






A girl's life changed by music - A story about Mozart's "Turkish March"

Once upon a time, there lived in a small village a girl who loved music. Her name was Ingrid. Ingrid found an old record player in the village library, and she listened to music on it every day. The record player had hardly been used and was covered in dust, but Ingrid took good care of it. She combined her own feelings into her music and enjoyed a variety of songs. Among them, her favorite was Mozart's "Turkish March." The song awakened Ingrid's sense of adventure and her sense of fun.

One day, while Ingrid was listening to her "Turkish March," she tried playing it her way on a small keyboard next to the record player. Her performance reached outside the library and was heard by the villagers. The villagers came to the library wondering what was going on. And I listened intently to Ingrid's performance. The bright and light melody of the first part conveyed Ingrid's joy, and she made the villagers' hearts flutter. In the second part, "Allegretto," a beautiful melody began to flow, bringing tenderness and healing to the hearts of the listeners. Finally, when we returned to the first part, Ingrid's performance became exciting and lifted the spirits of the villagers.

When Ingrid finished her performance, the villagers were moved and applauded. She was able to touch people's hearts with her music. From that day on, Ingrid became loved by many people as a village musician.

This story is inspired by Mozart's "Turkish March." "Turkish March" is adventurous and fun music. Music can convey deep emotions that cannot be expressed in words. And, like Ingrid, each of us can light a smile in the hearts of others by finding our own joy and sharing it with the world.

Everyone, please listen to “Turkish March”! Every time I hear this song, I want to start dancing (lol) Music is amazing, isn't it!

(Ingrid Haebler  1929 - 2023)




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