
January 18, 2023: Dictionaries of the English Language(英語の辞書)

When I read Akira-san’s article about an English-Japanese dictionary, I recalled that I must have the same one somewhere in my house. That was the Idiomological English-Japanese Dictionary by Hidesaburo Saito. I scouted the house for it. Then, I found it in the back of a closet. I pulled it out, and it was still clean, like new. I bought it in my university days, about forty years ago. At that time, I was interested in and paid a high price for dictionaries of the English language. One of them was Saito’s dictionary.
In addition, I bought the New Dictionary of English Collocations by Senkichiro Katumata. I pulled it apart and used to read them on the way to and from university. But I quit it in the middle since I could not learn English skills. I also bought Webster’s English-English dictionary. But I had rarely used it since my English was too poor to use it. And it had never been out from my bookshelf. The moment I bought them, I was determined to make full use of them. But my poor English prevented me from making full use of them.

 山根あきらさんの英和辞典に関する記事を読んで、同じ辞書が家のどこかにあること思い出した。その辞書とは、齋藤秀三郎さんの「熟語本位 英和中辭典」です。家中を探し回ったところ、タンスの奥に眠っていました。久々に引っ張り出しましたが、新品のようにきれいな状態で残っていました。この辞書を買ったのは、約40年前の大学生の時です。この時期は、英語の辞書に興味あり、大枚を叩いて高価な辞書を買っていました。その一つが、この辞書です。
