

We have all experienced the awkward situation where we have to be with someone we really don't like.
It may be on the bus, on the train, at school, or even at work.
Regardless of whether we know each other or not, there is always someone we don't like.

If it is someone you know, you may be able to improve the situation through dialogue, but if it is someone you meet only for the moment on the train, it is extremely troublesome.

For example, I often encounter cases where a person stubbornly refuses to change his/her position on a crowded train and gets in the way of others who want to get off.
Or, they play games with their phones out in front of other people's faces without paying any attention to their surroundings, even though the train is full because they desperately want to play smartphone games.

The more you care about him, the more annoyed you will be.
On the other hand, you will feel sorry for yourself for being annoyed by all this and feel like you are wasting your time.
On the other hand, you don't want to get into unnecessary trouble by actually paying attention.
I think most people feel this way.

In such a case,
I try to imagine how he feels.

He is probably a very good cricket player and a very nice guy. But he must have been so busy with his cricket club… Therefore playing games on his phone became the only way to relieve his stress. That's probably why he always carries his phone."

It can be good skill training for observation, imagination, and hypothesis building, and you can arrive at your destination while you're thinking about this.

Let’s try it out!!
