








``Jean-Christophe'' is modeled after Beethoven, whom Romain Rolland was always very private about.

Hello, thank you for reading my note. Today, I would like to introduce a little bit about ``Jean-Christophe'', a masterpiece by Romain Rolland, one of my favorite authors.

First, let me briefly explain what kind of person Romain Rolland is. Romain Rolland was a writer born in Paris, France in 1866. He had a wide range of interests in literature, music, history, etc., and wrote many books. He took an anti-war stance during World War I and participated in the international peace movement. Although he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1921, he continued to deepen his ties with Eastern cultures such as India and China. He died in Switzerland in 1940.

And I will briefly explain what kind of work "Jean-Christophe" is. ``Jean-Christophe'' is a 10-volume long novel written by Romain Rolland over 10 years. This work is set in Europe from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, and depicts the turbulent life and art of musician Jean-Christophe.

Jean-Christophe was a boy blessed with musical talent from an early age, but he struggled to gain the understanding of those around him. From Germany he moved to France, where he met many different people and experienced love and friendships, but he always remained true to his beliefs and ideals. Although he was involved in social and political upheavals, he never compromised and continued to pursue his own music.

In this work, the model for Jean-Christophe's life and art is Beethoven, a man whom Romain Rolland was always fond of. Romain Rolland was deeply impressed by Beethoven's music and deeply interested in his life and thoughts. He also wrote a biography and study of Beethoven, and his views on music and humanity overlap with those of Romain Rolland himself.

``Jean-Christophe'' is a work by Romain Rolland that depicts his ideal human image, but it is also an expression of his own life and art. Romain Rolland maintained his anti-war stance during World War I, and although he was criticized and attacked a lot, he never wavered from his beliefs. He continued to advocate for human peace and cultural exchange.

Jean-Christophe is the work for which Romain Rolland won the Nobel Prize in Literature, but more than that, it is the cry and song of his soul. By reading this work, we can feel his passion, suffering, hope, and love. We can also get an opportunity to think about our own lives and art.

This work may seem long and difficult, but please give it a read. This is sure to be a masterpiece that will remain in your heart.


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