
Chibasilz TTHTT Liner Notes: Lyrics Written by Boal

Lyrics and Composition by Boal
Released on YouTube on April 26, 2023

'TTHTT' is not a continuation of 'THTT.'

Boal, who created the song 'THTT' in 30 minutes, struggled to seamlessly incorporate his self-written lyrics into the music. He asked Chibasilz-P for Japanese lyrics with a 'risky meaning,' which resulted in the lyrics we know today.

Chibasilz-P's unique sense...

Seemingly, Boal had a desire to remake the song with his own lyrics, leading to the release of 'TTHTT' on YouTube.

In any case, the lyrics express an element of 'riskiness' and contain significant pathological aspects.
The guitar pauses once at the beginning of the song.
Boal seemed to mistime the entry of the guitar, and although he attempted to restart, Jim and Gyan signaled him to continue.

Saying 'Alright, let's do it,' Gyan, who had been watching Boal play again, apparently found something hilarious and kept drumming while laughing, looking down all the while.

Gyan continued laughing until the shout of TTHTT entered.


'TTHTT' is a slightly longer song for Chibasilz, clocking in at 77 seconds.

No puppets in the music video?
Look closely. They're there. Secretly.

Try searching
While walking along the edge of a precarious abyss."
