My Experience With the Pig-Butchering Scheme [Part 2]

The First Month:
Getting to know Toto, I realized that she was a perfect human being with no flaws except for not being able to cook. She could sing, play the piano, guitar, and draws. I believed all of this because we did video calls of her playing the instruments while singing. At the time, I did not know how detailed the setup and planning that was involved. She told me to not tell anyone about our current relationship because she didn't want my family to know that I had a long distance relationship and asked me to introduce her to the family once she meets me in person which I agreed. I agreed to honor her decision that she made although I was really excited to announce the relationship that I had. A few days later, she told me that she had a talk with her aunt about our relationship because her aunt was in a similar boat. Her aunt was in a long distance relationship for about 5 years which her friends teased her about so she took a one-way trip to her now proclaimed husband with two kids. This story was what kept me attached to her so much more because it was heartfelt, how I thought if anyone make up this story? As mentioned previously, the progression of our relationship felt so quick but I was not worried about that. All I cared about was being able to meet her in-person during Thanksgiving day. On the November 15, 2022, Toto talked about purchasing some glasses for me because mine looked mediocre which was slightly true (I've been using it for a year), I tend to choose comfort over style. I did not want her to spend money on me as our relationship just started so I slightly declined. Once I mentioned that, she got mad and went on a a rant saying that if we're in a serious relationship, money should not be a problem because it was a gift that she planned to give me once she arrived in Hawaii and compared a situation if I picked her up from the airport, would she be expecting to pay for gas fees, etc.. Thinking back in time, this was a technique the scammer used to manipulate my feelings because it certainly made me stop expressing myself. During that day of the incident, I started becoming agitated because I never wanted to see that side of her again so my feelings were more reserved and I started to agree with everything she said. That was also the day she mentioned her investment strategies. During our one month of knowing each other, she surprised me with a gift, a gift that got rid of any doubts that I had about her.

Disclaimer: Raku Goto, if this picture offends you in any way, please let me know and I will take it down. I just wanted to show full proof of everything that I have experienced. I do not draw nor have I ever drawn before, the scammer drew this for me. She had talent.

The Investment Strategy
For those who do not know what cryptocurrency is, to simply put, it is a digital currency in which transactions are verified and maintained by a decentralized system. I'm sure most of you all know what bitcoin is but I won't spend a whole article explaining it here (I'll explain it on future articles) and now we're back to my story of how the investment strategy worked. Toto never mentioned a thing about crypto except for the fact that she would always spend at least an hour to do her "side business" which I was slightly curious about. I'm sure that talking with one another and building a relationship with trust at the time was her sole goal in manipulating my feelings. One day, she took a picture of the platform she was using showing me that she had a balance of $500,000 which I was not too surprised because I could see based on the pictures she has sent that she was well off. That wasn't her intention, she wanted to show me that there was an opportunity to make money easily. Toto carefully explained that her father owns a business and collaborates with many businessman where they are given insider information (I really did not want to do anything illegal but she pushed me into this). I mentioned that since I recently just graduated and I don't make that much right now, I'll deposit $1,000 on the platform link she sent me just to see how it worked. Now this is how the scam works, you deposit funds onto a platform which the scammer has made. Once you deposit the funds onto the platform, that money you deposited is at the scammers wallet and can never be taken back. The value you see on your wallet is fake money that can never be withdrawn (I did not know about all of this information at the time). So continuing how this strategy worked, toto would "study" the market nodes which look like this: 

After studying the node, she would give a set time, for example (Bitcoin will go up at 7:30PM, enter a $ amount). We would always play it safe and do half of my current value and whatever amount you inputted, you gain 10% of how much you earn. When I saw myself gaining $50 in just one transaction, I was happy but I didn't really care about money at the time, I just wanted her to be happy. As time passed, she wanted me to deposit more in which I had to take loans worth six figures, keep in mind, I had no doubts and I fully trusted her because I loved her. It wasn't until the date of November 22, 2022 happened and she mentioned that her sister-in-law was pregnant and had an ectopic pregnancy which forced her to delay our meeting.

To be continued… in part 3.
I'll be writing part 3 over the course of the week. I'm actually feeling a lot more better being able to write my feelings and how I experienced this situation. I am writing this true story to warn others about this issue and hopefully help spread this problem because this can happen to anyone. I also realized that I enjoy writing, I'll be writing more often.

Final thoughts: 
This was where this hurt the most, the drawings that the scammer made, the times we've spent saying our good mornings, good nights. The haiku's/Tanka's she's made. The dreams and goals that she confessed were all fake. Money is an object in which I did not care about, it can made made again. Thankfully, I'm still living with my parents and I'm able to slowly pay off the loans that I have made. What I felt the most pain was the betrayal I felt, I really thought that I had found the one that I was going to spend with for the rest of my life. Why did the scammer have to imitate Raku Goto so accurately, a celebrity, a model, someone that I can't even reach as an ordinary person? For now, I'll be holding onto luck, destiny, and fate that I'll be able to talk with her one day.
