
February 8, 2023: Change of My Heart and Mind(ボクの心境の変化)

Recently I have felt that what I feel in my mind has changed. I have not yet felt the change vividly. But I sometimes feel some signs of the changes. When I do something on my PC, I always have music in the background. Until a few years ago, I liked rock music like Chicago, Queen or Dire Straits. Among the Japanese pop music was B'z, to which I used to listen. But I now like healing music in the background. Among them is The Piano Guys, a group of four musicians, which attracts me the most. It plays a wide variety of music on piano and cello. I can't help but listen to their music from my heart.
Such healing music soothes my mind and improves my concentration. At the same time, I have got less frustrated. I used to have a short temper. I soon got frustrated with something unpleasant. But I have not gotten frustrated with such a thing. For some reason, I remain calm.
I want to clarify what changed in my mind as soon as possible.

 最近、どうも、自分の気持ちに変化があるようです。どう変わったのかは、まだつかみ切れていません。でも、その兆候を感じる時があります。パソコンに向かっている時にBGMで流す音楽が変わってきました。昔は、Chicago、QueenやDire Straitsなどのロック系の音楽をよく聴いていました。邦楽だと、B'zを一番聞いていました。ところが、最近はヒーリング系をよく聞きます。今、気に入っているのは、YouTubeで見つけた米国のPiano Guysです。ピアノとチェロによるクラシックの演奏は、思わず聞き入ってしまいます。
