
Opera And The Invisibility Of Women

2019年5月17日 森下周子・記

オーストラリア人作曲家Liza Lim(リザ・リム)からこんな記事が送られてきました。オーストラリア国内のオペラ・シーンの状況改善を呼びかけるもので、賛同者を集めているようです(詳しくは後述します)。



It’s no secret that the opera world has a Woman Problem. Notoriously, until 2016, when it produced L’Amour de Loin by Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, the New York Metropolitan Opera had programmed only one opera by a woman in its 136-year history – and that was in 1903.


Last year, statistics compiled by the Women in Music project found that of 1445 classical music concerts around the world, only 76 – 5 per cent – included at least one work by a woman. Worse, when the figures were broken down, they found that of the total of 3524 musical works performed at those concerts, 3442 – 97.6 per cent – were written by men and only 82 – 2.3 per cent – were by women. 


Opera Australia, as the most prominent and most lavishly funded performing arts company in Australia, copped criticism last year for its gender imbalance after launching its 2018 season. As Ben Neutze pointed out in Arts Review, in the key creative roles – composer, conductor and director – the percentage of women was 4.7 per cent. (In 2017, it was 10.6 per cent). 2019 is significantly better, with 15 per cent of women in leading creative roles in its main stage productions, plus the premiere of Whiteley, a new opera by Elena Kats-Chernin. 

オーストラリア最大のオペラ座「Opera Australia」で作曲家、指揮者、演出家などのクリエイティブ・ロールを担当した女性は2017シーズンは10.6%、2018シーズンは4.7%、2019シーズンは(改善され)15%となった。

As Matthew Dewey, ABC Classic’s music director, said in March this year: “Historically, classical music composition has been championed as a purely male artform, and modern programming reflects that absolutely.”

デジタル・ラジオ局ABC Classicの音楽ディレクターMatthew Deweyは、「歴史的にみてもクラシック音楽は男性のアートフォームであり、現代のプログラムもその『絶対性』をひきずっている」という。

As Catherine Clément showed in her ground-breaking book of feminist music criticism, Opera: Or the Undoing of Women, the violated woman is a fundamental trope of the artform. The glamourised murder, suicide, rape or mutilation of women, and the “beautiful suffering” that follows, is widely considered to be synonymous with opera itself. 


Likewise, artistic appropriations of women from “exotic” cultures, reflecting the global depredations of colonial Europe, are rife: Puccini’s Madama Butterfly and Turandot are stellar examples of this kind of orientalist kitsch.


Lim said she was disheartened by the inability of many men to even perceive the problem. “It was obvious to all of us that violence towards some kinds of bodies (especially the female, non-Western ones) is the expected norm in the artform.” She said the idea that these are “appropriate” stories for opera was reinforced by other work by men shown during the weekend.


“The issue of even noticing that violence is happening, that exclusion is happening, that there are a myriad sexist micro-aggressions happening (in language, forms of address, body language and so on) is a huge one,” said Lim. “It felt that that was only tangible to the women. The men often can’t perceive the wall because they don’t come up against it.”





1. We want diversity to be reflected in all aspects of the opera we experience.

2. We call for a questioning of the systemic acceptance of gender-based violence in opera.

3. We want recognition, respect, advocacy and support for creators who are female, non-binary and from diverse cultural backgrounds.

4. We call for safe inclusive spaces for people with diverse voices and abilities to set the agenda, to lead the conversation, to have a resonant voice.

5. We want to decolonise the distribution of power so that the stories and creative work of women and all people with diverse voices resonate equally with that of men.

6. We call for an unprecedented commitment to the programming and commissioning of new Australian opera work with gender and cultural diversity at the forefront.

7. We call for those in leadership to back us and that the act of hearing be prioritised alongside the act of speaking.


賛同される方はリンク先の一番下にあるアドレスに賛同の旨をお伝えください。うーん「I would like to support! Please add my name to this callout.」とかです。名前と職業を明記して送るとリストに掲載されるのかな?男性でもcomposition student(作曲科学生)でも大丈夫なようですよ。


さいごになんとなーくJennifer Walshe(ジェニファー・ウォルシュ)の人形オペラを置いておきます。後半にレイプシーンが出てくる。差別ってなんだろう、芸術ってなんだろう(←しつこい)。

*カバー写真はCat Hopeのオペラ「Speechless」より©️ Frances Andrijich*


