iOSアプリBeatMasterをリリースしてちょうど10年目の本日、新たに「BeatMaster Reborn Project」を始動します!


2017年9月にiOS11がリリースされ、iOSアプリ「BeatMaster Professional Edition」「BeatMaster Free Edition」が使えなくなって1年以上が過ぎました。そして現在もまだiOS11やiOS12では使えない状況が続いております。本アプリをご購入頂いた皆さまにはご迷惑をお掛けしており、誠に申し訳ございません。改めて心よりお詫び申し上げます。




そのようなわけで、大変長らくお待たせしましたが、元祖BeatMaster Professional Editionがリリースされてからちょうど10年目のその日となる本日2019年2月1日(金)、「BeatMaster Reborn Project」を始動いたします。


また、今後このReborn Projectでは、定例ミーティングの様子や開発中のアプリの動き具合、検討中のユーザーインターフェイスデザイン等々、開発進捗をすべてネット上に公開しながらプロジェクトを進めていく予定です。リリースまでもうしばらくお時間を頂きますが、どうか見守って頂けましたら幸いです。





Dear BeatMaster fans,

When IOS 11 was released in September 2017, our iOS applications “BeatMaster Professional Edition” and “BeatMaster Free Edition” became unusable, and this situation is still continuing now. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone who purchased this application. I sincerely apologize from my heart.

After iOS 11 was released, I investigated to make BeatMaster compatible with iOS 11, but unfortunately it turned out that it was necessary to make a major refurbishment at the level of rewriting the whole source code. However, we could not find any engineers that we could handle so we were in a very heartbreaking situation. (The source code was also considerably old as it is an application released in February 2009 shortly after the announcement of the first iPhone.)

After the BeatMaster series became unusable on iOS, we received inquiries from a large number of users…”When will it be updated?”. I am very sorry about that..

On the other hand, however, my colleague said, “Because there are so many fans, BeatMaster should be resurrected and we should do it together!” After that I was looking for an engineer for a while, but finally I got to know a wonderful engineer.

Today is the 10th year since the original BeatMaster Professional Edition was released, and we announce that “BeatMaster Reborn Project” is started.

The release of the new BeatMaster is planned for this summer, but in the future Reborn Project will show the progress of our regular meetings, the motion of the application under development, the user interface design under consideration, etc. all on the Internet. I’d appreciate it if you could keep in touch with us.

Sincerely yours,
