
【ビジ英徹底復習】L14 Loneliness Afflicts The Young and Old

Hello everyone,

Let's review the important expressions quickly.


Afflict 悩ます

Admirable 賞賛に値する

Fast-track 迅速に行う

Miss out on (好機などを失う

On-campus キャンパス内の

Strike someone (人)の心を打つ

Intensely 非常に

Disconcerting 困惑させる

Grapple with …を成し遂げようと努力する

Life-defining decision 人生を決定づける決断

Diminished 減少した

Civic engagement 市民の社会参加

Be less invested in …への関心が薄れる

Faith group 信仰団体

Predictor 予測の判断材料

Community cohesion 共同体のつながり

Drift apart (人が)疎遠になっていく

Loner 孤独を好む人

Crave 切望する

Put it well 上手に言う

Social connectedness 社会的な結びつき

Google Bardにこれらの英語表現を使った文章例を作ってもらいました。

  1. 社会問題に関する文章
    Social isolation afflicts many people in our community, and it is admirable that there are faith groups working to foster connection and belonging. Civic engagement is key to addressing these issues, and we should all strive to be less invested in our own personal lives and more invested in the well-being of our community.

  2. 人間関係に関する文章
    Life-defining decisions can be disconcerting, but it is important to grapple with them intensely and make the best choice for ourselves. Sometimes, relationships drift apart, and it is important to put it well when communicating with others to maintain social connectedness.

  3. 仕事に関する文章
    Fast-tracking a project can be a good way to strike the competition and miss out on potential opportunities. However, it is important to make sure that the quality of work does not diminish as a result.

  4. その他
    Loners often crave social connection, but they may find it difficult to do so. Community cohesion is important for everyone, and we should all strive to be predictors of positive change in our communities.
