
なぜ洗熊(アライグマ)なのか (Why a raccoon?)

There is an English version below, scroll.

(The art above is by @HelenSanOwO2.)

僕の「fursona」(発音:ファーソナ;時々、カタカナでも書けれる)が洗熊(アライグマ、狸みたい動物です。しかし、この種である Procyon lotor は日本では見られない。アメリカで、害獣とされています。)である理由はたくさんあります。




しかし、fursona が洗熊であることには、伝記に基づく具体的な理由もある。

里親制度にいていた時、2番目の里親家族であるエバンス氏は、田舎にとても汚い大きな家に住んでいる。家は 4 万㎡ほどの広大な敷地にある。驢馬、犬、11 匹の猫もいました。


エバンス里親家族の家は非常に古いです。(アメリカの家として!米国は約 300 年しか存在しないので、日本でように何千年も存在している建物ありません。アメリカの歴史を何も知らない人のために言っておくと、大虐殺から始まり、まず先住民の建物を全て破壊した)

非常に大きな玄関ドアがあり、普通のドアに対比、4 枚分の幅、1.5 枚分の高さがあったと思います。


猫まんまはいつもピアノの上に置かれていました。ある日、ある洗熊が「猫渋滞」の中に、猫の偽装にしました。どのくらい居たのか分かりませんが、気がつくとピアノの上で手を使って猫まんまを食べていました。驚きました。本の外で洗熊を見たのは初めてです。5 分くらい見ていたら、エバンス里親の声が聞こえてきました。





Fursona は非常に個人的なものであるべきなので、慎重に検討してください。どの動物が正しいかは、あなたにとってそれほど明白ではないかもしれません。必ずしもお気に入りの動物を選ぶ必要はないが、自分にとって心理的・精神的に重要な意味を持つ動物を選ぶといいと思います。


英語版 (翻訳版)

(This is a translation, this composition was originally in Japanese.)

There are many reasons my fursona is a raccoon. It's the perfect "spirit animal" for me, there could not be a better one. It must be raccoon. Among the reasons are, that raccoons are outcasts in society (like me), they are seen as being trolls (like me), they have to adapt to a world not made for them to get food out of dumpsters, etc., (like how I adapt to disability), and, unlike most animals, they tend to have excess fat in nature (like me lol)…if we can consider cities to be nature.

Raccoons have always been my favorite animal. I did not have pets growing up, so I did not know what dogs or cats are like, so that's why my favorite animal was exotic, I think.

But there is also a concrete reason my fursona is a raccoon, based on my personal history:

When I was in the foster care system, at my second foster family, the Evans family, they had a very messy large house in the countryside. Their house was situated on a large property, covering around 10 acres. They had a donkey and a dog, as well as eleven cats.

It might seem strange that a house with foster children would be dirty. Why not make them clean it? This family preferred the extra income they received from only taking in disabled foster children, that's why.

Their house was very old (as far as American homes go, remember, the country is only 300 years old, so nothing in America is thousands of years old like in Japan. In case you know nothing of American history, it begins with a genocide, they destroyed all indigenous buildings first.) and had an extremely large front door, which I would say was around the width of four normal doors and the height of 1.5 normal doors.

So, when the door would open, cats would always run in and out. Some want to go out, some want to go in. We called it as a joke "cat traffic".

The cat food was always placed on top of the piano, but, one day, a raccoon camouflaged himself in the "cat traffic". I don't know how long he was in the house, but I noticed him on top of the piano, using his hands to eat food. I was really amazed. I never saw a raccoon outside of a book before. I watched for like five minutes, but then I heard the foster mother, Mrs. Evans.

I whispered to her to come quietly, and pointed at the raccoon, and said "cool, huh?", but she freaked out. She started screaming, grabbed a broom, and chased the raccoon away.

I hated the foster care system. I hated also, at that time, my foster parents. (Now I understand they had no choice but to treat me how they did.)

Therefore, because Mrs. Evans hated the raccoon, I loved him, and decided that he was my hero. He got better at hiding. I saw him a few more times and didn't tell her. Eventually she found a way to kill him, or keep him out, I'm not clear which. I hope he survived.

This is just one reason I identify with raccoons.

A fursona should be a highly personal thing, so consider it carefully. It might not be so obvious for you which animal is right. You don't necessarily want to pick your favorite animal, I think, but one which has psychological and spiritual significance to you.

Hopefully this post helped!
