
2023 L15 'The Customer Is Not God'

Hello everyone,

Let's review the important expressions quickly.





'The Customer Is Not God' (1)

Advocacy ad, 意見広告

Tagline, キャッチフレーズ

Drive recklessly, 危険運転をする

Glare at,をにらみつける

Mild-mannered, 穏やかな

Physical aggression, 身体的な攻撃

Laboriously, 苦労して

Dashcam, ドライブレコーダー

Baseless, 根拠のない

Far-fetched, こじつけの


An [advocacy ad] often carries a powerful [tagline] to convey its message effectively. In some cases, these ads may focus on discouraging negative behaviors, such as [driving recklessly]. A powerful image may capture a moment when someone is [glaring at] another driver, highlighting the importance of staying calm even in challenging situations.

Promoting a [mild-mannered] approach to conflict resolution is crucial, as [physical aggression] rarely leads to positive outcomes. Encouraging people to handle disputes calmly and [laboriously] find solutions can contribute to a safer and more harmonious society.

In the context of road safety, the use of [dashcams] has become increasingly popular to provide evidence and prevent [baseless] accusations. It's essential to debunk [far-fetched] claims and rely on factual information to ensure fairness and justice in any situation.

'The Customer Is Not God' (2)

Disheartening, 落胆させる

Go overboard, 度を超す

What business doesn't value its customers? どんな企業がお客を大切にしないでしょうか?

Which university doesn't prioritize its students?
Which hotel neglects its guests?
Which restaurant disregards its patrons?
Which store ignores its shoppers?
Which airline neglects its passengers?

Mistreatment, 不調な扱い

Fall off, 減少する

Plea for someone to, (人)に…してほしいという訴え


Interface with someone, (人)と意思の疎通を図る

Vent one's frustration,(欲求)不満を表に出す


It's [disheartening] to see any business that doesn't value its customers. [What business doesn't appreciate the importance of treating customers well?] Instances of [mistreatment] can lead to a [fall off] in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

When customers experience problems, a [plea for someone to] address their concerns is crucial. However, constant issues and lack of resolution can [demoralize] customers, causing them to question their loyalty to the brand.

To avoid such situations, it's important for businesses to [interface with] their customers effectively, ensuring clear communication and understanding. This proactive approach can prevent customers from feeling the need to [vent their frustrations] publicly and contribute to maintaining a positive customer-business relationship.

'The Customer Is Not God' (3)

Labor to, …しようと努力する

Be hailed as, …として称賛される

Expectation are raised, 期待が高められる

Promise the world, 実現できなさそうなことを約束する

In the eyes of, …の目から見れば

At large, 全体として

Be stuck, 行き詰まる

Automated voice prompt, 自動音声の指示

Be pushed around by, …にこき使われる

Cross the line, 度を超す

Abusive, 口汚い

Reality bites. 現実が襲ってくる。


[In the eyes of] many employees, the management's promise to [promise the world] often leads to disappointment, as [expectations are raised], but efforts to [labor to] meet those promises are lacking. This situation leaves workers feeling [stuck] and [pushed around by] unrealistic demands. When communication is solely through an [automated voice prompt], the frustration among employees is [at large], as they feel their concerns are not being heard.

In such environments, it's crucial for employers to recognize when they [cross the line] and address issues before they become [abusive]. Otherwise, the harsh [reality bites], and the company's reputation may [be hailed as] one that doesn't live up to its commitments.

'The Customer Is Not God' (4)

In turn, 結果として

Unconventional, 慣例にとらわれない

Rank tops, 第一位である

Trickle-down effect, トリクルダウン効果

Run high, (感情が)高ぶる

Restlessness, 落ち着きのなさ

Minor inconvenience, ささいな不便さ

Take out one's frustrations on, いらいらを…にぶつける

Be something else, たいしたもの[人]である


[Unconventional] ideas often lead to groundbreaking changes, and, [in turn], these innovations can [rank tops] in their respective fields. The [trickle-down effect] of such advancements can be seen when excitement [runs high] among various industries. However, with progress comes a certain level of [restlessness] as [minor inconveniences] may arise.

In times of heightened emotions, it's important not to [take out one's frustrations on] others. Instead, [being something else] — someone remarkable — requires channeling that energy into constructive solutions and maintaining composure in the face of challenges.

'The Customer Is Not God' (5)

Take a stand, はっきりした態度を取る

Navigate between, …の間をうまく切り抜ける

Everyone has their off days. だれにでもうまくいかない日はある

Have something in place, …を整える

Repeat offender, (犯罪の)常習者

Nasty, 不愉快な


In life, it's important to learn how to [navigate between] challenges and setbacks, as [everyone has their off days]. These are the times when having effective coping mechanisms [in place] becomes crucial for maintaining mental well-being.

Dealing with challenges requires resilience, but sometimes, individuals may find themselves becoming a [repeat offender] when it comes to negative patterns or behaviors. Addressing these issues and having support systems [in place] can contribute to positive change.

It's also essential to be mindful of the impact our words and actions can have on others. Avoiding [nasty] behavior and promoting kindness creates a more pleasant and harmonious environment for everyone.


[Advocacy ad](意見広告) often relies on a compelling [tagline](キャッチフレーズ) to effectively convey its message. Discouraging behaviors like [driving recklessly](危険運転), illustrated by moments when drivers [glare at](をにらみつける)each other, emphasizes the importance of promoting [mild-mannered](穏やかな) behavior on the road.

Addressing the negative impact of [physical aggression](身体的な攻撃), especially in the context of road safety, requires [laboriously](苦労して)finding solutions. Encouraging the use of [dashcams](ドライブレコーダー) can provide evidence and prevent [baseless](根拠のない) accusations, avoiding [far-fetched](こじつけの) claims.

In contrast, it's [disheartening](落胆させる) to witness any business that doesn't value its customers, asking the question, "What business doesn't appreciate the importance of treating customers well?" Instances of [mistreatment](不調な扱い) can lead to a [fall off](減少する)in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In times of dissatisfaction, making a [plea for someone to]((人)に…してほしいという訴え)address concerns is crucial. Constant issues and lack of resolution can [demoralize](やる気を失わせる)customers, questioning their loyalty to the brand.

To maintain positive relationships, businesses should effectively [interface with]((人)と意思の疎通を図る)their customers. This prevents customers from feeling the need to [vent their frustrations]((欲求)不満を表に出す)publicly and contributes to a harmonious customer-business relationship.

Life, like driving, requires learning to [navigate between](…の間をうまく切り抜ける)challenges. It's understood that [everyone has their off days](だれにでもうまくいかない日はある), emphasizing the importance of having effective coping mechanisms [in place](…を整える)for mental well-being.

In promoting positive change, addressing negative patterns or behaviors is essential, especially when someone becomes a [repeat offender]((犯罪の)常習者). Having support systems [in place](…を整える)is crucial for positive transformation.

Promoting a [mild-mannered](穏やかな) approach to conflict resolution is vital. Encouraging individuals to handle disputes calmly and [laboriously](苦労して)find solutions contributes to a safer and more harmonious society.

It's crucial to be mindful of the impact our words and actions can have on others, avoiding [nasty](不愉快な)behavior. Promoting kindness creates a more pleasant environment for everyone.

[Taking a stand](はっきりした態度を取る), [in turn](結果として), contributes to positive change. Life may present challenges, but with effective coping mechanisms and a commitment to positive behavior, one can [navigate between](…の間をうまく切り抜ける)obstacles and promote a better, more harmonious world.
