
February 14, 2023: Alpine Ski World Championships, Courchevel, Meribel (1)(アルペンスキー世界選手権、クーシュベル、メリベル(1))

The FIS Alpine Ski World Championships 2023 are now underway in the southeast region of France. The races are being held in Courchevel and Meribel. I had been to the region with my family three times when I lived in Europe. We took seven-day holidays to stay in Meribel Mottaret for skiing. We stayed in an apartment for the first and second seven-day holidays. It was fun to cook and take meals every day. It was also fun to go shopping at a local supermarket. We stayed at a hotel for the third time. It had such a good location that we could see a slope as soon as we got out of the hotel.
At that time, my daughter was unfamiliar with skiing. So some days, we all skied flat slopes together, and other days, my wife or I took care of my daughter alternately and skied alone.
When I went skiing alone, I ventured into skiing to Meribel and Courchevel. The area had such a wide variety of slopes that I never tired of it. Some had such long wide slopes that I could ski at high speed and with wide turns, but others had steep slopes or bumps. Among them was the slopes in Courchevel, which was the best for me.

 今、フランス南東部でアルペンスキー世界選手権が開催されています。会場は、メリベルとクーシュベルです。ボクが欧州にいた時に、3度、冬休みを家族とメリベル・モッタレで過ごしました。 滞在期間は、毎回、1週間でした。3回のうち、2回はアパートを借りて自炊しました。スキー場にあるスーパーマーケットで食材などの買物も楽しかったです。もう一回はホテルに泊りました。ホテルは、アパートに比べると好立地にあり、ホテルを出ると目の前がゲレンデでした。
