
The small things in life you come to understand as you get older are at times things that bring a big impact onto your life.
If in any way you come to your senses and find that the efforts, time, thoughts, and stress you put into something just pops like a bubble, well I feel like its time for you to just call it quits. Don’t you think?

The sources which fueled you to move forward and helped you to create ideas make you think positive and kept you on your feet falls flat. What do you do?

Just stand right back up and make something out of it? Take it in in a positive way and pray that it turns over a new leaf to set you on a new passage?
Yeah.. maybe if I was 5 years younger. But its rare for anyone to spring back up on a moment’s notice. I mean, at least for me, I need time. Time to just let go and float.
Perhaps then, the waters will push me towards a new direction leading me to a new goal in life which later becomes the source which fuels me.
But who knows, the new goal may also become something that just pops like a bubble in a matter of a few days.

So what has been the source of your motivation in the past?
Was it love, hobby, friends, a place which makes you feel welcome, or is it a mix of stress and laziness that’s clouding you from seeing the whole picture?

Because I mean, think about it.
You really didn’t have motivation to do anything up until now.
Even your ultimate goal of becoming a teacher had burned away only to be whittled down by a soft early spring breeze. Not because of something major, but just because you’re lazy. The only option you think that will keep you alive is to marry and have kids.
You think that this is the only way for you to make yourself and the people arounds you especially your mother, to be happy. To make you feel a part of the community, be welcomed in...

There you go, to be welcomed. To feel at home. To make your own home, a place where you feel comfortable, where you can be accepted, where you can ultimately come back to.

So, there’s two ways of going about it. One is to make your own family. You have someone to protect, a reason to live, a reason to work, and a reason to love. Of course, the complication is that you’ll need to find that other “someone”.
The other way is to change how you think and act. To change yourself and not be afraid of reaching the answer that you think is the answer.
Because you are afraid that once you reach that point and fail, there’s no turning back.
Be able to put 100% of your passion into what you believe is correct.

If all else fails, what gives? You’ll just come back to the same spot you’re in right now. Better off trying and then failing versus not trying and not moving at all right?
You’ve got a few month until your birthday.

You never just magically turn older the moment your birth date comes. That’s just on paper. In reality, you grow older by the day. Your body accumulates stress on a daily basis, and it’ll never liquidate until you act to release it.
But in hindsight, its not just the negativity that builds up. Connection between people, trust, experience, and other positive things have been accumulating to make yourself older and wiser.

But regardless of “how” we go about resolving this, I feel that we accomplished to notice that the sole problem is motivation and the feeling of acceptance or feeling needed.
