
Chibasilz's "Answer Right Away" liner notes

Boal, the guitarist and vocalist, always responds with immediate answers. Whether it's shopping or any other question, he makes quick decisions as soon as he finds what he wants.

He answers "yes" or "no" instinctively, which often surprises others due to his swift responses. Even though he had never played an instrument before, when invited to be a guitar vocalist, he immediately said "yes." The same immediate decision-making occurred when he went to buy a guitar.

Boal never hesitates in his responses; whatever he answers, he follows through with action, even if it's something he hasn't done before. "Answer Right Away" is one of Chibasilz's up-tempo songs. Enjoy watching the puppets in the video driving together.

When asking Boal something, be prepared not to be surprised by his immediate response. Gyan was quite surprised, and Jim was initially flustered, but he quickly got used to Boal's characteristic of answering right away.
