

『 最難関大への英作文ハイパートレーニング 』の65題目

主なクライアント大学の開講第1週目で多忙だったので、New Year's Resolutions がおろそかになっていた。コテンラジオも継続視聴せねばならんし、英作文もサッサと終わらせて次に行きたい。

Chapter 3   Lecture 15

   Famous philosopher Lao Tsu wrote: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." In other words, beginning a difficult task or new activity takes time and effort. 
   In 120 to 150 words, explain clearly in English your own personal experience that demonstrates this idea.


This quote tells us to not be daunted by the difficulty of our task and just start it. This reminds me of the curriculum development I got involved with in my previous job. I was assigned a mission of creating a pre-intermediate level English workbook of 12 units - each comprised of four sub-units, both text and audio content. I was at a loss for what to do. Trying to get the big picture, I drew a road map, which just ended up consuming me. However, that gave me a pointer as to where to start - sub-unit 1 of Unit 1. I just went from sub-unit to sub-unit, from unit to unit. At one point, I found myself halfway through the project. From that point forward, I could complete my task with ease. This job taught me that if you can start, the finish line is just around the corner.

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This maxim reminds me of American author Tony Robbins, who said "The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." In college, I kept putting off taking Latin until I was a senior because it required the students to be able to recite at least one paragraph by heart in Latin as part of the final exam. When I finally took it, I had to do Cicero’s In Catilinam I. At first, it seemed too long and too complicated to memorize. However, when I managed to recite the first sentence, the second sentence was less difficult to memorize, and the third was even less difficult. As I memorized more, each subsequent sentence became easier to learn. As a result, I successfully passed the course and got an A. Hence, this personal experience serves as a testament to the Lao Tsu quote.  

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These words of Lao Tsu encourage us to not be afraid of taking the first step in an attempt to pursue a big challenge. I am an amateur movie fan who runs a blog. I started it because I was inspired by a man named Chris Stuckmann, who was - and still is - an active film critic YouTuber. Such was his passion for films that he had been posting more than a hundred videos every year. So, just like him, I wanted to share my thoughts on movies with others, which led me to start the said blog, where I have been posting more than a hundred reviews annually for the past six years. The initial days of running the blog were so energy-consuming. However, the more reviews I wrote, the more fun it was. Therefore, Lao Tsu was right. If you start, you will persevere.  

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これは「千里の行も足下に始まる」のことだが、In other words, beginning a difficult task or new activity takes time and effort. というのは首肯しかねる。r老子の言わんとしていることは「どんなに遠大な目標も、まずは最初の小さな一歩から始まる」の最初の一歩を強調しているのであって、時間や努力を要する部分は核心ではない。というわけで自分の答案は takes time and effort の部分にはあまり重点を置かなかった。名古屋市立大学のこの年度の出題者の意図や如何に・・・

答案1の内容は実話。前の会社で pre-intermediate の教材のテキストをすべて自作、音声も当時受講生だった作曲家先生(モ〇ハ〇の楽曲担当!)の自宅スタジオにネイティブスタッフを連れて行って録音させてもらったりしていた。当時(2014年ぐらい)は生成AIなどというものなく、すべてが手作業だった。全48ユニット構成、1ユニットあたり4つのサブユニット、一つのサブユニットに15センテンス+1ダイアログが必要と分かって絶望したが、始めてしまえば割とあっさり終わった記憶がある。

答案2は半分フィクション。どこがフィクションかと言うとラテン語の試験の一部にラテン語暗唱があるというところ。いや、実際に暗唱させられることはあったが、それは成績の一部ではなかった。が、キケロのカティリーナ弾劾演説の最初の2パラグラフを暗唱せよ、と言われた時は「できるわけないやろ」と絶望した。しかし、これもやってみると案外できた。寮の先輩や同級生がフランス語やロシア語やタイ語を色々とブツブツ言っているのを日常的に目の当たりにしていたからだろう。serve as a testament to ~ = ~を真実だと証明する、の意。英検1級やTOEFL 100、IELTS 7.0を目指す人は知っておこう。

答案3も実話。クリス・スタックマンのどの動画だったのかはもはや覚えていないが、彼の Get Stuckmannized! という決め台詞に痺れたことは覚えている。YouTuber になろう!とは思わなかったが、1年に100本映画を観て、ブログの記事も100本書こう!とは思った・・・が、「ホンマにそんなことできるかな?」とすぐに後悔した、というか躊躇した。けれど、これもやってみると案外続くもので、今では6年目に突入している。そのブログは以下。興味のある方はどうぞ。


This quote by Lao Tsu implies that even when a task you are faced with seems too big for you, you should not get overwhelmed. Instead of overthinking, you should just take the first step, even if it is small; unless you take it, you can never achieve anything.
This quote reminds me of when I took part in a half marathon a few years ago. At first, I was simply not sure if I could finish, and my legs began to ache after running 5 km. Eventually, I finished the race and was really surprised at myself.
I also cannot forget reading a Harry Potter book in the English version last year. My father gave me the book for my birthday and suggest I read it. Of course, it was difficult, but as I read it with difficulty, I found myself enjoying it, and eventually I finished it.  


imply は動詞として少々弱いと感じる。第一文は少し redundant なので、This Lao Tsu quote encourages you to not get overwhelmed by the scale of your task. と縮められるかも。

unless you take it, you can never achieve anything. も unless you take it, you will never achieve anything. と will を使う方が「千里之行 始於足下」のニュアンスをより出せるように思う。

Of course, it was difficult, but as I read it with difficulty, I found myself enjoying it, and eventually I finished it.  は老子の言葉と微妙にずれているような・・・ 最初の1ページを開くのに抵抗があったが、読み始めると最後まで読めた、というのが提示すべきエピソードではないのだろうか。それとも設問の言う beginning a difficult task or new activity takes time and effort.  を著したのだろうか。まあ、これは設問が少々不適切だと思うべきなのだろう。
