夏至 人種覚醒の儀式 6月20、21、22日


翻訳元:Summer Solstice Race Awakening Ritual 20th, 21st, 22nd of June

Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:04 am

Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors.


As it can be seen we are on a roll with this ritual and it must be kept that way. The Final RTR is also to be done on a daily basis during these days and everyday in general, this is to be kept in schedule.


Below is a repost of the Ritual. Let's make sure EVERYONE participates, making the Gods proud.


The power accumulation from the rituals has been powerful and it will continue, especially as close power dates come in place.


This was done again in March, June 4th, 5th and 6th, and now we have another opportunity window to do this again.


For more elaborate answers, FAQ and in relation to questions, the posts from prior rituals are here:


3月: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18398
6月: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=19904

Black Members will be able to do their own ritual, which is very important in waking up the Black Gentiles so that we can move ahead into a better understanding of self preservation and going better for everyone involved.


Ritual to Incite Black Awareness and Action:


Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action


Either write or carve the following Runes:


Óðal Sól Óss


*If someone cannot carve or write the Runes, or consecrate with blood, just very intently vibrate these and it should be perfectly fine!


The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate each Rune while you are carving it. To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it. There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you.


The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power. To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.



Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:


In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity,Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

サタンの名において、私達は地獄の力、白人種の本来の、そして真の神々を呼び起こし、現れさせます。サタン、真の神、全能にして言葉では言い合わらせない真の神、あなた自身の姿と似姿に反映される白いアーリア人種を生んだ方、私たちにその力をお授けください。私達白人のアーリア人のすべてを、私たちを滅ぼそうとするユダヤ人の脅威に対して目覚めさせてください。白人アーリア人を行動に駆り立ててください。私たちの白人アーリア人の祖先の誇りを植え付けてください。私たち白人アーリア人の兄弟姉妹を、キリスト教、イスラム教、そして関連するユダヤ教プログラムの脅威に対して目覚めさせ、それらすべてが完全かつ徹底的に永遠に破壊されるようにしてください。私たちの白人種と世界中の白人の子供たちに、あなたの守護の力を授けてください。私たちの真の父であるあなたと、私たちの原初の神々に賛美と名誉と栄光が与えられますように!! 私たちはあなたの直系の子孫であり子供たちです!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.


Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól,Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes.


You vibrate these together, not separately.


Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss...

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children



Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!

SATANAS を振動させる

そして、次の言葉で儀式を終える: サタンとその白色人種よ、永遠なれ!



For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.
Raising Your Energies:


Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah:

Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah:
ルーン・カバラの音声Mp3 Zipファイル

Webpage of the Runes:
