India's population to surpass China's by end of June, U.N. predicts

be set to ~することになっている
a luxury cruise ship that is set to arrive

overtake /catch up with 
populous 人が多い
creaking/ showing weakness or frailty under strain
creaking infrastructure 
insufficient/ not enough
seismic 地震の
seismic centre 震源地
shrink/ become smaller
inhabitants/ residents /citizens /dwellers
That's news to me↓
China ended its strict “one-child policy,” imposed in the 1980s amid overpopulation fears, in 2016 and started letting couples have up to three children in 2021.
amid ~の真っただ中に
blame A on B/ AのことでBを責める
blame its falling birth rates on the soaring living cost as well as the growing number of women going into the workforce and seeking higher education. 
That's also news to me. ↓
China said on Wednesday that it “implements a national strategy to actively respond to population ageing, promotes the three-child birth policy and supporting measures, and actively responds to changes in population development.”
demographic dividend 人口ボーナス・出生率の低下により総人口に占める生産年齢人口の割合が上昇し、労働力増加率が人口増加率よりも高くなり、人口に対する労働力が豊富な状態になることで経済成長が促されることを示す。
momentum 勢い
development momentum
census 人口調査
be bogged down with or by いきづまっておる
I’m bogged down with work at the moment
hurdle ハードル
The new U.N. report also estimated that the global population will have hit 8.045 billion by mid-2023, by which time almost 1 in 5 people on the planet will be Indian.
continent 大陸
front line of A/ Aの最前線で
India is on the front-lines of the effects of climate change, but generates most of its electricity from coal and its efforts will be vital in the global fight to reduce carbon emissions.
assertive 自信のある・物事に対してはっきりとした判断を下すような
bank on A Aをあてにする
counterweight to a Aに対して釣り合いの採れた
co-found A(grouping)with  ~を共同で設立する
Ally 味方
freeze out A Aを締め出す
opt to V/ to make a choice =~することをえらぶ
the world's most populous country 
ramp up A to increase rapidly/ to strengthen

India's population to surpass China's by end of June, U.N. predicts | The Japan Times
