
【ビジ英徹底復習】 L6 Reskilling 5x5x5






Put one's money where one's mouth is: This phrase means to back up one's words with action or to demonstrate a genuine commitment to something by investing resources, usually money, in it. In the context of the conversation, it refers to A&A's decision to invest $500 million in their "Reskilling 5×5×5" campaign, showing their serious commitment to digital transformation.

Microcertificate: A microcertificate is a small, specialized certification or qualification that focuses on a specific skill or topic. In the conversation, it is mentioned that employees may need to complete several certificate or microcertificate programs as part of the reskilling initiative.

Cat-and-mouse game: This phrase refers to a situation where one party (the "mouse") tries to outsmart or evade another party (the "cat") who is pursuing them. In the conversation, it is used in the context of cybersecurity, where protecting against cyberattacks can feel like a constant game of trying to stay one step ahead of hackers.

Take stock of: To "take stock of" means to assess or evaluate something, often referring to reviewing one's strengths, weaknesses, or overall situation. In the conversation, Jane mentions that she is taking stock of her strengths and weaknesses, particularly in regards to her skills and areas for improvement.

Humanize: In this context, "humanize" means to make something more humane, compassionate, or personal. The conversation mentions a renewed focus on mental health and humanizing workplaces, which involves creating environments that consider employees' emotional well-being and show empathy and kindness.

Feel down in the dumps: This colloquial expression means to feel sad, depressed, or emotionally low. Janet mentions the concept of "sad days" introduced by Lidia, which allows employees to take time off when they're feeling down in the dumps or stressed out.

Be in the good frame of mind: This phrase means to be in a positive or optimistic state of mind. Tim mentions the hope that when they eventually emerge from the pandemic crisis, they'll all be in a good frame of mind and ready to take on new challenges.

Reskilling 5x5x5: This refers to A&A's "Reskilling 5×5×5" campaign, which encourages employees to spend 5% of their total work hours reskilling to boost their productivity by a factor of five. It's an initiative to upskill and prepare the workforce for the changing job landscape due to digital transformation.

Upskilling: Upskilling involves continuing education and training to enhance people's performance and knowledge in their current profession or field. It's about improving existing skills and competencies.

Digital Transformation: Digital transformation refers to the process of integrating digital technologies into various aspects of an organization's operations and business models, aiming to improve efficiency, productivity, and customer experiences.

Remote work and hybrid work model: Remote work refers to the practice of employees working from outside the traditional office setting, often from home or other remote locations. A hybrid work model combines both remote work and in-office work, offering employees flexibility in where and when they work.

Automation and AI-driven technology: Automation involves using machines or technology to perform tasks that were previously done by humans. AI-driven technology refers to systems and processes that rely on artificial intelligence to make decisions and perform tasks.

Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity focuses on protecting computer systems, networks, and data from cyber threats, such as hacking, data breaches, and ransomware attacks.

Soft skills: Soft skills are non-technical, interpersonal, and communication skills that are valuable in the workplace, such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and leadership.

Transferrable skills: Transferrable skills are skills and abilities that can be applied across different roles and industries. Being bilingual, for example, is a transferrable skill that can be useful in various job settings.

Post-pandemic boom: This refers to the expectation that after a period of economic downturn or stagnation caused by the pandemic, there will be a significant economic recovery and growth.

Digital marketing: Digital marketing involves promoting products or services using digital channels, such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising.

Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of others. In the context of leadership, empathetic leadership involves being understanding and compassionate towards employees' emotions and concerns.

Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts a victim's data, making it inaccessible until a ransom is paid to the attackers.

Data analysis, machine learning, cloud computing: These are in-demand skills in the technology field. Data analysis involves examining and interpreting data to make informed decisions. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Cloud computing involves delivering computing services over the internet.

★Small Talk "ZA-TSU-DA-N"

"Reskilling seems to be a hot topic lately. Have you been exploring any new skills or courses?"

"The concept of 'putting one's money where one's mouth is' really resonated with me. Any thoughts on how it applies to our industry?"

"How has your work changed due to remote work or the hybrid model?"

"Do you think soft skills are becoming more important in today's job market?"

"Have you noticed any emerging technologies that pique your interest?"

(Hiro and Akira sit together, having just read the vignette.)

Hiro: Hey Akira, I found that vignette about reskilling and digital transformation really interesting. It seems like companies are really investing in developing their workforce for the future.

Akira: Yes, I agree, Hiro. It's impressive how A&A is putting their money where their mouth is, committing $500 million to their "Reskilling 5×5×5" campaign. They're serious about preparing their employees for the changing job landscape.

Hiro: Definitely! And I learned something new about microcertificates. It's a small specialized certification that focuses on a specific skill. I think it's a great way to add new skills without committing to a long-term program.

Akira: I agree. Microcertificates sound like a practical option, especially for those who want to quickly acquire specific skills for a new job or career path within the company.

Hiro: You know, I'm really interested in cybersecurity after reading about it in the conversation. With the rise of remote work and digitalization, it seems like a crucial area to focus on.

Akira: That's a fantastic choice, Hiro. Cybersecurity is becoming more essential as technology continues to advance. It's amazing how the conversation mentions the constant cat-and-mouse game with cyber thieves, trying to stay ahead of their tactics.

Hiro: Absolutely. I want to look into some professional courses related to cybersecurity. By the way, I also found the distinction between upskilling and reskilling intriguing. Upskilling enhances current skills, while reskilling is about learning new skills for different jobs.

Akira: Yeah, I found that distinction helpful too. It makes me think about my own career path and how I can continue to improve my current skills while also exploring new areas.

Hiro: It's always important to keep learning and growing, especially in this rapidly changing world. Oh, and did you notice how the conversation mentioned the demand for skills like data analysis, machine learning, and digital marketing?

Akira: Yes, those skills seem to be highly sought after in the job market these days. I think it's fascinating how technology is creating new job positions that didn't exist just a decade ago.

Hiro: Exactly! It shows how important it is to stay updated with the latest technological advancements and be ready to adapt to new job opportunities.

Akira: I couldn't agree more. It's great to have conversations like this that open our minds to new possibilities and areas of interest.

Hiro: Definitely. I'm glad we read this vignette together. It's inspiring me to take my career development seriously and explore new skills and opportunities.

Akira: I feel the same way, Hiro. Let's continue to support each other in our learning journeys!

Hiro: Absolutely! And if you come across any interesting courses or opportunities, don't hesitate to share them with me.

Akira: Likewise, Hiro. Let's stay proactive and keep growing together.
