
Chibasilz 1st EP "initial" Mini Liner Notes

Chibasilz 1st EP "initial"
Released on November 30, 2022
Available for streaming on ZERO COOL

Streaming link:

- Twinkle

I'll write a brief note for each song to commemorate the streaming release!

It's the first song Chibasilz ever recorded. For some reason, Jim ended up writing the lyrics instead of Chibasilz-P.

The unique part is that it sounds a bit broken. Since Ball had been playing the guitar for only a few weeks, he's not that skilled, but he did his best to play it so far. Good job, Ball!

There's a rumor that the title is named after the name of a local radio station announcer, but the facts are unclear.

It's one of the representative songs from Chibasilz's early days.

CFD stands for "Cheese Fondue." At that time, the word "Cheese Fondue" was popular around Chibasilz-P, so it ended up becoming the title.

I completely lost track of what they're saying. The lyrics haven't been disclosed.

It seems that languages from countries like France, Italy, and Switzerland are used. The rough MV on YouTube is Chibasilz-P's favorite.

It's a song that expresses the brilliance of constellations.

During this time, Ball, who was still not used to singing while playing the guitar, started to get tired. Gan and Jim were worried about that, and they all went on a hot spring trip, which became the catalyst that connected their feelings. Jim says it's a great song.

The MV has a lot of Chibasilz-P's playful elements. However, the scene where the constellations spin around shows great dedication.

Ball spontaneously created a 30-second rock song for a Chibasilz fan.

The lyrics were imagined and written by Chibasilz-P based on what Ball was saying.

The original animated video for THTT didn't have an intro, but a version with an intro was created for YouTube videos.

It's just a 30-second rock, but it's still a 30-second rock.


The songs from the early days of 1st EP "initial" were written by the bassist Jim, but from THTT onwards, Ball started writing the lyrics and music.

It marked the beginning of Ball's "Rock Chuunibyou" phase.

1st EP "initial" means "the beginning." If you enjoy Chibasilz's starting point, the members, Chibasilz-P, and the puppets will be extremely happy!

There are many streaming platforms where you can check it out.

On the occasion of the streaming release, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the music label ZERO COOL, everyone who supports Chibasilz, all the staff members, and everyone who has shown interest. Thank you very much!

Chibasilz is aiming for a breakthrough in the countryside overseas!

Lastly, remember that Gan is the leader of Chibasilz because he's the tallest.

November 30, 2022
