
October 7, 2023: Bosses I disliked (嫌いだった上司)

In my career, I had a number of bosses I disliked. Two of them were the ones who annoyed me all the time while I had to work with them. I still feel ill when I think of them. But I had another boss who was not like those two. I disliked him at first but learned a lot from him. In other words, he helped me a lot to build what I am now. He was not in Japan but in the US office. I had to communicate with him by fax every day. As I had a lot of requests from him, I had to reply to him a lot. And that, I was not allowed to answer in Japanese but only in English as he was with an American colleague who did not understand Japanese. In the beginning, my English was so poor that he could not understand my messages. So I saw a lot of his complaints to me in his messages. I also made a lot of mistakes at work. I was also blamed by my boss in Japan. He would read the messages from the US office every day and found that my boss in the US blamed me a lot. It was as if I was having nightmares.
However, I never gave up. That was what I wanted to do and I knew that I had no chance of going abroad on business without overcoming this. So I was desperate to improve my English and the way I worked. Then my English and the way I worked began to improve and I gradually gained some confidence in both. One day after a year and a half, I noticed that my bosses began to respect me and had no complaints about what I was doing. That was my great joy and the moment I found that I could continue the job.
About three years after I began to communicate with my boss in the US, he came back to Japan and worked with me in the same office. Then, I had a lot of time to talk with him and could know how he was. Contrary to the image I had of him before he came back, he was very open and gave me a lot of advice
Looking back, I could not be what I am today without him, and I still appreciate what he did for me. But unfortunately, I have had no chance to see him for about 35 years. I miss him.



