
2023 L10 WFH or RTO 在宅か出社か

Hello everyone.

★100 words summary

The debate over remote versus in-person work persists in the U.S.
Some argue for the permanence of remote work, citing its popularity among job seekers.
Over 40% of fully remote or hybrid workers would quit if forced to return to the office full time.
While productivity and innovation are concerns for in-person advocates, others emphasize the health benefits of remote work.
The pandemic-induced Great Resignation reflects a shift in attitudes toward work, with some regretting their decisions.
The discussion also touches on the challenges of remote monitoring and the importance of finding purpose and satisfaction in one's job.

★relatively advanced words and expressions along with their explanations

  1. Anachronistic (時代錯誤の): これは、特定の時代に合わない、古くさいといった意味です。例えば、「Insisting that they should be performed in cubicles under fluorescent lights is simply anachronistic」。

  2. Esprit de corps (チームスピリット): これは、グループや組織のメンバーが一体となり、協力し合う団結した精神を指します。例えば、「it is harder to develop esprit de corps and new ideas when people work remotely」。

  3. Boomerang back (ブーメランのように元の場所に戻る): これは、一度去った場所や状況に戻ることを指します。例えば、「Many pandemic-era job quitters have boomeranged back to the job they left」。

  4. Quiet quitting (静かな退職): これは、騒ぎ立てずに辞職することを指します。例えば、「Aside from WFH, we've seen quiet quitting and the Great Resignation」。

  5. Hybrid work model (ハイブリッドワークモデル): これは、対面と遠隔の要素を組み合わせた柔軟な働き方のモデルを指します。例えば、「Many employers have begun pushing hard to get staff to work onsite more often. A lot of them believe that innovation, creativity, and collaboration can suffer when team members work separately」。

  6. Great Resignation (大量退職): これは、大量の労働者が同時期に仕事を辞める現象を指します。例えば、「Aside from WFH, we've seen quiet quitting and the Great Resignation」。

  7. Invasive monitoring (侵害的な監視): これは、個人のプライバシーを侵害するような過度な監視を指します。例えば、「Some companies use invasive monitoring of keystrokes or other supposed indicators of productivity」。

  8. Suburban sprawl (郊外スプロール減少): これは、都市から離れた地域が急速に発展し、広がることを指します。例えば、「Suburban sprawl is another reason to work at home. Many Americans have long, tedious commutes, often with nightmarish traffic jams」。

★Small Talk "ZA-TSU-DA-N"


  1. Work Preferences: "It's interesting to see the debate on remote versus in-person work. What are your thoughts on the benefits of each, considering the perspectives shared in the conversation?"

  2. Impact of Remote Work: "The conversation touched on the impact of remote work on productivity and innovation. Do you believe that remote work can be just as effective, or do you think in-person collaboration is essential?"

  3. Changing Attitudes: "The Great Resignation was mentioned as a shift in Americans' attitude toward work. Have you observed or experienced any changes in how people approach their jobs in your context?"

  4. Balancing Work and Health: "The discussion highlighted the potential health challenges of remote work. How do you think individuals can balance the convenience of working from home with maintaining a healthy lifestyle?"

  5. Purpose in Work: "The story of the three bricklayers emphasizes the importance of purpose in work. What motivates you in your job, and do you feel a sense of purpose in what you do?"

Feel free to use these starters to initiate a discussion on the topics mentioned in the conversation!

★Sample small talk

Hiro: Akira, have you read this article about remote work in the U.S.? It seems like there's a debate between employers and employees about working from home.

Akira: Yes, Hiro, I read it. The U.S. workforce is divided on remote versus in-person work. Some people like the flexibility of remote work, but employers worry about productivity.

Hiro: Exactly. Some say more than 40% of people working remotely would quit if asked to work onsite full time.

Akira: That's a big number. But others argue that innovation and collaboration suffer when team members work separately.

Hiro: Right. And there's also the issue of health. Sitting for too long can be bad for mental and physical well-being.

Akira: I agree. But not everyone faces a health crisis. Some people enjoy the flexibility and extra time with family.

Hiro: True. But there's a changing attitude towards work in the U.S. Many people have quit their jobs during the pandemic, and some regret it.

Akira: The article also mentions monitoring remote work with tracking software, causing problems and burnout.

Hiro: It seems like the concept of work is evolving, challenging old notions. What do you think about it, Akira?

Akira: I think finding a balance is crucial. Remote work has its benefits, but so does in-person collaboration. It depends on the job and individual preferences.

Hiro: Agreed. It's essential to have a sense of purpose in our work, like the story of the three bricklayers.

Akira: Yes, building a cathedral is more than just laying bricks. It's about having a larger vision and purpose in what we do.

★Related Websites

Here are some websites that cover topics related to remote work, work-life balance, and the changing landscape of work:

  1. FlexJobs
    FlexJobs is a job search website specializing in remote and flexible job opportunities. It also provides resources on remote work trends and advice.

  2. Remote.co
    Remote.co offers a variety of resources related to remote work, including job listings, best practices for remote teams, and insights into the remote work lifestyle.

  3. Harvard Business Review - Remote Work
    HBR - Remote Work is a section on the Harvard Business Review website dedicated to articles and research on remote work, leadership in virtual teams, and related topics.

  4. The Muse
    The Muse provides career advice, job search tools, and insights into company culture. It covers various aspects of work, including remote work trends.

  5. World Economic Forum - Future of Jobs
    WEF - Future of Jobs offers reports and insights on the future of work, including trends in remote work and the impact of technology on employment.

These websites cover a range of perspectives on remote work, its challenges, benefits, and the evolving nature of the workplace.
