、荒れ狂う流れを! 時は刻々に過ぎて行きます。太陽も既に真昼時です。あれが沈んでしまわぬうちに、王城に行き着くことが出来なかったら、あの佳い友達が、私のために死ぬのです。」
 濁流は、メロスの叫びをせせら笑う如く、ますます激しく躍り狂う。浪は浪を呑み、捲き、煽あおり立て、そうして時は、刻一刻と消えて行く。今はメロスも覚悟した。泳ぎ切るより他に無い。ああ、神々も照覧あれ! 濁流にも負けぬ愛と誠の偉大な力を、いまこそ発揮して見せる。メロスは、ざんぶと流れに飛び込み、百匹の大蛇のようにのた打ち荒れ狂う浪を相手に、必死の闘争を開始した。満身の力を腕にこめて、押し寄せ渦巻き引きずる流れを、なんのこれしきと掻かきわけ掻きわけ、めくらめっぽう獅子奮迅の人の子の姿には、神も哀れと思ったか、ついに憐愍れんびんを垂れてくれた。押し流されつつも、見事、対岸の樹木の幹に、すがりつく事が出来たのである。ありがたい。メロスは馬のように大きな胴震いを一つして、すぐにまた先きを急いだ。一刻といえども、むだには出来ない。陽は既に西に傾きかけている。ぜいぜい荒い呼吸をしながら峠をのぼり、のぼり切って、ほっとした時、突然、目の前に一隊の山賊が躍り出た。
「気の毒だが正義のためだ!」と猛然一撃、たちまち、三人を殴り倒し、残る者のひるむ隙すきに、さっさと走って峠を下った。一気に峠を駈け降りたが、流石さすがに疲労し、折から午後の灼熱しゃくねつの太陽がまともに、かっと照って来て、メロスは幾度となく眩暈めまいを感じ、これではならぬ、と気を取り直しては、よろよろ二、三歩あるいて、ついに、がくりと膝を折った。立ち上る事が出来ぬのだ。天を仰いで、くやし泣きに泣き出した。ああ、あ、濁流を泳ぎ切り、山賊を三人も撃ち倒し韋駄天いだてん、ここまで突破して来たメロスよ。真の勇者、メロスよ。今、ここで、疲れ切って動けなくなるとは情無い。愛する友は、おまえを信じたばかりに、やがて殺されなければならぬ。おまえは、稀代きたいの不信の人間、まさしく王の思う壺つぼだぞ、と自分を叱ってみるのだが、全身萎なえて、もはや芋虫いもむしほどにも前進かなわぬ。路傍の草原にごろりと寝ころがった。身体疲労すれば、精神も共にやられる。もう、どうでもいいという、勇者に不似合いな不貞腐ふてくされた根性が、心の隅に巣喰った。私は、これほど努力したのだ。約束を破る心は、みじんも無かった。神も照覧、私は精一ぱいに努めて来たのだ。動けなくなるまで走って来たのだ。私は不信の徒では無い。ああ、できる事なら私の胸を截たち割って、真紅の心臓をお目に掛けたい。愛と信実の血液だけで動いているこの心臓を見せてやりたい。けれども私は、この大事な時に、精も根も尽きたのだ。私は、よくよく不幸な男だ。私は、きっと笑われる。私の一家も笑われる。私は友を欺あざむいた。中途で倒れるのは、はじめから何もしないのと同じ事だ。ああ、もう、どうでもいい。これが、私の定った運命なのかも知れない。セリヌンティウスよ、ゆるしてくれ。君は、いつでも私を信じた。私も君を、欺かなかった。私たちは、本当に佳い友と友であったのだ。いちどだって、暗い疑惑の雲を、お互い胸に宿したことは無かった。いまだって、君は私を無心に待っているだろう。ああ、待っているだろう。ありがとう、セリヌンティウス。よくも私を信じてくれた。それを思えば、たまらない。友と友の間の信実は、この世で一ばん誇るべき宝なのだからな。セリヌンティウス、私は走ったのだ。君を欺くつもりは、みじんも無かった。信じてくれ! 私は急ぎに急いでここまで来たのだ。濁流を突破した。山賊の囲みからも、するりと抜けて一気に峠を駈け降りて来たのだ。私だから、出来たのだよ。ああ、この上、私に望み給うな。放って置いてくれ。どうでも、いいのだ。私は負けたのだ。だらしが無い。笑ってくれ。王は私に、ちょっとおくれて来い、と耳打ちした。おくれたら、身代りを殺して、私を助けてくれると約束した。私は王の卑劣を憎んだ。けれども、今になってみると、私は王の言うままになっている。私は、おくれて行くだろう。王は、ひとり合点して私を笑い、そうして事も無く私を放免するだろう。そうなったら、私は、死ぬよりつらい。私は、永遠に裏切者だ。地上で最も、不名誉の人種だ。セリヌンティウスよ、私も死ぬぞ。君と一緒に死なせてくれ。君だけは私を信じてくれるにちがい無い。いや、それも私の、ひとりよがりか? ああ、もういっそ、悪徳者として生き伸びてやろうか。村には私の家が在る。羊も居る。妹夫婦は、まさか私を村から追い出すような事はしないだろう。正義だの、信実だの、愛だの、考えてみれば、くだらない。人を殺して自分が生きる。それが人間世界の定法ではなかったか。ああ、何もかも、ばかばかしい。私は、醜い裏切り者だ。どうとも、勝手にするがよい。やんぬる哉かな。――四肢を投げ出して、うとうと、まどろんでしまった。
 ふと耳に、潺々せんせん、水の流れる音が聞えた。そっと頭をもたげ、息を呑んで耳をすました。すぐ足もとで、水が流れているらしい。よろよろ起き上って、見ると、岩の裂目から滾々こんこんと、何か小さく囁ささやきながら清水が湧き出ているのである。その泉に吸い込まれるようにメロスは身をかがめた。水を両手で掬すくって、一くち飲んだ。ほうと長い溜息が出て、夢から覚めたような気がした。歩ける。行こう。肉体の疲労恢復かいふくと共に、わずかながら希望が生れた。義務遂行の希望である。わが身を殺して、名誉を守る希望である。斜陽は赤い光を、樹々の葉に投じ、葉も枝も燃えるばかりに輝いている。日没までには、まだ間がある。私を、待っている人があるのだ。少しも疑わず、静かに期待してくれている人があるのだ。私は、信じられている。私の命なぞは、問題ではない。死んでお詫び、などと気のいい事は言って居られぬ。私は、信頼に報いなければならぬ。いまはただその一事だ。走れ! メロス。
 私は信頼されている。私は信頼されている。先刻の、あの悪魔の囁きは、あれは夢だ。悪い夢だ。忘れてしまえ。五臓が疲れているときは、ふいとあんな悪い夢を見るものだ。メロス、おまえの恥ではない。やはり、おまえは真の勇者だ。再び立って走れるようになったではないか。ありがたい! 私は、正義の士として死ぬ事が出来るぞ。ああ、陽が沈む。ずんずん沈む。待ってくれ、ゼウスよ。私は生れた時から正直な男であった。正直な男のままにして死なせて下さい。
「それだから、走るのだ。信じられているから走るのだ。間に合う、間に合わぬは問題でないのだ。人の命も問題でないのだ。私は、なんだか、もっと恐ろしく大きいものの為に走っているのだ。ついて来い! フィロストラトス。」
「私だ、刑吏! 殺されるのは、私だ。メロスだ。彼を人質にした私は、ここにいる!」と、かすれた声で精一ぱいに叫びながら、ついに磔台に昇り、釣り上げられてゆく友の両足に、齧かじりついた。群衆は、どよめいた。あっぱれ。ゆるせ、と口々にわめいた。セリヌンティウスの縄は、ほどかれたのである。

res = chatGPT('gpt-4-1106-preview', f"以下の text を情報を損なうことなく全て完全に英語に翻訳してもらえますか?\n text:\n

Playground で見ると大体 14000 とーくんくらい


{"translation": "Run, MelosOsamu DazaiMelos was furious.
 He resolved to remove the cunning and tyrannical king by all means necessary.
 Melos didn't understand politics.
 He was a shepherd from the village.
 He played the flute, frolicked with the sheep, and spent his days joyously.
 However, Melos was exceptionally sensitive to evil.
 Early in the morning today, Melos set out from the village, crossed fields and mountains, and arrived in the city of Syracuse, ten miles away.
 Melos had no father or mother, nor a wife—just a timid sixteen-year-old sister with whom he lived.
 His sister was soon to marry a decent shepherd from the village.
 The wedding was near at hand.
 Melos had come all this way to the city to buy wedding clothes and food for the banquet.
 First, he gathered these items, then strolled aimlessly through the city's grand streets.
 Melos had a childhood friend; his name was Selinuntius.
 Now, Selinuntius was a stonemason in the city of Syracuse.
 Melos was planning to visit him since they hadn't met in a long time, and he was looking forward to the visit.
 As Melos walked, he began to find the city strange.
 It was silent.
 Though it was natural to be dark after sunset, it wasn't just because of the night; the entire city seemed unusually desolate.
 Even carefree Melos became anxious over time.
 He grabbed a young man on the street and asked whether something had happened since when he visited the city two years before, people sang even at night, and the city was lively.
 The young man shook his head and did not answer.
 Melos walked some more and met an old man.
 He asked even more forcefully this time.
 The old man did not respond.
 Melos shook the old man's body with both hands and asked again.
 The old man answered in a trembling voice that avoided attention, 'The king kills people.
''Why does he kill?''They say it's because they harbor ill will, but nobody really does.
''Has he killed many people?''Yes, first the king's brother-in-law, then his own nephew, his sister, his sister's son, the queen, and then the wise minister Alexi.
''Melos was shocked.
 Is the king mad?''No, he is not mad.
 He just cannot trust anyone.
 Lately, he suspects even his subjects' hearts, and he demands hostages from those who live a slightly flashy life.
 If they refuse, they are crucified and killed.
 Six people were killed today.
'Listening, Melos was seething with anger.
 'What an outrageous king.
 He cannot be forgiven.
'Melos was a simple man.
 Carrying his purchases on his back, he headed to the royal palace.
 Before long, he was arrested by patrolling officers.
 Upon investigation, a short dagger was found in Melos's possession, and the uproar grew bigger.
 Melos was brought before the king.
'What were you planning to do with this dagger? Speak!' asked tyrant Dionys calmly, yet with dignity.
 The king's face was pale, and the wrinkles between his eyebrows were deep as if engraved.
'I was going to save the city from the tyrant.
' Melos answered without any sign of repentance.
'You?' The king sneered.
 'You're an impractical fellow.
 You don't understand my solitude.
''Don't speak!' Melos retorted indignantly.
 'Doubting the heart of a person is the most shameful vice.
 The king even doubts the loyalty of his people.
''It was you who taught me that doubt is the proper state of mind.
 The human heart is unreliable.
 Humans are inherently selfish.
 If you trust, you will be betrayed.
' The tyrant spoke calmly and sighed heavily.
 'I wish for peace, too.
''For what kind of peace? To protect your own position?' Melos scoffed.
 'What kind of peace is it when you kill innocent people?''Be silent, you lowly creature.
' The king sharply retorted, lifting his face.
 'Anyone can speak pure words.
 I cannot see through the depths of a person's heart.
 Even you will beg for mercy when you are crucified and see if I'll listen.
''Ah, the king is cunning.
 You are too full of yourself.
 I am ready to die without begging for my life.
 But if you wish to show me mercy, grant me a three-day reprieve before my execution.
 I want to give my sister a husband.
 Within these three days, I will hold her wedding in the village and return here without fail.
''Ridiculous,' the tyrant laughed lowly with a raspy voice.
 'What a ridiculous lie.
 Do you think the bird that has been let go will return?''Yes, I will return.
' Melos insisted desperately.
 'I will keep my promise.
 Just allow me three days.
 My sister is waiting for my return.
 If you really cannot trust me, then it's fine—there is a stonemason in this city named Selinuntius.
 He is my best friend.
 Let me leave him here as a hostage.
 If I escape and do not return by sunset on the third day, please strangle him to death.
 Please, do this for me.
'The king listened silently with a cruel smile.
 It would be amusing to pretend to be deceived by this liar and let him go, then enjoy the satisfaction of killing the substitute man on the third day.
 People are not to be trusted, and I will sadly crucify this substitute man.
 I want to show all those who are called 'honest people' in the world.
'Your wish is granted.
 Call your substitute.
 Return here by sunset on the third day.
 If you are late, I will surely kill the substitute.
 It would be good if you come a little late.
 I will forgive your crime forever.
''What, what are you saying?''Ha ha.
 If your life is so precious, then come late.
 I know your heart.
'Melos stomped his feet in frustration and became speechless.
His childhood friend Selinuntius was summoned to the royal palace late at night.
 In front of the tyrant Dionys, the two good friends met for the first time in two years.
 Melos told his friend everything.
 Selinuntius silently nodded and hugged Melos tightly.
 Everything was fine between friends.
 Selinuntius was tied up.
 Melos departed immediately.
 It was early summer, and the stars filled the sky.
Melos did not sleep that night and hurried the ten miles to the village.
 He arrived the next morning; the sun was already high, and the villagers had begun working in the fields.
 Melos's sixteen-year-old sister, who was keeping watch over the sheep flock in place of her brother that day, was surprised to see her exhausted brother walking unsteadily.
 Annoying her brother with questions, she asked, 'What’s wrong?''Nothing,' Melos smiled forcibly.
 'I forgot something in the city.
 I have to go back soon.
 Tomorrow, I will hold your wedding.
 It's better to hurry, isn't it?'The sister blushed.
'Are you happy? I've bought you a beautiful dress.
 Let's go and inform the villagers now.
 Your wedding is tomorrow.
'Melos then staggered back to his house, decorated the altar for the deities, prepared the banquet seats, and soon after, collapsed on the bed in a deep sleep that was almost breathless.
When he awoke, it was nighttime.
 Melos immediately visited the house of the bridegroom.
 He then asked to hold the wedding the next day, claiming there was a slight complication.
 The bridegroom shepherd was shocked and said it was impossible; nothing was prepared yet on their side, and asked to wait at least until the grape season.
 Melos pleaded more insistently.
 The bridegroom shepherd was also very solid and was not easily convinced.
 After arguing until dawn, they finally persuaded the bridegroom and managed to settle the matter.
 The wedding was held at noon.
 Just as the pledges to the gods by the bride and groom were completed, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and a raindrop fell, quickly turning into a heavy downpour strong enough to wash away the wheel axles.
 The villagers who attended the banquet felt something ominous but still cheered up each other and sang songs joyfully in the tiny, hot and humid house.
 Melos, full of happiness, wished to stay there forever, to live with these wonderful people for life.
 However, his body did not belong to him at the moment.
 It was something that could not be helped.
 Whipping himself, Melos decided to depart.
 There was still plenty of time before the next day's sunset.
 He thought of taking a quick nap and then setting out immediately.
 By that time, the rain might have lessened.
 He wanted to stay in his home as long as possible.
 Even a man like Melos possesses lingering feelings.
 Tonight, seemingly intoxicated with delight, he approached the bride, 'Congratulations.
 Since I'm exhausted, I would like to rest a little.
 When I wake up, I will go straight to the city.
 I have an important errand.
 You have a kind husband now, so you will never be lonely without me.
 The things your brother hates most are doubting others and telling lies.
 You know that, right? Never create any secrets between you and your husband.
 Your brother might be a great man, but be proud of him.
'The bride, in a dreamy state, nodded.
 Melos then tapped the bridegroom's shoulder, 'We're both unprepared.
 In my house, all I have is a sister and sheep.
 Nothing else.
 It's all yours.
 Be proud that you became Melos's brother.
'The bridegroom shyly rubbed his hands.
 Melos smiled, made his goodbye to the villagers, left the banquet, and sneaked into the sheep stable to sleep soundly like the dead.
When he woke up, it was dawn the next day.
 Melos sprang to his feet.
 No, he was perfectly fine.
 If he set out now, he could definitely reach the royal city within the deadline.
 Today, by all means, he would show the king the reality of a person's trustworthiness.
 And he would laugh as he mounted the stake.
 Melos leisurely began dressing.
 The rain had also let up a bit.
 He was ready.
 Now, Melos swung his arms vigorously and ran out into the rain as fast as an arrow.
'I will be killed tonight.
 I run to be killed.
 I run to save my friend who is standing in for me.
 I run to shatter the king's cunning treason.
 I must run.
 And then, I will be killed.
 Preserve your honor from a young age.
 Farewell, homeland.
' It was tough for young Melos.
 Many times, he almost gave up.
 With a loud 'ei, ei' to encourage himself, he ran.
 Leaving the village, he crossed the fields, passed through the forest, and reached the next village where the rain had already stopped, and the sun was now rising high and getting hotter.
 Wiping the sweat off his forehead with a fist, Melos thought he was fine now that he had made it this far.
 No more nostalgia for his hometown.
 His sisters would surely become a good couple.
 He had nothing else to worry about.
 All he had to do was reach the royal city.
 There was no need to rush.
 He regained his usual carefree spirit and started singing a favorite tune in a good voice.
 After wandering aimlessly for two or three miles, disaster struck out of the blue.
 Melos's feet suddenly stopped.
 Look at the river ahead.
 Yesterday's torrential rain had overflowed the mountain's water source, a dirty torrent gathering in the downstream with violent force, breaking the bridge and splashing the bridge girders like dust.
 He stood dumbfounded, looked around, called out as loud as he could, but the ferryboats were all swept away by the waves without a trace, and there was no sign of the ferryman.
 The flow was swelling and turning into a sea.
 Melos crouched on the riverbank and cried like a man, raising his hands to Zeus for a plea, 'Ah dignify the raging flow! Time is passing by minute by minute.
 The sun is already at its zenith.
 If I cannot reach the royal city before it sets, that good friend will die because of me.
'The muddy torrent mockingly laughed at Melos's cries, raging and jumping even more violently.
 The waves swallowed waves, rolled them up, fanned them, and time vanished moment by moment.
 Melos was now resigned.
 There was no choice but to swim across.
 Ah, gods, see! The great power of love and truth, which cannot be defeated by muddy torrents, is now being demonstrated.
 Melos dived into the stream and began a desperate struggle against the roaring waves, which tumbled violently like a hundred snakes.
 Putting all his strength into his arms, he brushed aside the oncoming, swirling, dragging current, which seemed like nothing to him, and amid cries of desperation, he was finally able to cling to the trunk of a tree on the opposite bank.
 How wonderful.
 After taking one big shudder like a horse, he hurried on again.
 Not a moment to waste.
 The sun was already leaning towards the west.
 While breathing roughly, he climbed the pass and just as he was relieved to pass, suddenly a band of mountain robbers leapt out.
''I have to reach the royal castle before the sun sets.
 Let me go.
''No, we won't let you pass.
 Leave all your belongings and go.
''I have nothing but my life, and even that single life will be given to the king shortly.
''We want your life.
''It must be the king's orders, had you wait for me here.
'The mountain robbers did not say a word and all at once raised their clubs.
 Melos bent his body quickly and swooped down on one of them like a bird, grabbed the club, and said, 'I'm sorry, but it's for justice!' His blows were fierce, and within moments he knocked down three men, and in the confusion of the remaining men, he ran down the pass.
 He rushed down the pass, but he was exhausted and felt dizzy many times under the blazing afternoon sun.
 He regained his senses, staggered a step or two, and finally collapsed on his knees.
 He could not get up.
 Looking up at the sky, he burst into tears.
 Ah, Melos, who swam against the muddy torrent, who knocked down three mountain robbers, who overcame this far.
 The true hero, Melos, is now worn out here and cannot move.
 That is disgraceful.
 Your loving friend is about to be killed just because he trusted you.
 You are the epitome of distrust, a traitor as the king wished, as he scolded himself and his whole body wilted until he could not even move forward as much as an inchworm.
 He lay down on the grass by the roadside.
 If the body is tired, the spirit will be tired as well.
 And a grumpy, unworthy spirit will nest in the corner of his heart.
 I made so many efforts.
 I had no intention of breaking my promise.
 As God is my witness, I did my best.
 I ran until I could not move.
 I am not faithless.
 Ah, if only I could cut open my chest to show my deep red heart.
 I want to show this heart, which operates only with the blood of love and trust.
 But now, when it matters most, I have run out of energy.
 I am thoroughly an unlucky man.
 I will definitely be laughed at.
 My family will be laughed at too.
 I have deceived my friend.
 To fall halfway is the same as doing nothing from the beginning.
 Ah, I don't care anymore.
 Maybe this is my fate.
 Selinuntius, forgive me.
 You have always trusted me.
 I have not deceived you.
 We were really good friends.
 Not once did we harbor a dark cloud of doubt in our hearts.
 Even now, you must be waiting for me innocently.
 Ah, he must be waiting.
 Thank you, Selinuntius.
 Thank you for trusting me so much.
 When I think of that, I can't stand it.
 The trust between friends is the most precious thing in this world.
 Selinuntius, I have ran so hard.
 I didn’t intend to deceive you for a moment.
 Trust me! I rushed here as quickly as I could.
 I broke through the muddy torrent.
 I escaped from the surrounding mountain robbers and came down the pass in one breath.
 I could do it because I am me.
 Ah, don't ask me for anything more.
 Leave me alone.
 I don't care anymore.
 I've lost.
 It's undignified.
 Laugh at me.
 The king whispered to me to come a bit late.
 If I'm late, he'll kill the substitute and save me.
 I hated the king's cowardice.
 But now that I think about it, I'm doing just what the king said.
 I will be late.
 The king will smile to himself and forgive me easily.
 If that happens, it will be more painful than death.
 I will be a traitor forever.
 The most dishonorable person on earth.
 Selinuntius, I want to die too.
 Let me die with you.
 You will definitely trust me.
 No, is that also my wishful thinking? Ah, maybe I should just survive as a villain.
 I have a home in the village.
 There are sheep.
 My sister and her husband wouldn't drive me out of the village.
 Thinking about it, these concepts like justice, trust, and love are nonsensical.
 Kill people to survive.
 Wasn't that the law of the human world? Ah, everything is ridiculous.
 I am a vile traitor.
 Let it be, it doesn’t matter.
 He threw his limbs out and dozed off.
Suddenly, he heard the murmur of water flowing.
 He raised his head slightly, took a breath and listened intently.
 Water seemed to be flowing right at his feet.
 He struggled to his feet and found that a small stream of water was gushing out from a crack in the rock, whispering and bubbling with clear water.
 Melos leaned over the spring as if drawn to it.
 He scooped water with both hands and drank a gulp.
 With a long sigh of relief, he felt as if he had awakened from a dream.
 He could walk.
 Let's go.
 With the recovery of his physical exhaustion, a glimmer of hope was born.
 It was the hope of fulfilling his duty.
 The hope of sacrificing himself to preserve his honor.
 The setting sun casted red light on the leaves, and the leaves and branches shone as if they were on fire.
 There is still time before sunset.
 Someone is waiting for me.
 Someone is silently waiting for me, with unwavering trust.
 I am being trusted.
 My own life is not up for question.
 I can only apologize if I die.
 I can't say enough good things.
 Now, the only thing to do is that.
 Run! Melos.
I am trusted.
 I am being trusted.
 The whisper of the demon in the previous moment was just a

大体出力は 4400 トークンくらい

というわけで入力トークンはふえるけど出力トークンは max_token のせいか途中できれちゃう(/・ω・)/

Reproducible outputs and log probabilities

The new seed parameter enables reproducible outputs by making the model return consistent completions most of the time. This beta feature is useful for use cases such as replaying requests for debugging, writing more comprehensive unit tests, and generally having a higher degree of control over the model behavior. We at OpenAI have been using this feature internally for our own unit tests and have found it invaluable. We’re excited to see how developers will use it. Learn more.

We’re also launching a feature to return the log probabilities for the most likely output tokens generated by GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-3.5 Turbo in the next few weeks, which will be useful for building features such as autocomplete in a search experience.




def chatGPT(model, prompt):
      response = client.chat.completions.create(
        model=model, messages=[
            {'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}
        # response_format={ "type": "json_object" }
      return response.choices[0].message.content

for i in range(10):
    print(chatGPT('gpt-4-1106-preview', '一言ジョークを言って'))

とりあえず seed に適当な値をいれて temperature を 1 にしてみる













temperature 1 だがいい感じ

temperature 0.2 とかにするとほぼ一貫性がありんす












seed: Optional[int]
"""This feature is in Beta.
If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically,
such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return
the same result. Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the
`system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.




Improved instruction following and JSON mode

GPT-4 Turbo performs better than our previous models on tasks that require the careful following of instructions, such as generating specific formats (e.g., “always respond in XML”). It also supports our new JSON mode, which ensures the model will respond with valid JSON. The new API parameter response_format enables the model to constrain its output to generate a syntactically correct JSON object. JSON mode is useful for developers generating JSON in the Chat Completions API outside of function calling.


出力を確実に JSON 指定できるぜひゃっは~~(/・ω・)/


Note that your system prompt must still instruct the model to produce JSON, and to help ensure you don't forget, the API will throw an error if the string JSON does not appear in your system message. Also note that the message content may be partial (i.e. cut off) if finish_reason="length", which indicates the generation exceeded max_tokens or the conversation exceeded the max context length.

Must be one of text or json_object.


JSON に変換する指示は残して行いといけませんわ(/・ω・)/

def chatGPT(model, prompt):
      response = client.chat.completions.create(
        model=model, messages=[
            # {'role': 'system', 'content': 'output json format like {"joke": your joke}'},
            {'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}
        response_format={ "type": "json_object" }
      return response.choices[0].message.content


def chatGPT(model, prompt):
      response = client.chat.completions.create(
        model=model, messages=[
            {'role': 'system', 'content': '次のような JSON 形式で出力してください {"joke": ジョーク}'},
            {'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}
        response_format={ "type": "json_object" }
      return response.choices[0].message.content
{"joke": "カレンダーの裏は、何も予定がないから裏表ない。"}

はい、シュッと joke が json 形式で取得できましたわね(/・ω・)/

