
【ビジ英徹底復習】 L7 Spreading News Deserts

Hello everyone,

今回はまずは ★★★ 杉田敏先生の講演会 ★★★ のお知らせです。
9月16日(土) に大阪とオンラインのハイブリッドで行われます。

今回二つ目は、 ★★★ 実践ビジネス英語のシャドーイングでペラペラになった方 ★★★ のインタビューです。
[YouTube] タロサックの海外生活ダイアリーTAROSAC










The decline of newspapers is evident in the U.S., India, and Japan. In the U.S., newspapers face challenges like reduced readership and "news deserts," leading to concerns about journalistic oversight. The rise of digital media, falling advertising revenue, and changing reading habits contribute to the decline. Japan and the U.S. share generational issues, with younger generations relying more on smartphones and social media. AI-generated content and ethnic media's potential role are discussed. Despite challenges, optimism remains for a future of more timely and flexible news delivery, even though traditional newspaper models are fading due to digital transformation.

Here are 20 expressions and terms from the conversation that you should keep in mind:

U.S. media landscape: The overall environment and structure of media outlets and communication channels in the United States.

Newspaper readership: The number of people who read newspapers regularly.

Robust: Strong, healthy, and active.

Circulation: The number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are distributed and sold.

News deserts: Areas with very limited access to local news sources.

Journalistic watchdogs: Media outlets and journalists who monitor and hold individuals, organizations, and governments accountable for their actions.

Ghost newspapers: Publications that have significantly reduced in size, frequency, or content, often appearing as supplements in larger newspapers.

Daily newspaper: A newspaper that is published and distributed on a daily basis.

Digital news sources: Online platforms that provide news content.

Pink-slime outlets: Low-quality news sources that rely on outsourcing or automation to generate news stories.

Civic engagement: Involvement of citizens in their communities' social and political affairs.

Local and investigative journalism: Reporting that focuses on issues within a specific community and delves deep into uncovering hidden information.

Advertising revenues: Income generated by placing advertisements in newspapers and other media.

Echo chamber: A situation where individuals are exposed only to information and opinions that align with their existing beliefs.

Generational shift: Changes in behavior and preferences that occur as one generation replaces another.

AI-generated articles: Articles produced using artificial intelligence technology.

Ethnic media: Media outlets catering to specific ethnic or cultural communities.

Hybrids or online-only: Referring to newspapers that are a combination of traditional print and digital formats or those exclusively available online.

User experience: The overall satisfaction and ease of use for individuals interacting with a product or service.

Conventional newspaper business model: The traditional way newspapers operate, including print production, distribution, and advertising revenue.

These expressions cover various aspects of the media landscape, including shifts in consumption habits, technological advancements, challenges facing traditional media, and potential future developments.

★Small Talk "ZA-TSU-DA-N"

1 "It's interesting how the media landscape differs between countries, like the conversation mentioned about newspapers. What are your thoughts on that?"

2 "I was surprised by the concept of 'ghost newspapers.' Have you heard of something similar before?"

3 "The decline of newspapers seems to be a global issue. How do you think this impacts the way people get their news?"

4 "I found the idea of 'pink-slime journalism' intriguing. Do you think this kind of news is common in your country?"

5 "The conversation mentioned that some media outlets are using AI to generate news articles. How do you feel about technology's role in journalism?"

Hiro: Hey Akira, did you read that vignette about the decline of newspapers in the U.S. and Japan?

Akira: Yeah, I did. It's quite concerning how newspaper readership is dropping in both countries.

Hiro: Absolutely. I was surprised to learn about the term 'ghost newspapers.' Have you ever come across that term before?

Akira: No, that was new to me too. It's sad to think that some newspapers have become just a shadow of what they used to be.

Hiro: True. And the idea of 'pink-slime outlets' was intriguing. It's like low-quality news being passed off as something better.

Akira: Yeah, it's worrying how misinformation can spread easily. By the way, did you know that newspaper circulation in India and China is actually increasing?

Hiro: Really? That's quite the opposite of what's happening in the U.S. and Japan. I guess media trends can vary a lot between different countries.

Akira: Definitely. And the role of technology is also significant. AI-generated articles are becoming more common, even in the U.S.

Hiro: Right, it's interesting how artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of journalism. But what caught my attention is the shift from print to online and membership models.

Akira: Yes, that seems to be a response to changing reader preferences. And with the rise of digital media, it's becoming more convenient for people to access news online.

Hiro: It's sad to hear about the decline of newspapers, but I guess change is inevitable in this digital age.

Akira: That's true. But like the conversation said, while the paper in the newspaper might go away, there will always be news. It's just adapting to new formats.

Hiro: Exactly, we have to embrace the changes and maybe look forward to more timely and flexible ways of getting information.

Akira: Agreed. It's a dynamic shift, and it'll be interesting to see how media continues to evolve in the coming years.





