
2023 L12 Active Shooter Drill At Work 銃乱射に対処する職場での訓練

Hello everyone,

今回のテーマは「Active Shooter Drill At Work(職場での銃乱射対処訓練)」です。近年、学校や職場などでの銃乱射事件が増加しており、職場の安全性に対する懸念が高まっています。


今回のビニエットで、A&Aのメンバーが行った「Active Shooter Drill(銃乱射対処訓練)」についての議論を掘り下げ、様々な意見や対応策について学んでいきましょう。

★Here are difficult words and expressions explained in both English and Japanese:

Mass Shootings (集団射撃)

  • English: Incidents where a person or a group of people use firearms to harm multiple individuals in a public setting.

  • Japanese: 公共の場で、銃器を使用して複数の人を傷つける出来事。

Active Shooter Drill (積極的な射手訓練)

  • English: Simulated exercises designed to prepare individuals for a potential active shooter situation.

  • Japanese: 実際の射手の状況に備えるために設計された模擬演習。

Debrief (事後報告)

  • English: A discussion that takes place after an event or activity, where participants review and analyze their experiences.

  • Japanese: イベントや活動の後に行われる、参加者が経験を振り返り分析する議論。

Traumatizing (トラウマを与える)

  • English: Causing severe emotional distress or psychological harm.

  • Japanese: 深刻な感情的苦痛や心理的な害を引き起こす。

Physiological Health Problems (生理学的健康問題)

  • English: Issues related to the normal functioning of the body and its systems.

  • Japanese: 体の正常な機能とそのシステムに関連する問題。

Hardening (強化)

  • English: Strengthening or fortifying against potential threats.

  • Japanese: 潜在的な脅威に対して強化または防備化すること。

Situational Awareness (状況認識)

  • English: Being conscious of one's surroundings and understanding the current situation.

  • Japanese: 周囲の状況を意識し、現在の状況を理解すること。

Bulletproof Backpacks (防弾リュックサック)

  • English: Backpacks designed to resist penetration by bullets, providing protection to the wearer.

  • Japanese: 弾丸の貫通に耐えるように設計された、着用者に保護を提供するリュックサック。


Ide: Thank you for sharing your perspectives, everyone. The discussion highlights the complexity of addressing workplace safety, especially regarding active shooter drills. It's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks, considering the psychological impact on employees. Balancing preparedness with the well-being of individuals is a challenge.

Blanco: I agree with Kyohei. It's essential to find a balance that ensures safety without causing unnecessary stress. Maybe there are alternative approaches or additional measures we can explore to enhance workplace security without relying solely on active shooter drills.

Rosenberg: Prevention is key. Creating a positive work environment and addressing issues like bullying can contribute to reducing the risk of violence. It's also worth exploring other safety measures that go beyond drills, such as improved infrastructure and communication systems.

Pulaski: I still have reservations about the effectiveness of active shooter drills, considering the potential negative impact on mental health. Perhaps investing in comprehensive mental health support for employees and fostering a culture of reporting concerns could be part of the solution.

Ide: It's evident that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Each workplace may require a tailored approach based on its unique dynamics. As we move forward, let's keep an open dialogue and consider a holistic strategy that prioritizes both physical and mental well-being.

Grace: Absolutely. Your insights will help shape our approach at A&A, ensuring that we prioritize the safety and mental health of our employees. Let's continue brainstorming and refining our strategy to create a safer and more supportive workplace.

★Related Websites

The Asahi Shinbun GLOBE+


Active Shooter Preparedness


Subject: Active Shooter Drill Discussion Report


  • Lidia Grace

  • Ide Kyohei

  • Jane Rosenberg

  • Janet Pulaski

  • Tim Blanco


The discussion revolved around the topic of active shooter drills in the workplace, with varying opinions on their effectiveness and potential drawbacks. Here are the key points:

  1. Pros and Cons of Active Shooter Drills:

    • Jane Rosenberg supports active shooter drills, emphasizing their potential to provide realistic training, boost confidence, and enhance preparedness.

    • Janet Pulaski expresses concerns about the potential trauma caused by the drills, impacting mental health and workplace productivity.

    • Tim Blanco questions the necessity of such drills, suggesting that the likelihood of an actual active shooter event is relatively low.

  2. Details of Active Shooter Drills:

    • Lidia Grace explains that there are two types of drills: surprise and pre-announced. Surprise drills are rarely used due to potential psychological trauma.

    • Pre-announced drills involve simulated scenarios, including the sound of gunfire, with participants expected to respond by following the "run, hide, fight" principle.

  3. Alternative Approaches:

    • Tim Blanco mentions the "hardening" approach, involving physical defenses like surveillance cameras and arming teachers.

    • Lidia Grace discusses A&A's approach, working with law enforcement to assess evacuation routes, secure exits, and implement communication methods.

  4. Prevention Strategies:

    • Jane Rosenberg advocates for workplace violence prevention programs, focusing on creating a harmonious environment and addressing bullying and ostracism.

  5. Critiques and Concerns:

    • Janet Pulaski and Tim Blanco express skepticism about the efficacy of active shooter drills and their potential to create a false sense of security.

    • Concerns are raised about the widespread availability of firearms and the market response, such as bulletproof backpacks.

  6. Final Thoughts:

    • Lidia Grace acknowledges the diverse perspectives and appreciates the input, indicating that the discussion has provided valuable insights for consideration.

Overall, the participants highlighted the complex nature of addressing workplace safety and active shooter scenarios, with differing opinions on the best approaches and their potential impact on mental health and overall security.


Dear Diary,

Today's discussion at A&A took a heavy turn as we delved into the unsettling topic of active shooter drills. The recent surge in mass shootings has understandably raised concerns about the safety of our employees. Lidia Grace shared that management is considering conducting such drills to better prepare for potential threats.

The perspectives within our team varied widely. Jane Rosenberg highlighted the potential benefits, emphasizing that realistic training could save lives and boost confidence in emergency situations. On the other hand, Janet Pulaski expressed worries about the potential trauma and negative impact on mental health, suggesting that drills could disrupt the workplace.

As the conversation unfolded, I learned about the two types of drills, surprise and pre-announced. The latter, though less traumatic, still involves simulated gunfire and intense scenarios. It's a challenging balance between preparedness and potential harm.

The discussion extended to alternative approaches like "hardening" with physical defenses and arming educators. The debate touched on the broader issue of gun violence in the United States, prompting reflections on the societal challenges we face.

Ultimately, the meeting left me with mixed feelings. While I appreciate the intention to prioritize safety, the complexities and potential drawbacks of active shooter drills cannot be ignored. It's a delicate matter that requires careful consideration of both the immediate and long-term effects on our team.

I'm left pondering the balance between security and the potential unintended consequences of our actions. In a world where such discussions are necessary, I can't help but yearn for a society where safety is a given rather than a topic of intense debate.

Until next time,
Ide Kyohei

★Small Talk "ZA-TSU-DA-N"


  1. "What are your thoughts on the different perspectives shared regarding active shooter drills in the workplace?"

  2. "The conversation touched on various approaches to workplace safety. What measures do you think are most effective in preventing violence?"

  3. "The discussion mentioned 'hardening' as an alternative to drills. What's your opinion on physical defenses like surveillance cameras and armed guards in schools and workplaces?"

  4. "The issue of gun violence and safety in public spaces was a major point. How do you feel about the current state of firearm regulations and their impact on safety?"

  5. "The conversation also delved into the market for bulletproof backpacks and the debate around their effectiveness. What are your thoughts on such products and the underlying societal issues they represent?"
