
Chibasilz Twinkle Liner Notes Onsen Trip

Lyrics and Music: Jim
YouTube Release: February 17, 2022

Among Chibasilz's works, Twinkle has a fancy atmosphere. Jim, the creator, says it has become a "masterpiece."

The lyrics have not been disclosed, but it is believed to be a song about the scientific names of constellations.

The Twinkle YouTube video was influenced by Chibasilz-P, capturing that essence and creating the content. Those who understand can read between the lines.


During the recording of this song, the guitarist and vocalist, Ball, seemed to be slightly anxious and tired.

As a beginner guitarist, he struggled to play the chords while singing challenging lyrics.
Although he practiced diligently, improvement didn't come easily.

The subdued tone of Twinkle's vocals may be attributed to Ball's mental state during that time, which was somewhat fragile.


Jim and Gyan seemed to understand this.
They decided to take advantage of an extended holiday and go on a hot spring trip together.
It was meant to be both a maintenance break for Ball and a bonding trip for Chibasilz.

During the trip, Ball said that since he's the one singing, he wants to write the lyrics himself while soaking in the hot spring.

Jim and Gyan were delighted to hear those words. Both of them were worried that Ball might want to quit the band.

Ball expressed his desire to play the guitar more and continue with the band.

While recording Twinkle, Ball researched the content of the lyrics. The beauty of the twinkling stars in the night sky, reminiscent of the lyrics, and the colors of the night sky piqued his interest even more.


In the early days of Chibasilz, Jim took charge of the lyrics and music, but starting from Twinkle, Ball began writing the lyrics himself.

With Jim's support, Ball started creating the music as well. It marked the beginning of Ball's "rock chuunibyou" phase.

Although Twinkle has a somewhat subdued vibe, it is a masterpiece of Chibasilz that expresses the deep emotions within the three members.

The MV created by Chibasilz-P may seem half-joking, but...!
